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I threw the pile of news papers on the ground in rage. How the fuck isn’t it mentioned in any of the fucking NEWS PAPERS! It was a brutal attempted murder, how come all the attendees of the event remained quiet!

I thought is she was provoked enough and showed her true colours, people would come to know her true self and report her. Then my dream would be a step closer and a huge obstacle would be out of my way.

However someone just had to fucking step in and ruin everything, no wonder I hate women, They’re just too nosy for their own good.

‘WHAT?’ I snapped at whomever was calling when I picked up after countless rings.

‘Your plan went down the drain, that bitch is still free and pretty much well!’

Here comes another whining fucking child, is there anywhere or time I can have some peace of mind without troubles rising! ‘You fucking called me just to state the obvious!’ I was furious.

‘Well, that and to remind you of your promise.’

‘What promise? I don’t remember making any promises.’ I feigned ignorance.

‘You Can’t fucking back down now that we helped you in your schemes!’ A scream went through the phone, damaging my eardrum with the squeaky voice,

‘I Can do whatever the fuck I want, and don’t you dare yell at me again!’ I retorted in the same manner. ‘Now, be good and follow my orders and everything will be solved.’ I ordered before hanging up, I don’t have enough time nor tolerance to entertain spoiled people.

Now I have to find another way to bring the fucking bitch down.

I picked my phone up and dialled a number I knew all too much. ‘We need to meet, it’s urgent!’ I demanded the moment the call connected.

‘Tomorrow 10 am.’ Then he hung up.

How typical, he was always a man of few words….

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