Elize Robert’s POV
I got out of the house and into my car before speeding away.
I needed to teach them a lesson to never use my family in their Game, I could’ve asked Lee to capture them and bring them to me, but that would be too easy. Too boring.
I like to play with my prey’s minds, and making them fear what may come and wonder when.
I asked Devan to borrow me Lee for a few days. I need to solve this problem, but I have to figure out all the pieces of the puzzle first if I want to keep my family out of harms way. I know who was behind the kids’ accident and I know who ordered them to do it, but there’s still something missing.
I found all the instigators too easily, no one in their Sane mind would mess with me without a back up plan. Not when knowing I could erase them from the face of the earth with a snap of my fingers.
I spent the last nine years of my life making myself untouchable, not only because of my revenge but also because of my family. Especially my kids I wanted to make sure no one could ever trample on them, and that they would never experience what I went through.
For that exact reason I need to solve this mystery. I need to put a stop to whatever plan these people were brewing. For I have a strong feeling if they succeed my family will be at the receiving end of its destruction, and I always trust my hunch. For that I need Lee’s help because I don’t trust anyone to help me in this but him and my cousin, and since Devan’s busy with his family’s issues, I’m left with no one but Lee and his men.
My phone rung snapping me out of my thoughts, ‘How did it go?’ I asked as soon as I picked it up.
‘Done. We delivered it as per your instructions.’ Lee answered.
‘Thanks, you can take the rest of the day off.’ I told him.
‘Thank you.’ He said before hanging up.
Now I have to do the inevitable, I need to talk with both my husband and my eldest. I don’t really know how to tell them about my revelation, but I can’t postpone it any longer.
I can’t believe a human is capable of doing something even animals aren’t capable of doing. I sighed before parking my car in my private parking space at My company, and marching towards the door.
I wasn’t lying when I told Tyrone that I needed to attend to some work, Sophia has been calling me non- stop in the past few days telling me there was a shareholders meeting that needed my attendance personally. It just wasn’t the only work I planned on doing.
It’s been awhile now that I was sitting in this boring meeting with a bunch of old Farts whining like a freaking bitch in pain.
‘What are you hinting at Mr Thompson?’ I asked coldly when one of them tried to be the brave one of the herd by questioning my credibility. ‘Are you questioning my intentions towards my own company?’ I asked again. ‘The one I fucking built from scratch!’ I laughed humourlessly.
‘You’ve got some nerve there.’ I said after watching for a couple of minutes doing nothing but gulping audibly while opening his mouth and shutting it like the damn fish he is.
‘Don’t forget this is my company. Me and my husband are the main shareholders, and even if it wasn’t the case and you were the one with the most of the shares, I still wouldn’t tolerate being talked to in that degrading and accusing tone you just used.’ I warned coldly.
The pig nodded his fat head while sweating profusely. ‘I’m sorry Mrs Robert.’ He said. The room was dead silent, no one dared to look my way, or question my authority.
It was however odd, this was the first time anyone of the shareholders tried to cross me, and from Mr Thompson’s attempt in accusing me of the misbalance in the company’s numbers, it was almost as if he wanted to find the excuse to overthrow me.
But from the method he used, I knew instantly he wasn’t the mastermind behind this, he was just another useless pawn in this ongoing Game, and from the way he was, he was too eager to succeed in his attempt meant that whomever’s behind this promised him a lot more than what he is receiving here, and that he trusts this person’s words.
Either that or he was plain stupid for throwing both his life and his family’s on the line for empty promises.
Another one of these old geezers was about to talk when my phone rung. They all looked at me like I was retarded for not silencing my phone when I am in a meeting, little did they know I give a shit about this meeting.
My phone will never be silenced, not when it is the only connection between me and my family when I’m not around them.
‘HELLO?’ I answered the call with a hint of panic in my voice since I saw it was Tyrone.
‘Elize you need to come here, Ethan, he’s thrashing his room, and refusing to come out.’ Tyrone said.
‘On my way!’ I said already exiting the room with my keys in hand.
‘What about the meeting.’ I heard one of them asking.
‘Do it between yourselves for all I care.’ I said harshly turning to them, and glaring at each one of them hatefully.
‘You know, you can’t keep doing this. They’ll rebel against you someday. You have to give some of your attention to your company before it’s too late.’ Sophia advised, catching up to me.
‘I didn’t build it from the ground to have it stolen from me like that. Rest assured, for I have everything under control. No bunch of old perverts will ever be able to rob me out of my business.’ I said smirking.
‘You better keep your guard up.’ Sophia said smiling and I nodded before the elevator’s doors closed.
I sped to my car before heading home.
Before I could even open our house’s door, I heard wailing and smashing sounds coming from the boys’ room. When I entered the house I found Tyrone sitting on the couch with a crying Elton in his arms while Claus was trying to lull Arcadia to sleep.
Only then I knew why Tyrone’s voice was thick with emotions on the phone.
‘What happened?’ I asked alarmed as I rushed towards Elton who was sobbing on his father’s shoulder.
‘Mommy, Ethan angry - break room.’ Elton said when he saw me. He came to me when I sat next to Tyrone, and I cradled him in my lap trying to cease his sobbing. ‘Mommy, Ethan will be fine?’ He asked again.
‘Of course, baby, what mommy always tell you?’ I asked him kissing his chubby cheeks.
‘That mommy and daddy will always protect us.’ He repeated my words.
‘Exactly! Now go to uncle Claus and help him with your sister.’ I said wiping his tears.
‘Heroes don’t cry and you’re mommy’s hero.’ I said trying to make him stop crying. He nodded, and wiped his tears before heading towards Claus’s direction.
‘What happened? What’s wrong with Ethan?’ I asked Tyrone.
‘That 'Sharmuta' came here demanding to meet him, and before I could chase her out, she started yelling. ‘I want to meet Ethan, let me see my son.’ I didn’t realise he was behind us until I heard him knocking the vase on the floor before he sprinted towards his room, but not before he yelled, ‘LIARS’ and glaring in my way.’ Tyrone explained.
He Didn’t need to tell me who the bitch was, for I knew who my next prey is from the context.
‘Let’s me go talk to him.’ I told him before standing up. ‘I’ll come with you.’ He said.
‘No, I’ll try to talk to him alone first, then I’ll come and get you to solve the problem.’ I said, he nodded his head, and sat back on his place closing his eyes and heaving a sigh.
I placed a kiss on his lips and murmured.
‘Everything will be okay.’ He opened his eyes, and looked at me with so much love and adoration, and nodded his head. ‘I know, you’re here, right?’ He asked rhetorically. I nodded nonetheless before making my way upstairs.
I knocked on my sons’ room, he didn’t let me in as expected. ‘Son, open the door, It’s me.’ I said.
He Didn’t open the door, but the noises stopped, so I continued. ‘Son, I need you to open up the door, if you won’t how will I see if you’re hurt or not? How will I know what the problem is? How will I fix it?’ I asked trying to coerce him to open the door for me.
I heard a click, and I knew he unlocked the door. I opened it, and entered slowly. ‘Mom, watch out!’ Ethan exclaimed and came to my rescue before I could step on the shattered glass pieces. I checked him up for any injuries, and when I found none I heaved a sigh of relief.
‘So, you know I’m your mom?’ I asked softly.
‘Of course, mom. I wouldn’t acknowledge anyone as my mom but you.’ He said helping me to the bed.
‘Then, why didn’t you come to me before you locked yourself in your room, and almost hurt yourself? You know I don’t like seeing you hurt.’ I asked.
‘I’m sorry, mom, but I thought you wouldn’t be honest with me.’ He said, but I knew it was a lie.
‘That’s not what stopped you from coming to me. You know I would never lie to any of you.’ I said. ‘Was it because of me and your father’s fight? Did you think we were fighting because of you?’ I asked knowingly.
‘How did you know?’ He asked disbelievingly.
‘I’m your mom. I know everything about you even the way you think.’ I said.
‘I thought it was because of me that you tried to leave that time.’ He said referring to the time I tried to leave Tyrone. ‘I’ve always thought I was just like my brother and sister Elton and Arcadia, I too am your son. Real son. Until today, so I put two and two together.’ He explained further.
‘Do you still think of me as your mother after you found out?’ I asked him.
‘Of course. You are my only mother, but I’m afraid you’ll take Elton and Arcadia and leave me one day.’ He said.
‘If I wanted to leave you, I would’ve the day I first met you!’ I said. ‘I’ll never leave you, ever. The reason I didn’t leave that night was because of you. You are my son, no matter what anybody will ever say. You will always be my Elize Robert’s eldest, my son, my Heir, and your brother and sister’s big brother. Ethan Robert.’ I said pinching his cheeks, and tickled him. He giggled and started squirming, trying to get away from me.
‘What about dad, is he angry that I called him a liar?’ He asked warily. Tyrone taught our children that respect was how every child should treat their parents and elders. He Didn’t tolerate when one of the kids disrespected one of us, and he would punish them severely if such a thing ever occurred. So it was kinda embedded in them since a young age to always respect their elders.
Ethan and Elton should respect us, and Elton should respect us, and Elton should respect his older brother. That’s why our family is kind of different from other ordinary ones. We don’t have fights, we don’t curse, not in front of the children at least, and we certainly don’t let outsiders in our house….