My burning glare was focused on my husband, showing him just how disappointed and displeased that I got to know something that concerns me from others, rather than his own mouth.
‘What does she mean, Tyrone?’
‘Honey, I can explain. Please just let me explain before you jump to conclusions.’ He advanced towards me, taking my hands in his.
I sighed before nodding for him to start.
‘Lee and Lucas captured both Mason and his wife the night you ordered them to, but since you were unconscious I told them to lock them up in the basement of Devan’s mansion until you’re available.
‘But they managed to get away somehow while you were asleep.’ He said.
‘Is that all? Is that the only thing you’re hiding from me?’ I knew there was something else, his expression was saying it all, but I wanted to hear it from him.
‘Dana is missing too.’ He informed.
I was surprised to hear that. I left that bitch with my men, I trusted them to obey my orders.
He was next to me in a flash. ‘Call Dan, tell him to bring his ass over to my office. I’ll be waiting for you both there.’ I ordered icily.
‘Right away.’
What I liked the most about Lee is that he knows when I’m serious and when I’m in a playful mood.
I walked to my bundles of joy to see them surrounding their brothers and blabbing to them about something related to games and all that. They never left their side since we came home from the hospital.
When the twins were out of the incubator Elton asked for them to be put in their room, and when I declined he started crying saying he wanted to be together with his baby brothers and to watch over them.
He kept my dress clutched tightly in his small fists while sobbing. At first I thought it was one of his acts to get what he wants but when I saw how red and puffy his eyes were, I picked him up immediately and started to calm him down. However he refused and kept his head in my neck sobbing real hard until I agreed, he then looked at me with a big grin before kissing my cheeks thanking me multiple times and promising to take care of them. I chuckled at his enthusiasm and pecked his nose and lips before putting him down.
They never left their side since then.
I headed upstairs to get prepared for the meeting I’m about to have after entrusting one of the Nuns with the kids, I could hear Tyrone’s footsteps behind me.
‘I’m going out, but I’ll try to come back as soon as possible.’ I informed him when we entered our bedroom. ‘You’re listening?’ I asked when he didn’t answer.
‘Tyrone, what’s wrong?’ I turned around when he still didn’t answer.
‘You’re not mad that I hid this information from you?’ He asked, cautious.
He came to my side and put his hands on my head before frowning slightly, then his hand went to my cheek and my neck before I decided to snap him out of whatever state he was in. ‘What are you doing?’ I asked barely keeping my laughter at bay because I know exactly what he was doing, and his facial expression wasn’t helping at all.
‘Are you sure you’re okay?’ He asked. ‘No, I think you’re still not fully healed.’ He answered himself, still supporting the same expression.
It was so comical that I couldn’t fight the giggle that escaped my mouth. He looked at me with a questioning gaze. ‘Is it that unbelievable for me to let something slide.’
‘Yes.’ He answered without even taking the time to think it over.
‘My bad, then. Would you like for me to deal with you after I finish my meeting or before I go?’ I asked amused seeing he was still lost, but my statement seemed to snap him out of his dazed state.
‘No, I prefer it this way.’ He answered, alarmed.
I shook my head before heading to the closet, still giggling.
‘I’ll be coming with you, by the way.’ Tyrone said after me.
I knew why he’s doing it, he was afraid something might happen to me while I was gone. Something like the last time’s incident, so I just nodded my head in agreement.
‘So Dan, tell me exactly what happened to cause the woman I ordered to rot in that pool to have escaped?’ I asked the almost trembling man sitting across from me and my husband. I admire his courage for trying to appear as a man enough to face my heated glare.
‘I really don’t know, Ma’am.’ He replied.
‘What is that supposed to mean?’ I raised an eyebrow at him.
‘I left to go to the bathroom, leaving Max with her only to come back to find the two men knocked out and her vanished.’ He explained.
‘Would that really be a simple coincidence?’ I asked suspiciously.
‘If you mean to ask if I was involved in any of this, then my answer is no. I wasn’t. I would never betray Lee after everything he did for me, I’m not one to bite the hand that feeds me.’ He said.
I looked at him for awhile before diverting my gaze to Lee. ‘Can you vouch for that?’
‘I trust him.’ Lee confirmed.
‘Then I trust you.’ I said looking at Dan once again.
‘Thank you very much.’ He said looking at both of Lee and I.
‘But you’re going to be the one to find them because they disappeared under your watch, and by ‘They’ I mean all of them.’
‘Of course, Ma’am.’ He obliged.
‘As for us, we’ll be going on with my next phase of the plan. Just because they’re not visible doesn’t mean we can’t harm them.’ I smirked looking at Lee.
He looked at me confused before a smirk crept up his lips too. ‘Certainly.’ He replied.
He knew exactly what was running in my mind, what I wanted to do, and what got me excited all of a sudden and despite the situation we’re in.
I turned to the other figure in the room. ‘It’s time you make it up to me.’ I said looking at Macy who was standing in the other corner of the room, silently observing everything. ‘It’s your only chance.’
She nodded her head with eagerness, to show me she was ready for everything as long as she gains my forgiveness.
I, then turned to my confused husband.
‘I think I know who’s behind all this shit we’ve been going through.’