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Writer: Sonia KennedySonia Kennedy



‘Who is it?’ I questioned the moment I entered the questioning room. I have to get back to the hospital as soon as possible.

I don’t want to be away from them for a long time.

‘I - I don’t know what you’re tal….’

‘Let’s skip the clichés, shall we?’ I cut the severally beaten Truck driver before he could complete his overly used sentence.

‘We rrr- really don’t know!’ The other driver assured.

‘Oh, you really want to go there, don’t you?’ I glared at the trembling men. ‘Very well then.’ I said rolling my sleeves up.

‘Luca!’ In a blink Luke was next to me with my kit. ‘I’m going to share with you a beautiful technique I learned from my beautiful wife, you know what that is?’ I asked the bleeding one.

They shook their heads.

‘WORDS!’ I Boomed.

‘NNno, Sir.’ They answered in unison.

‘You’ll know soon.’ I smirked. ‘Now who wants to be the first?’ I asked casually looking at my kit, still not sure what to choose.

‘I believe I asked a question.’ I added when they kept looking between each other instead of answering when they saw my weapon of choice. ‘And I expect an answer!’

‘Him!’ Again they shouted simultaneously, pointing at each other.

I chuckled at them, ‘Then I Believe I’ll be the one to choose.’ Then I pointed at the truck driver, ‘You!’

It was all it took before he was screaming his lungs out for mercy. ‘I’ll tttell yyyou, please just spare me. I have a wife and kids to look after.’ He pleaded clutching my trousers tightly.

‘You didn’t think of that before you crashed into my wife and unborn children with your vehicle, so don’t you fucking try to win my compassion with the thing you almost snatched from me.’ I screamed threateningly before shoving him away from me harshly.

I nodded towards my men to strap him in the chair, he was still screaming and thrashing violently. ‘Now, I don’t have the time for pleasantries, so I’ll get right to the point. I said, then dug the knife into his right eyeball before pulling it out violently along with the bloody eyeball.

He screamed like never before in pure agony. ‘You know my eldest son almost killed himself because he thought he lost his mom, my youngest tears never dried since that day you decided money was above conscience, and my two princesses cry every night for their mother to put them to sleep, and my unborn children……’ I dug the knife into his other eyeball, intensifying his bloodcurdling screams.

‘You should be thankful it’s just you that’s going through this because of your dumb move nearly had cost my wife’s life, you family would be the ones that are screaming now, and you’d be forced to watch it before I end you too. Only it wouldn’t be like this hurried session we’re having now, it would’ve been much much More painful and slow.’ I said after pulling the knife out along with his other eyeball. ‘Now I shall introduce you to my dear wife’s technique.’ I grinned at him despite knowing he can’t see me, but I’m sure my voice described my enthusiasm. Then I ushered for Claus to bring me the bottle.

I sprayed some on his right eyeball socket first, and when I heard the agonised voices he was releasing. I did the same to the other.

The Beast enjoyed the bloody scene before him, he wallowed in the tortured screams and whimpers of the one responsible for our loved ones agony, and I couldn’t help but bask in it too. It gave out a insanely relaxing sense of comfort after the incidents of the past few months.

It may sound wrong, maniac even but I’m starting to regret ever caging the beast inside me. This dark side of me was - is the only thing that can relieve my stressed self, after my sweet wife and kids of course. Its wicked deeds are what defines me, and I’m going to enjoy hunting those responsible of the bad things my family had gone through.

They will wish to have never crossed paths with me, to have never awakened the darkness in me.

When the man’s screams slowly started to die down, turning into faint whispers. I slit his throat slowly and painfully. Refusing to give him any gesture of comfort or mercy.

He deserved none, not after watching my wife and kids slowly dying, favouring money over innocent lives.

Then I turned to the other horrified man that was on the other side of the room. ‘Changed your mind yet, or you still need another boost?’ I arched an eyebrow at him.

‘NNNo, SSSir. Here yyyou gggo!’ He said forwarding his shaking hands with his phone.

‘Is that all?’ I asked suspiciously.

‘E-everything we did is recorded here. We’ve never met the individual in person but I know it’s a woman.’ He said hurriedly, still pathetically stuttering.

I snatch the phone from him harshly before handing it to Lee to see if what he said was true.

Minutes late Lee came back with the phone in his hand. ‘It’s all in here, sir. We don’t know the instigator’s ID yet but I’m sure we’ll be able to find out with all of this information in here.’ He confirmed the man’s words.

I nodded still looking at the shaking mess in front of me. ‘You’re going to die either ways for your attempt to murder my wife, but since you cooperated willingly I’ll let you choose the way you want to die.’ I informed.

‘Aaanyway is fffine as long as it’s quick, but can I ask one last thing?’ His tone was sad in the last part.

I nodded in confirmation.

‘Can you tttake care of my family? I was the only breadwinner they have.’ The man said tears spilling out of his eye uncontrollably. Now that I have a closer look at him, he wasn’t even a man, he was just a mere boy.

I was planning to take care of their families after I kill them without them asking. I wasn’t that much heartless to leave a bunch of innocent people with nothing after I killed their only source of income. Even if they were the ones whom instigated my wrath.

I was never one to hesitate when it comes to paying people back or showing them why I was not to be taken lightly even if I was retired.

However when I looked at this little boy who couldn’t be a day older than 20 years old. I just couldn’t bring myself to pull the trigger. I imagined my Ethan or Elton in his place. If we were less fortunate I know they’d do anything to make sure we have three meals a day, and I most certainly would have wished for me to have mercy on them.

So I retreated the gun from its position into my waist band. ‘You can go!’ The kid widened his once tightly closed eyes in confusion.

‘Really!’ He asked incredulously.

I Nodded.


I raised an eyebrow. ‘I can still change my mind if you want me To!’ I stated, amused by his reaction.

He shook his head furiously. ‘NNNo, no. Thank you very much Sir, I’ll do everything I can to repay your kindness.’ He said almost kissing my feet. I held him up before he could.

‘You can repay me by starting to go to school regularly and excelling in it. You said you’re your family’s only breadwinner, but you can’t do much to help them if you keep on taking this path. I’ll fund your schooling, and I’ll take care of your family for as long as it takes before you are able enough to support them wholly. How’s that for you?’

‘You’d really do that? For me? The one who almost killed your wife?’ I nodded. ‘Yes, yes! Of course I’d love to do that?’ He said enthusiastically.

I nodded before gesturing to Luca. ‘Give him your and your’s family’s information, he’ll take care of it all.’ I said, then walked to him, patted his head slightly.

‘I never want to see or hear that you’re back on this path.’ I warned.

‘Never!’ He said determined.

I nodded and exited the room. My phone rung, I fished it out and accepted the call immediately when I saw it was from the hospital.

‘Mr Robert, you have to come as quick as you can. Your wife is awake and is about to harm herself.’ The frantic voice of the nurse rung through the phone. I hung up and immediately raced to my car before speeding to the hospital.

When I reached her floor, doctors and nurses were outside trying to open the door while the noise of things breaking could be heard inside the room. I ran to them, pushed them aside before speaking through the door.

‘Elize, baby, open the door. It’s me Tyrone.’ I said softly.

Moments later the door flew open revealing a sight I never want to see again for the rest of my existence. Elize stood there as broken and disorientated as ever. Her hands were trembling but still clutching tightly to her flat stomach. It wrenched at my heart.

I’ve lost it, Tyrone. I lost our baby!’ She said crying, then she looked behind me and her saddened look turned venomously lethal. She charged towards me with a small scalpel in her hand, still supporting the same look.

‘BECAUSE OF YOU!’ She screamed, only then I looked behind me to see Brandon standing there with a defeated look.

What the fuck is he doing here!

I caught Elize before she could ram the scalpel in his heart. She started thrashing in my tight embrace, desperately trying to release herself but in vain. ‘Let me go! Let me kill him, I lost my baby because of him. Let me kill him or kill me!’ She threatened and when I didn’t let go of her, she tried to plant the scalpel in her stomach.

Luckily, I caught her hands and pried the scalpel from her hold, but she kept crying and repeating the same words as if it was a mantra to mend her bruised Heart.

‘You didn’t !’ I finally said.

‘What do you mean?’ She stilled in my arms.

‘Our babies are alive.’ I assured.

‘Babies?’ She asked confused. It was a given since we didn’t know it was the case, in the ultrasound pictures only one appeared.

‘Yes, babies. Two boys.’

‘Twins?’ I nodded, kissing her hair. ‘My babies are okay.’ She whispered in disbelief.

‘Perfectly fine, but still need one more month in the incubator since they were born a month earlier.’ I explained.

‘How? If I remember right, the way the cars crashed us, there was no way we would have survived.’ She inquired.

‘It was indeed a miracle, the doctors almost lost hope when they saw your state and how much blood you’ve lost, but after some check ups they came to know there was a slight chance of both you and the kids to survive only if you were put in a medically induced coma until you were due.’ I explained.

‘Why?’ She asked with a frown.

‘Because of the stress you were exposed to along with the force of the crash, but luckily you shielded your stomach from most of the impact which helped a lot. It also helped that the other car didn’t hit your side of the car. However if you weren’t put into a coma, you could have risked both your life and theirs.’

‘How long have I been out, then?’

‘Six months. You were supposed to wake up after the kids were born which was a month ago but you didn’t, I’m not sure why’s that?’ I clarified.

‘Take me to them, please.’ She asked.

I sighed. ‘Elize, you need to rest first…’

‘I have to see them, to see for myself that they’re fine, please Love.’ She pleaded on the verge of tears.

‘Okay, let’s go!’ We broke the hug before I grabbed her hand in mine, leading her out of the room.

When we reached the incubator room, she immediately let go of my hand and walked to the glass wall that was separating us from them. She put her trembling hand, and heaved a shaky breathe. Tears of happiness and relief spilling from her eyes. ‘My babies are really alive.’ She whispered, looking at them adoringly.

I was stunned how did she recognise them when she never saw them and I didn’t point them out from the other babies, but I know I really shouldn’t because she has a special connection to all our babies. To think that it would be the last time…

‘What did you name them?’ She asked still looking at them as if afraid if she diverted her eyes from them they would vanish.

I walked to her and hugged her from behind, kissing her neck slightly before responding, ‘Callon and Cy.’

‘How?’ She turned in my embrace and rested her chin on my chest looking at me with wide eyes.

‘The same way I got Ethan’s name? I winked at her.


‘You were murmuring it in your sleep.’ I revealed.

‘I murmured Ethan’s name in my sleep?’

I nodded. ‘When you came along, I was yet to name him because he was just born. However he clung to you the moment he laid in your embrace, and refused to ever be apart from you. Then I came in one night to feed him, only to find him fast asleep in your arms with his pacifier in his mouth and you murmuring the name repeatedly while hugging his tiny body to your chest.’ I explained.

‘So you named him that.’ She stated more than asked.

‘Yes, it might sound weird but responded to the name immediately by smiling in his sleep. Besides I liked the name too.’ I shrugged.

She smiled pecking my lips. ‘I love you.’ She confessed.

I returned the kiss, grinning myself. ‘I know.’ I teased.

She pouted cutely before scrunching her nose in disappointment. ‘That’s it?’

‘Were you expecting more?’ I feigned ignorance.

She slapped my chest, glared at me then turned to face our kids again. I chuckled before bringing her closer to me, nuzzling her neck. ‘I missed you so very much, I missed your voice, your playfulness, your banter, missed seeing you with our children, and in our home. I love you more than words can ever describe.’ I confessed kissing her all over her neck softly.

She turned in my arms once again, and hugged me closely. ‘I’m sorry for the fright I put you and our kids through.’ She said, pecking my neck near my throat.

‘You never have to apologise, just make sure you never act spontaneously once again. I never want to go through this ordeal ever again.’ I comforted.

‘Now Let’s get you back to your room as I still have something to tell you.’ I said, she nodded looking one last time at our tiny bundles of joy. She kissed her hand and placed it on the glass wall before I grabbed her hand and led her back to her hospital room.

‘What’s wrong?’ She said after I closed the door behind us and she settled on the bed.

‘I don’t really know how to deliver this.’ I said a bit hesitant.

‘Tyrone, what is it? You’re scaring me.’ She said with a hint of dread in her tone.

‘I have not pleasant news to tell you about.’

‘Okay!’ She dragged the ‘a’ sound, looking at me suspiciously while urging me to continue at the same time.

‘Just promise me you won’t let it upset you that much.’ I tried to bargain, but also to delay the dreaded moment as much as possible.

‘Come on, Tyrone, are you trying to drain what’s left of my life essence with this scary suspense you’re playing now? Spill it already!’ I couldn’t help but chuckle at her exaggeration. She was getting more and more agitated by the second.

Soon my smile faded, and I could feel my expression turning serious. I looked right into her waiting eyes before blurting.

‘You might never be able to conceive again.’


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