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Writer: Sonia KennedySonia Kennedy


Tyrone jolted from sleep by loud screaming, stuff being destroyed, and finally a gunshot resonating in the air, he reached for his side to check if Elize was also awake or still asleep. Her side was empty and cold, he immediately knew the source of the noise.

He laid back sighing tiredly before standing up, wearing his sweatpants and headed to check on the kids before finally heading downstairs to his office where he was sure the scene was taking place, when he saw that they were still asleep, not even slightly effected by all of the screeching noise around them.

He wasn’t surprised by their lack of reaction, their kids were heavy - sleepers. Once they’re out they never wake up unless their alarms goes off which Tyrone found weird. How can an alarm be more effective than a gunshot? He shook his head to get rid of the unwanted thoughts before opening his office’s door.

Elize was holding a vase in her hands while screaming at Jason. ‘I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD, GUILT KEPT ON EATING ON ME FOR A WHOLE NINE FUCKING YEARS, I WAS SLEEP DEPRIVED BECAUSE OF FUCKING NIGHTMARES. ALL FOR A PERSON WHO WAS ALIVE AND PERFECTLY WELL!’ She threw the vase in his head’s direction, he barely dodged it before it hit his head.

E, I’m sorry! Please, at least let me explain!’ Jason pleaded, but one look at Elize’s face and her crazed features you’d know that she’s a goner.

The beast was already unleashed.

‘Explain? EXPLAIN? You had nine fucking years to do just that instead you preferred to lurk in darkness as a forgotten ghost. Now it’s too fucking late!’ She spat anger rolling off of her body in waves.

Tyrone was worried that she might hurt herself or their baby, but he knew better than to approach her or try to stop her in this state.

‘I fucking indulged in a life I so despised with my whole being. I Killed and tortured people with my own hands, all to avenge a person that could care less if I lived or died!’ She threw the gun that was in her other hand on the floor with a defeated look, and turned around walking to the door.

‘I didn’t know you survived until recently!’ He shouted behind her in the same defeated tone. ‘I really didn’t know!’ He whispered.

She whipped her head towards him. ‘What the fuck is that supposed to mean?’ Elize studied him confused.

‘You hid your tracks so well that one would think a certain Elize Pearson never existed before, I thought they caught you that night that’s why I never heard anything from you or about you.’ He explained.

‘How is that possible? Why didn’t he tell you?’ She glared at Brandon with venom.

‘I don’t know! Maybe because he didn’t know of our relationship?’ His statement came out as a question.

Jason was caught off guard when she laughed out loud. ‘Are you sure you’re the same Jason I knew? How can you be so naïve?’ She asked chuckling.

‘What do you mean?’ He was confused.

‘Tell me, Jason, how did you and Brady meet?’ Brandon flinched at her question which didn’t go unnoticed by neither of them.

‘He saved me that night, why?’ He asked.

‘Where exactly did he find you?’

‘In the same place you last saw me, in my apartment.’

‘Do you genuinely think It was a Pure coincidence that he passed by your apartment and decided to save you?’ She was looking at him like he’s Mentally Incapable.

When Jason nodded, she chuckled. ‘Oh, how naïve you’ve become, dear friend. You see, my brother here doesn’t do anything that’s not thoroughly calculated.’ She said glaring at her brother. Jason was still confused.

‘Huh?’ He felt dumb for continuously asking the same thing, but for the life of him he didn’t seem to get anything of what she was hinting at.

‘Z, plea…’

‘Did I say you could speak, brother?’ She cut him off rudely. ‘Let’s not forget you’re in my house which means you abide by my rules and orders.’ Then she reverted her attention to Jason before speaking again.

‘You see Jason, what I’m saying is that Brady here knew exactly who you are before he decided to save you because as far as I know he wasn’t supposed to be in the city that night, in fact, he wasn’t even supposed to be in the country at the time. Which means he knew something was going to happen, and that he was keeping tabs on me, am I wrong, brother?’

Jason looked at his boss and close friend in disbelief. ‘Do you mean he knew who I was? Who you were? That you were alive but chose to keep me in the dark about your whereabouts?’ He fired a question after another in disbelief.

‘I’m not the one you should ask that, now am I?’ She smiled menacingly at her brother.

The one speaking wasn’t Elize for sure, this was a completely different person from the one her brother left all those years ago. This wasn’t their dad’s little compassionate princess, but rather a wounded Cougar that would do anything to get back at those who scarred her. Her brother remarked sadly. This wasn’t the reason he left her all those years ago.

Brandon could do nothing but nodding his head sadly. ‘I didn’t want you to die because I knew it would hurt my little sister to have the only person who stood by her side in worse before better dead because of her.’ He admitted.

‘Yet you failed miserably despite your success in saving him since I suffered, a lot, more than you could ever imagine!’ She said, a tear slipping from her eyes. ‘You kept him from me for nine years, almost ten years. You kept me locked in an endless pit of agony, guilt, darkness, regret and shame. Shame of being alive, of having a happy life, beautiful family, and a loving husband, thinking that the person who deserved all of that is under layers of dirt because of me.

You killed me twice, brother, and what’s worse is that you never knew. You thought that you were doing me a favour while in fact you snatched every last 'peace of mind' away from me.’ Brandon could feel fiery arrows hit his heart at every word she uttered. He failed his late father. He caused his little princess agony.

‘I’m so sorr…’

‘Too late for apologies, don’t you think brother?’ Elize cut him off in her signature cold tone.

Tyrone knew she was hurting too, despite the cold mask she was putting on, he knew she too was hurting just as much as the two men were if not more. He felt his heart bleed for his lovely wife, no one could go through what she went through, lose what she lost and come out as strong and beautifully brave as she did.

For a gazillion time he felt proud of her, of how she maintained her pure and beautiful soul despite what the world threw her way.

She gave the two men one last look before making her way towards the door.

‘He wasn’t well!’ Mumbled Brandon.

‘BRANDON!’ Yelled Jason, only it was too late since Elize stopped once again and faced them with a frown.

‘What do you mean?’

‘DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE!’ Shouted Jason once again glaring at Brandon.

‘I’m sorry, but I have to or she’ll never forgive me!’ He apologised to Jason, looking at him sadly.

‘I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU IF YOU DO!’ Threatened Jason.

With one last look to him Brandon dropped another bomb on Elize.

‘He was in a coma!’ He revealed, barely audible.



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