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Updated: Jun 30, 2022

CONTINUED FROM LAST NIGHT… ‘I’m very well aware of that, and I’m really sorry I just thought that he will see you for you, not for your fortune. That’s why I kept quiet.’ She defended. ‘Please let me at least bandage your wounds.’ She offered when I didn’t answer. ‘They’re much deeper and uglier than what they actually look like. They’re too deep that they can never heal, and I will make sure they stay that way. As fresh as they are now to remind me to never trust another human being ever again.’ I said turning to leave. ‘I’m sorry. I really am.’ She said as I was about to close the door. ‘Apology not accepted.’ I retorted. I saw her flinch before she burst out crying. I slammed the door shut, and walked away. I didn’t go with anything. I didn’t want to carry anything that will remind me of that damned house, of those cursed memories. I just wanted to forget. After few minutes walk, and gasps and few shouts from people on the streets for me to go to the hospital, I finally arrived at Jason’s. I knocked and waited for him to open the door. ‘Elize! What are you doing here at this hour?’ He questioned. ‘What’s wrong with your feet?’ He asked after looking down at my feet. ‘Uh, my feet?’ I answered tiredly, looking at them, I almost forgot about it. The pain in my heart outran my physical one. ‘Elize you’re scarring me, what the hell happened that got you so out of the world.’ He asked worriedly. ‘ELIZE!’ Jason’s shout was the last thing I heard before I welcomed the darkness. I woke up after what seemed to be quite some time later. Jason was right beside my bed, nursing me as always. ‘What the hell happened to you?’ He asked angrily. ‘I - HE - HE took everything away from me. He - he robbed me out of my life.’ I cried. He immediately took me in his arms. ‘Okay, shhhh, it’s okay now. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.’ He comforted soothingly, kissing my temple. ‘It wasn’t your fault! Don’t blame yourself for their mistakes.’ I said hugging him tightly. ‘No, I shouldn’t have known that that fucking bastard would try something. There was something about him that gave me the negative vibes.’ He said. ‘Bu…’ I was cut off with multiple gunshots resonating in the air. They’re here! They fucking broke their promise, I should have never trusted a bunch of lying trash. Jason looked up confused as to what the commotion was about, since he wasn’t aware of anything. ‘Jason, we need to go now!’ I whisper yelled at him when he tried to loosen my grip on him to go to the door to see what’s happening. ‘What do you mea….’ the door broke open cutting him off, and five men each holding a gun in his hand, pointing it at us. Jason looked at me as if he realised what exactly was going on, and shouted. ‘ELIZE, RUN!!!’ TO BE CONTINUED…..

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