‘What the fuck is wrong with you?’ Asked Elize slamming the door of our bedroom behind her.
‘Who was he?’ I asked through clenched teeth, trying as much as possible to control my raging temper.
‘WHO WAS WHO?’ She shouted. ‘I’m sick of being asked the same question again and again in the same night!’ She added.
Were you spying on me?’ She asked incredulously.
‘I wasn’t spying on you. I just happened to see you with another man.’ I said angrily.
‘Is that what this is all about? Me standing with another man?’ She asked. ‘Seriously. Do you think I’ll get a change of heart just by standing with another man.’ She added.
‘Wow, just wow!’ She exclaimed when I didn’t answer, but I’m sure my expression answered for me. She turned back making her way towards the door.
‘Where are going?’ I asked puzzled.
‘Sparing you the struggle of having to share your room with another two - faced whore.’ She spat, without stopping.
‘What the hell!’ I stormed towards her, grabbed her arms, and pinned her against the wall. ‘Is this how it’s going to be every time we fought? AM I that easily disposable for you?’ I all but yelled.
‘I won’t tolerate being degraded to a cheater by anyone, not even you. Tyrone.’ She said calmly, way too calm considering the past few minutes happenings. ‘I’m nothing like that whore of an ex you had. I don’t want to be in a relationship where I’m doubted every time I’m seen with another, and I don’t like to have to justify each and every moment I do.’ She continued.
‘I’m sorry, I just got angry at how he was looking at you, and I wanted to know who exactly he was.’ I said.
‘You’re used to men looking at me in different ways, but you were the one who said that my way of looking at them is what is important. Why didn’t you wait to check what my gaze held on that bastard? Besides all you had to do was ask me, instead of going ape shit on me with no particular reason.’ She reasoned.
‘That’s just it! You looked at him, you usually don’t bother glancing at any other man, so why him? What’s so important about him that you didn’t even notice me standing there?’
‘I didn’t look, I glared. There’s a big difference.’ She sighed. ‘He was the bastard responsible for my misery, all I could think of was how to repay his overdue debt. I thought of a million ways to torment him and his whore of a wife both physically and mentally, how can I snatch everything they have from them in the cruellest of ways possible.’ I was surprised by her tone. Of course I heard her talking in a cold calculating tone before, but this one was practically dripping with icy venom.
I felt bad for not giving her the chance to clarify anything, and - even though unconsciously - I compared her to that fucking bitch, but I completely lost my reasoning when I saw her standing with him for more than 5 minutes.
‘Is that why you didn’t reveal your identity to the world, neither as ELIZE ROBERT nor as the owner of P - Robert enterprises?’ It’s as if I finally got the answer to my most confusing question.
‘I had to, if I wanted to make sure the plan I’ve been working on since ages works. If he knew it was my company he was signing the contract with, it would certainly complicate things. He wouldn’t certainly complicate things. He wouldn’t have a choice but to sign eventually, but it could take much more time than the one I estimated. And I can’t afford any delay, nine years were long enough. No more mercy shall be shown any longer.’ She explained, confirming my theory.
‘I’m sorry. I doubted in you.’ I said releasing her hands, and hugging her tightly.
‘It’s okay. Tyrone. Just make sure this is the last time you think so low of me, If I wanted another man I wouldn’t have married you in the first place. I most of all I wouldn’t have children with you. I would have easily come up with an idea to be in Ethan’s life without being your wife.’ She said.
‘Does that mean you like me?’ I asked hopefully.
‘I love you, silly.’ She giggled slightly at my over enthusiastic tone.
‘Why didn’t you admit it before? You never said it back whenever I confess.’ I asked confused.
‘Because I thought actions speak louder than words, and I knew I would feel guilty if I admit it out loud.’ She said.
I frowned. ‘What do you mean by that? Why would you feel guilty if you admitted your love to me, your husband?’ It was just weird how she would think that way.
‘That’s another story for another time.’ She smiled sadly as she hugged me tightly, something she does whenever she is sad or insecure.
‘I wonder when that ‘another time’ would come, I’m dying to hear the stories you stored for.’ I said playfully.
She chuckled. ‘Soon. Very Soon.’ She promised giggling.
Then she stopped all of a sudden. ‘T- Tyrone. IIII’m diz…’
She didn’t get to finish her sentence before she lost consciousness. I held her tight to prevent her from falling before bending down a little to scoop her up, and laid her on our bed. ‘Claus!’ I yelled for him, I was panicking when she all of a sudden got limp in my arms. ‘CLAUS!’ I boomed when a few minutes passed and he didn’t show up. ‘Fucking come here.’
The door was thrown open and a frantic Claus came in. ‘Call the fucking doctors, I want them here in less than 5 minutes.’ I barked. ‘And make sure no noise IS made, I don’t want the kids to wake and see their mother like this.’ I ordered.
‘Yes, sir.’ Clause nodded before exiting the room.
Few minutes later I was still anxiously pacing the room waiting for the doctor when there was a faint knock on the door ‘Yati’, I barked.
The doctors along with Lee, Claus and Luca came into our room.
‘Aint mutakhir!’ I almost shouted. Anger and anxiety racing through my veins like a fucking Waterfall.
‘Nahn asfun, Alsayid Rubirt, harakat almurur.’
‘Anhah, Tamil’iilaa zawjati. Latusaliy maeaha mayukhuti j’aw satuajih aljanib ghayr alsaar miniy.’ I threatened.
‘Naeam alsayid Rubirt.’ They slightly bowed before they start checking Elize’s condition.
Sometime later one of the doctors came in the relaxing room that is inside ours. It was either it or the balcony, so I chose the mini living room to wait inside of doing it because of the windy weather. The doctor just stood there as if waiting for an invitation to inform me of Elize’s condition.
‘Well, what is wrong with her?’ I asked impatiently in English instead of Arabic, after seeing he was just standing there like a statue not giving me any news. It’s not like he doesn’t understand it anyway.
He smiled a nervous one before saying. ‘Congratulations, Sir. Mrs Robert is pregnant….’