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Lord, touch me while I sleep,bring peace to this weary soul, heal my mind and my heart . . let Your love make me whole.

Touch me as I wake up,be the morning light I see, be the strong in my coffee, come and pray with me.

Touch me throughout my day,let me feel Your guiding hand, lift me up if I should fall, so in Your strength, I can stand.

Touch me when I take a break,let me come to rest in You, repair any worn out parts, use Your mercy, as the glue.

Touch me in such a way,that no matter what the hour, I will know it is You . . .who gives my life its power.

Touch me Lord once again,as I retire to my bed . . .renew and restore my soul, so tomorrow, I’ll be Spirit lead!

Psalm 37:24

Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.- LORD - you know what I'm going through and what I had to to endure in 2023, lift those feelings and may I never return to that situation again.."

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