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Writer: Sonia KennedySonia Kennedy



‘Good morning, Mrs Robert.’ The receptionist greeted when I entered. I nodded her way before going to my private elevator.

The elevator opened once we reached the top floor of the building. Claus and I made our way to my office to find Lee standing next to the door and the whole floor was deserted as I instructed.

I couldn’t wait to see his expression when he finally would realise it was me all along. That I’m the owner of all of this - his owner. Not Sophia, no - one else but me.

Claus opened the door for us, Lee was the first to enter then I followed him.

The son of a bitch was busy admiring the office in a dreamy gaze, almost as if he was wishing he could rob it just like he did with my other possessions. ‘Long time no see, ton - ton.’ I decided to snap him out of whatever daze he was in.

He looked up startled before he met my eyes, he seemed to have troubles remembering me. I chuckled, making my way to the lone couch across from him. ‘What? Having troubles remembering me?’ I feigned hurt. ‘Did I change that much, ton - ton?’

‘Who are you? How did you know that name?’ He tried to appear tough.

‘Have I really lost that much weight? Well, at least you remember the nickname.’ I shrugged.

‘E-Eliz-e?’ He was baffled.

‘Were you that sure I was dead? Didn’t your so called friends tell you what really took place that night?’ They were so predictable that it was getting boring. ‘Is that why you could sleep with utmost comfort for the past nine years?’

He was on his knees in a blink of an eye, begging for his pathetic life. ‘I - I’m sorry, so sorry, Young miss. I shouldn’t have betrayed Master.’

I laughed bitterly, he was nothing but a backstabbing coward. ‘Oh, you will be, that I guarantee.’ I leaned back on the couch, crossing my legs, deliberately putting my shoe next to his face. Almost touching his pathetic sweating cheek.


‘But I have something for you to do before that.’ I informed, cutting his useless apology off.

‘Aaa- anything!’ He was eager.

‘Don’t go promising things you don’t know to people you don’t know, that’s basically signing your death warrant off. Believe me I know.’ I emphasised the last sentence.

‘I’m (s)…’

‘Oh, cut it off already! We both know you’re only saying that to save your useless ass.’ I said patting his greasy hair mockingly. ‘Now onto the real business. You’ll be working for me now on, you already passed your test when you accepted Sophia’s deal.’

‘What is that supposed to mean?’ He asked.

‘It means my dear ton - ton, that this company is mine, I planned this whole thing to get you on board and let me tell you it was way easier than what I initially thought. Sophia was just a pawn in my plan like all of you.’ I laughed at his horrified expression.

‘This is but the beginning my dear ton - ton, you’re yet to see the true Monster you lot created. It’s way too early for you to support those kinds of expressions.’

He gulped and started trembling, trying to get a hold of my leg, but I pushed him away from me knowing what words would follow his actions. ‘Now, Now, ton - ton, this pair is my husband’s favourite. I can’t let you dirty it with those dirty hands of yours, now can I.’ I taunted.

‘Do we have a deal, ton - ton?’ I asked after awhile. Do you still want to be Mason’s Bum Boy, or do you want to Freelance or render out your services for a price?

He paled instantly before nodding his head frantically. ‘Y- yes. I would do anything for you!’ He agreed enthusiastically.

I chuckled bitterly. ‘For money you mean.’ I corrected.

He actually had the guts to look away in guilt. ‘Your job is easy actually, you would do the exact same thing you did nine years ago but with a slight change of roles. I want those papers. I don’t care how you obtain them as long as they are in my hands, legally sealed.’ I commanded with an ice cold tone. He deserved nothing other than that.

‘However, you betray me a second time, and I’ll enjoy slitting your throat, slowly watching the life drain from your eyes.’ I threatened.

All the colour drained from his face. ‘I understand, I wouldn’t dare to double cross you. I swear on my daughter’s life.’ He promised shakily.

‘Then your daughter’s head will be the first to roll if you don’t hold up to our deal. Remember I’m not the old stupid Elize, I kill without thinking twice. I would hate to terminate your family’s lives because of a tiny mistake.’ I stood up, fixed my jacket, and headed to the door to leave. However turned around in the middle of the way. ‘Oh, I almost forgot, if anybody asked you about me, you say I am dead as far as you’re concerned. No soul should ever know of this meeting, it is our little secret.’ I put my index finger on my mouth in an ‘SHHH’ motion. Then turned around to leave.

‘L-little one!’ I froze at the nickname. ‘I’m really, sincerely sorry. I didn’t know they would go that far, otherwise I would have never cooperated with them. It was never my intention to harm you or betray the Master.’ He sounded so sincere that I was almost fooled again.

‘You could’ve fooled me if I was still the same old Elize.’ I said and was about to resume my walk to the door when he spoke again.

‘I know it’s difficult to trust me again, but I did all this for your sake. If not you would have been dead by now.’ He tried again.

‘Oh, I am alive today, but no thanks to you. My husband has all the credit for whatever that that I am and I have today, not you, not anyone else.’ I stated glaring at him.

‘I saw your pictures all over the news few days ago, I’m glad you found happiness despite everything you went through. I’m glad you have your own happy family.’ He said eyeing the tiny bulge in my stomach.

That was all I needed to lose it, I saw it as a threat that he was threatening to take my Peanut the same way they took him away from me. My mind wasn’t the one that was working at the moment it was my irrational side - my emotional side. I fished my gun from my waist band and shot his fucking shoulder, barely missing any fatal points.

He fell on the ground wincing, barely containing his screams of pain. I walked to him, leant to his height, and hissed, ‘Don’t fucking utter my husband or my kids names, don’t look at them, talk to them, or even breath in their way because believe me next time you do you won’t be the one laying in a pool of blood.’ I stood up, turned around and left.

Lee stayed behind to clean the mess I created up. Claus on the other hand was dumbfounded. He knew I can fight and know how to use guns, but this was the first time he’d seen me actually using one, that too on a person.

I shouldn’t have lost my temper in my company, a place full of people coming and going. Anyone could have entered and saw the scene I left behind. Or worse, they could’ve heard since I didn’t put a silencer on the gun. However all logic flew out of the window when I saw him eyeing my Peanut.

He may have really meant no harm, but he also could have had every intention on snatching him/her away from me like he did with my life.

I learnt the hard way to never judge based on appearance, but no actions. And his actions in the past didn’t help the matter at all.

I looked at Claus after I have calmed down a little. ‘Shocked?’ It was kind of amusing to see the big fearless hulk I considered a brother for years this shaken up.

No shit Sherlock, when did you change to this - this.’ He kept searching for the right word with no avail.

‘Speechless, I know. It isn’t the first time somebody acted like that when they first saw this side of me, and I don’t think It would be the last. Don’t worry I’ll explain everything later.’ I said chuckling a little.

‘I’m speechless because I’ve never seen you acting on impulse. You always calculate your each and every movement before acting.’ He clarified.

‘Well, that’s because I didn’t sense any threat radiating from whomever I was dealing with to my family, unlike this one.’ I said.

‘Tyrone is really one hell of a lucky man to have you, you know that right?’ He inquired.

‘I’m the lucky one to have him, he after all gave me babies, my family.’ I replied.

Tyrone is not only my saviour, but the reason I live, if he didn’t give me our kids, I wouldn’t have had a reason to live this far.

If he didn’t stick to me despite all the odds we encountered, I wouldn’t have had the reason nor the strength to fight.

He is my Rock, my everything. Because of his Persistence to protect me, and my kids.



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