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Tyrone was still in the operating room trying to control Eden’s bleeding since it got worse over night.

He almost killed the head of the doctors because he was the last one to arrive because of which little Eden’s wound got worst. All of the boys refused to leave the infirmary until they knew something about their brother.

I barely convinced them to go back to their rooms and have some sleep until the morning. However my little two musketeers were just too stubborn to heed anything when it came to their brother and I was too tired and stressed to convince them.

They stayed with us in the waiting room the whole night, Ethan and Jacob didn’t even get a wink afraid something may happen while they’re asleep. I feared for their health, they’re too young to pull all nighters.

Martha excused herself for a while to attend an important phone call, other than that she never left my side. She even brought her little girl who’s extremely cute and is a friend of the boys.

The little girl was sitting between the boys holding each of their hands, despite being young she was thoughtful and genuine just like her mother. I was kind of surprised when I saw the kids, specially Ethan getting along with her pretty well, seeing he hates unfamiliarity. However he seemed quite comfortable with her, and I couldn’t be happier seeing my son finally getting out of his shell.

Tyrone didn’t come out of the operation room until it was only a couple of hours before dawn. He looked dishevelled, tired, and stressed. I walked to him. ‘How is he?’ I asked.

Tyrone snaked his arms around my waist and brought me closer, baring his face in my neck, and inhaled. We stayed in that position for awhile before he pushed back a little to observe me. ‘He’s fine, for now. We managed to stop the bleeding, but the next few hours will determine whether he’s out of danger or not.’ He said sadly.

‘What do you mean?’ I was dreading the answer.

‘The bullet hit close to his heart, it barely missed fatal points. We’re lucky he wasn’t standing still but rather running which caused the shooter to miss the fatal points.’ He explained.

I saw red, does that mean they were aiming at my Ethan’s heart? From Eden’s position when he was shot, it was clear that the fucking bullet was aimed to my son’s heart.

Oh, how I’m gonna enjoy torturing the fuckers responsible for my baby’s state.

‘Any news?’ I asked, changing the subject.

Tyrone shook his head. ‘Still waiting for Brandon’s call. Did Lee call?’

‘No, he won’t call until they’ve found something.‘ Tyrone sighed, hearing that.

‘Don’t worry, Lee would find whoever's responsible for this, he would bring them to me before dawn as instructed. I didn’t ask my Cuz to let him work for me for nothing!’ I tried to comfort him, caressing his arms gently.

He looked at me lifting his eyebrow, ‘That much confidence in him?’ I looked at him quizzically, he didn’t have a problem with Lee before. What changed now?

‘Yeah, so? It’s not like it’s something new.’ I replied, confused.

‘It’s not something new, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.’ I raised my eyebrow, urging him to continue. ‘I’m a very possessive man, Elize! I don’t appreciate men lurking around you 24/7, so if I tolerate it, doesn’t mean I like nor I approve of it. I’m simply trying to coexist with it for your sake, and because of the fact that I know where your GOLDEN HEART lays.’ He says pulling me to him.

‘I hate when you complement, look, or even breath in other men’s way. You don’t know how much I wanted to kill Claus in the past two years. Not only did he win your heart and time but my children’s too.’ He mumbled in my neck.

I didn’t know he went through all that, he was never the type to show his emotions, at least not the negative ones. I guess we do have something in common after all.

‘I’m sorry I put you through all of this.’ I hugged him tightly.

‘At that time I tried to control the searing possessiveness that was running in my veins every time I saw you two together, I thought that as long as you’re mine and he knows that, that it was all okay. However everyday I had to deal a new level of it, I barely controlled myself from doing something that I know might trigger your wrath more towards me. I hate when a man other than me touches you or our kids, and I hate when I feel like the third wheel when I’m with my family.’ He tightened his hold on me with each sentence he uttered. ‘I’m not mad at you, baby. I’m just saying that that was the last time I allow something like that to happen. It’s enough that I have to deal with another man hunting your dreams, turning them into nightmares. If he wasn’t dead I would have never allowed for it to continue. I’ll never concede defeat when it comes to you, and my kids.’ He finished.

His tone was both stern and possessive, with a hint of warning. Every passing day I discover something new about him that I didn’t know existed in him. I was about to speak when his phone rung, he broke our hug to pick it up. He went the other way of the room to speak freely without worrying of waking the children.

I looked up at them to find the boys awake but barely, and the little girl was leaning against Ethan, fast asleep. Ethan was obviously trying hard not to move much to avoid waking her up. He was so thoughtful despite his young age, I know for a fact that his arm would be numb by now, yet he was trying hard not to disturb the little one’s sleep.

Tyrone came back after awhile, a frown marring his feature. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘The boys are coming, they have something to show us.’

‘Is he with them?’ I asked.

‘Yes, they’re both with them.’

‘Then what’s wrong? What got you stressed?’ I asked confused.

He opened his mouth to answer when the door bell rung, and moments later Martha came in the infirmary. ‘You’re needed in the living room.’ She said looking between us, frowning as well. I Nodded my head, confused as to why both of them were frowning but decided against voicing my thoughts.

We exited the infirmary to the wide living room to find the shock of my life. A figure sitting on the couch with Lee, turned around to face us when he heard our footsteps.

I gasped when our eyes met, ‘B- BBBraddy?’

He was just as shocked as I was, but before he could open his mouth another figure emerged from the living room. I whipped my head to his direction when I heard him calling for Brandon, tears already pooling out of my eyes like waterfalls.

His alarmed look was the last thing I saw before the warm embrace of darkness engulfed me in.

‘Anyways, who do you think is Brandon to Elize, and who’s the mysterious guy that came out of the kitchen.

If you don’t know yet, I bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the next chapter, Kind of….’

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