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Updated: Oct 5, 2022


I know it would take Tyrone awhile to reach home, so I might as well take some rest since we can’t do anything without him here and I know he would be pissed if he found out I didn’t comply with what he said. Not to mention I can barely walk without feeling the dizziness.

I took a long relaxing bath, wore one of my night gowns, and I headed to bed.

Soon Darkness engulfed me in its warm and welcoming embrace.

I stirred when I felt myself being lifted from the bed into a warm embrace. ‘Tyrone.’ I whispered, my voice husky from sleep.

‘Shhh, Baby, sleep. We still have sometime before we reach there.’ He said softly in my ear before pecking my neck, he was right it’s an hour and a half drive from our home to the other mansion. So I surrendered to sleep once again.

When I woke up later it was almost time for the party. I freaked out because I was yet to prepare anything for it, and it’s almost time for the guests to start coming, I didn’t even shower nor dress the kids yet.

I was about to open the door when it flew open and a very annoyed looking Tyrone came in, he looked up and saw that I was awake. He smiled at me and kissed me.

‘Why didn’t you wake me up, Tyrone?’ I asked annoyed at myself.

‘It’s okay, honey. Everything is under control, you just need to start preparing yourself.’ He said smiling.

‘You mean you did everything?’ He nodded. ‘You even prepared the kids?’

‘Come on, baby. Stop looking at me like I’ve never bathed our children or clothed them before.’ He said frowning cutely. Well, cute is definitely not the right word for a very tall, handsome and manly man like him, but still.

‘Yeah, and it ended up in a disaster each time. Do I have to remind you of how the house looked every time you decided to help me with them?’ I asked playfully.

He rolled his eyes at me. “Yeah, whatever. The intention is what is counted. It’s not my fault that they turn into little devils whenever it was bath time.’ He defended.

I chuckled. ‘Only with you.’

‘Well, this time they decided not to create havoc mainly because they saw how tired you are, and they were excited as well.’ He said.

‘Is that all?’ I asked knowing exactly what was missing.

‘Okay, maybe I got a little help from Ethan.’ He mumbled.

I laughed harder. ‘Uhmm, now that’s imaginable.’

‘You really enjoy making fun of me, don’t you?’ He asked advancing towards me, slowly. Predatorily.

‘Whatever you’re thinking don’t you dare do it.’ I said while retreating back, slowly.

‘Oh, I’m so going to do it.’ He then lunged at me, and started tickling the living daylights out of me. I was almost screaming with how much laughing I did, my lungs burned for air.

After awhile he took mercy on me, and stopped. He stood up, stripped of his suit jacket and headed towards the walk - in closet on the other side of the room. But not before kissing me slightly. ‘Hurry up, they guests are about to arrive.’ He said from the closet.

I headed towards the bathroom to take my shower.

Two hours later I was finished and ready to head down stairs. I was wearing a navy blue sleeveless dress with a slit from my thigh down, Tyrone was wearing a black Armani suit with a navy blue shirt.

The kids’ clothes all included some navy blue colour in them, be it a handkerchief, a shirt, a tie, or an Accessory.

That’s how obsessed I was of the colour. It’s my favourite colour, and I made sure all of our closets contained enough of it.

Tyrone said it was my obsession.

When we went downstairs we started mingling with the guests that were almost filling the house. The boys were as usual secluding themselves from the others, I rolled my eyes at them. They were beyond repair.

‘Tyrone!’ I called looking at him.

‘Yes, baby?’ He looked down at me.

‘I’ll use the restroom, and I’ll be right back.’ I informed.

He nodded before reluctantly letting go of me, I made my way out of the crowded area, and into the house when a booming voice stopped me in my tracks. ‘How could you do this to me, Elize?’ Yelled an overly familiar voice, making me smirk.

I turned around to meet his angry eyes. ‘Hello, Mr Black.’ I curtsied.

‘Don’t you fucking act like we’re strangers!’ He was angry alright, just not nearly as much as me.

‘What we are, then? Friends, siblings, lovers, or exes?’ I asked in mock confusion while taping my lower lip. ‘Cat got your tongue?’ I taunted when he didn’t answer.

‘Did you hate me that much?’ He asked in a hurt tone, one I knew very well to be fooled with twice.

‘What do you mean?’ I feigned ignorance.

‘YOU TOOK OVER MY COMPANY ILLEGALLY!’ So much for fake innocence. He wanted people to gather around us to get a glimpse of my true colours. Which happened, in a matter of moments a huge audience was already assembled around us. Little did he know I wanted them to see what I’m capable of when crossed. I don’t give two flying fucks about others’ opinion, I’m no longer the timid little girl I used to be.

I do whatever I want, whenever I want.

‘My company you mean?’ I corrected in a calm tone.

‘The fuck is that supposed to mean?’ He yelled when he heard people whispering among themselves when heard the new disclosed information.

‘Didn’t the company that you own now belong to Peter Pearson who happened to be my late father?’

‘IIII - I.’

‘You are still the same pussy who hid behind his slut of a wife when caught in his own trap, dear Mason?’ I chuckled.

‘YYy - I.’

‘STOP FUCKING STUTTERING LIKE A FUCKING PATHETIC BITCH!’ I was pissed that he was still not up to my standards, even after all those years.

‘Don’t you fucking yell at my husband!’ The slut just couldn’t keep her butt out of others’ business.

Julienne, Julia, dearest, I’m not the same Elize who was slapped and kicked out of her own fucking property for your sake,’ I advanced towards her, until I was next to her ear. ‘I can make you both vanish from the face of the earth without a single trace with the snap of my fingers.’ I whispered and smirked when I heard her gulping audibly.

‘So I suggest you butt out of this, and stick to your business until you’re asked otherwise.’ I ordered glaring at her, when I moved from her. ‘I see your taste is still as worthless and classless as it used to be.’ I said referring to her cheap whore perfume.

‘HOW FUCKING DARE YOU INSULT MY WIFE!’ Mason was about to slap me, but before I could act. His hand was grabbed, and he was yanked back from me roughly making him wince.

‘Consider yourself lucky the air of your slap didn’t reach my wife’s hair or you’d have been hand - less by now’ Tyrone’s dark voice brought chills to even me, he wasn’t the Tyrone I knew. HE was like how Devan is when dealing with anybody outside the family, I never knew he could master such a cold, dark, and dangerous tone.

‘Wwwho the fuck are you?’ Mason asked scared shitless. Tyron threw the hand he was holding roughly, not bothering to answer him. He came my way, and start inspecting me for injuries.

‘Baby, are you okay?’ he asked.

‘Baby? So he’s the new Fuck - Boy you acquired after your previous one died? I see you’re still the same weak whore who hid behind her men!’ Is this slut for real, isn’t it obvious who was the real whore here?’ Is that his bastard you’re carrying? One thing for sure you do know how to pick them up!’ She added eyeing my bump and then Tyrone from head to toe.

Rage filled my whole being, how fucking dare she. ‘You just committed the mistake of your fucking life!’ I fished my gun from my holster on my thigh, and shot her on the shoulder. ‘For badmouthing Jason after killing him brutally.’

I shot her a second time on the other shoulder. ‘For threatening me with my unborn child indirectly.’

Then another, on her thigh. ‘For eye - raping my husband in front of my fucking eyes.’

Then one last one on her other thigh. ‘For mistaking me for the stupid bitch you robbed nine years ago.’ I concluded laughing.

Screams erupted from the audience, and from the fucking slut who was now on the ground with her pathetic excuse of a husband comforting her. ‘YYy - you…’

I laughed at her misery, a weird part of me enjoying the screams and fear. I would rather have them fearing me than thinking of harming me or my family.

‘You’ve got no idea what monster you created by stabbing me in the back when I trusted you more than Jason and my own father?’ I said eyeing Mason, who was gulping in fear. Such a pussy! ‘Well, You’ll be seeing a lot of the beast you poked back to life, that I assure you. Claiming my father’s hard work back was just the beginning. I will make sure you feel exactly what I felt all those years ago. I will repay the overdue debt with the interest. You can look forward to that because I sure as hell will.’ He was literally shaking.

‘You said I chose my men perfectly, well, I see you still chose the garbage of the society as the whore that you are.’ I glared at the trembling mess of a slut that was laying on my floor, polluting it.

‘COME IN!’ Another pathetic excuse of a human being entered the picture, trembling as well. ‘Show them, ton - ton!’ I ordered icily.

He put a CD on the DVD player, and took the remote shakily before clicking on the play button.

On the screen, the Oh - so - refined woman was so busy sucking the face of a man who was a millionaire alright, but was known of raping minor girls. Yet, she was the one who was eagerly, passionately and lovingly even making out with him.

Gasps were heard. Mason sat there with her head on his lap looking at the video pathetically. However from the hopelessness that was showing in his eyes, I knew he was aware of their affair but was too weak to confront her. ‘Is that the woman you chose over me, the one you stole my life from me for? The reason you threatened me with Jason’s life if I didn’t sign my inheritance, my father’s company over to you only to kill him few hours later?’

I stated looking at him. ‘You’re such a pathetic bastard, even now still not man enough to stand for your own, and believe me when I say I’ll be having lots of fun breaking you the same you did to me if not worse.’ I said before throwing the remote control to him and walking out.

‘Fucking ungrateful bastard, serves you right!’ I heard someone say, and looked up only to see the same woman from our wedding anniversary who thanked me for standing up for her friend, whom I forgot her name, She was glaring right into Mason as if she could burn him if she concentrated HARD enough, the seriousness she was putting into the sight was so comically 'amusing' that I couldn’t help but laugh from my heart. Causing her to look at me in surprise first, but then a tender smile crossed her features.

It was a refreshing sight, instead of the frightened or the pitiful looks I was getting at the time.

‘Enjoy, your dinner everybody, it’s about to be served.’ I smiled her way before going inside the house, Tyrone right by my side. ‘Get rid of them before we come back down, and clean this mess up.’ Tyrone instructed Lee, Claus and Luke who were trailing behind us. They nodded and went back out.

Now I have to talk to Tyrone about what’s really going on. If my assumptions are right we’ll be having a long conversation about lying and shielding the truth. I really wish for it to be a part of my imagination.

I sighed, problems seemed never ending, and I think I’m developing a migraine….

‘I hope you get the hint about Tyrone’s secret. If not then you’ll get to know it in the next update.”

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