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Writer: Sonia KennedySonia Kennedy

Seeing how upset she still was he took her hand and held it.

‘My mother was given that diamond ring by her mother and she always said she wanted me to have it. He has no need for it, he just hates me and doesn’t want me to have it.’

‘Why would your own father hate you?’

‘I wish I knew.’ She closed her eyes so as not to think about it, but ended up talking. ‘When I was little I wanted him to love me but whenever I tried to hug him he would push me away. As I got older his hatred towards me seemed to grow and he ignored me even more. When my mother died, I did everything I could to get his attention, I drank and ran around with the boys. He would call me a slut and start hitting me. I got to the point that I would do more to get to him and, wanting him to hurt me. I know how sick that sounds but it was one way of getting him to show something for me.’

Luke squeezed her hand. ‘No matter what you did he had no right to lay a hand on you. I’m sorry you had to endure what he did to you. You are better off away from him.’

‘I know,’ she nodded in agreement.

Arriving home they got out of the van. ‘Oh, I forgot to put on my flats, just give me a minute.’

‘No worries,’ he said and scooping her up in his arms carried her inside and set her down. His hands lingered on her waist.

Placing the palms of her hands on his chest she looks into his eyes. ‘What you did back at my father’s place, the way you defended me with Carter and my father’ She teared up and swallowed the lump in her throat. ‘No one has ever done anything like that for me. Thank you. Luke.’

Placing a finger under her chin tilted her head up. ‘You Don’t deserve to be treated that way, no one does.’ He looked at her lips and lowering his head he kissed her. As the kiss deepened he put his arms around her, pulling her into his body and he felt her arms going around his neck as she returned the kiss.

Putting her up against the wall, his tongue entering her mouth she moaned as he ran it along the roof of her mouth and circled her tongue. The heat was building into an inferno as they greedily attacked each other’s mouths, heads moving in perfect rhythm to each other. Both breathing heavily, hearts beating against the other one’s chest.

The sound of the phone ringing put a halt to what was about to happen. Luke pulled away and regret filled his eyes. ‘I better get that. I’m sorry Dorothy, I shouldn’t have kissed you.’

Running her hand through her hair she felt her heart breaking at that moment. ‘Right. I’m going to bed. You better answer that,’ she said and turning away from him walked up the stairs to her bedroom.

Hanging up his phone he went to his room, the feel of her lips still fresh on his mind. Removing his shirt and tie laid them on the chair and started undoing his pants when there was a knock at his door and Dorothy entered, holding his jacket in her hand.

‘I thought you might want this,’ she said and handed it to him.

His eyes stared into her and when he reached for his jacket the other hand grabbed her arm. Dropping the jacket he leaned her up against the wall, his free hand went around her neck and his mouth came down on hers. Releasing her arm he opened the robe she was wearing, nothing was under it. His hand cupped her breast and rubbed his thumb over the nipple which became hard and erect.

Tearing away from her lips, his breathing erratic he picked her up and laid her down on his bed. Spreading the robe wider kneeled over her, his mouth going to her breast and over the nipple, sucking and tweaking as his hand moved slowly down her body till he reached between her thighs. His hand caressed the folds of her honey pot, his finger stroking her clit and rubbing in a circular motion. Her purr - like moans rang in his ear as she squirmed beneath his touch.

‘Oh, God Luke,’ she cried out, her moans getting louder.

He moved to the other breast and gave it the same amount of attention that he had the other before moving down her body. His mouth left a trail of soft kisses, spreading her legs and gripping her ass his mouth attached her honey pot which was wet and throbbing. His tongue swiped along her clit and inside, going deep as he licked and sucked. He felt her body spasm and she screamed when she climaxed. Wiping his mouth the moved up and hovered over top of her looking down. His cock was hard and in need of relief.

‘If you want me to continue just say the word.’

Her chest was rising and falling rapidly, her heart hammering in her chest. What he had just done to her was amazing, nothing like she had ever experienced before. But she wanted to know what it would feel like to have him inside her. So eyes glazed over and filled with hot fiery lust gave him a fuck me smile and through her breathy pant answered. ‘WORD.’

Her hands moving over his back felt good, she had a soft touch. He thought it was cute that she used the word ‘WORD’ to answer him. His shaft moved over her clit, rubbing as he teased her before entering her. He watched as her eyes closed and lips parted and a moan escaped her lips, her tongue swiping across her lips. He was so horny and wanted to ride her hard and fast, but forced himself to go slow. He moved up and down, the tip of his cock pulling out just close to her opening and then surging back in harder and deeper with each thrust. A tremor ran through him, the muscles in his stomach tightened and her spicy feminine scent aroused him as he moved intimately inside her. He felt her writhing and twisting frantically as he moved faster and harder. The sound of their flesh slapping against flesh pervaded the air as they both climaxed together.

Her legs around his waist, her arms around him she held him when he collapsed on top of her.

Placing the palms of his hands on the bed lifted his head to look at her. His breathing ragged, heart - pounding he lowered his head to kiss her before rolling off and onto his side. Their bodies glistened with sweat and he took her hand, their fingers intertwined.

She looked over at him, face flushed she gave him a smile that lit up her face. ‘Wow that was amazing.’

Raising her hand to his lips he kissed it. ‘I may not remember the first time we made love but I guarantee you I’ll never forget this one.’

When he touched her stomach she stiffened and sat up, the covers pulled up to her chin. ‘I guess I should go back to my room.’

Laying on his side he propped his head upon the palm of his hand. His other hand he used to run his fingers up and down her arm. ‘Stay, please.’ He pulled her back down on the bed, pulling her close he put his arm around her when she rested her head on his chest.

Laying there in his arms she felt contented, her body still warm from their lovemaking. Head on his chest her fingers stroked his chest and down his stomach. She hoped he wouldn’t regret what happened between them come morning. ‘About the baby.’ She started to say but stopped when he placed a finger to her lips.

‘I told you I would stand by your side and take care of our baby,’ Luke said.

‘I know but we should talk, there are things you should know.’

‘We’ll talk, but not tonight.’ He yawned and closed his eyes as he fell asleep..

She lay awake, his arms around her, her fingers running over his toned stomach. He’s such a good and decent man and she wished things could be different. If only she had met him before her life took a turn for the worse. She chewed on her bottom lip when a thought struck her. She was so full of herself, spoiled and was always looking for a rich Suga Daddy to latch onto so she probably wouldn’t have given him a second look. But he deserved to know the truth, the whole truth. Tomorrow she would tell him even though he would hate her, she just couldn’t live with the lies any longer.

Luke had already left by the time she woke up, she could not understand why he had to get up before the sun rose. Rolling over onto her side she pulled his pillow close to her body, his scent still on it and she took a sniff. Seeing a note on the table reached over his side of the bed and picked it up and started reading it.

‘Didn’t want to wake you, see you later.’

Smiling to herself she jumped out of bed and hugged herself. A sense of joy filled her heart and she felt all warm inside.

Luke had made love to her with so much passion, made her feel like she was special. She could still feel his touch, his lips and the way he moved inside her like only he belonged there.

Taking a quick shower she then changed into jeans and a shirt, she was meeting Kimberly at the ‘Pancake Shack’ where she worked for lunch.

Dorothy got there just as Kimberly was going on break so they took a seat by the window and ordered their food.

‘You look awfully happy today. What’s up?’ Kimberly asked.

Shaking her head Dorothy shrugged her shoulders. ‘No reason.’

‘Oh my God, you got laid didn’t you?’

Dorothy coughed and wiped her mouth with a serviette. ‘No, of course not.’

‘You can’t lie to me girl, I know that look. Oh come on, why are you blushing? It’s not like the two of you haven’t had sex already.’

‘What?’ Dorothy asked, confused.

‘Well, you are pregnant with his baby.’

‘Oh yeah, right. But it was different this time.’ She thought back to last night and couldn’t stop smiling.

‘Ok, I get it, the first time you two did it Luke was drunk so maybe it wasn’t that good.’

Dorothy nodded, ‘Yeah, that’s it.’

Once Kimberly’s break was over she got up and gathered up the plates when a male customer came over and grabbed her ass.

‘Nice ass baby,’ he said with a stupid grin on his face.

Kimberly glared at the guy. ‘Hands off jerk.’

When he grabbed her ass again Dorothy jumped from her seat and gave him a shove back. ‘You heard her asshole, back off.’

‘What’s the matter bitch, are you jealous? Maybe you want some too.’

When he moved closer she balled her right hand into a fist and punched him in the stomach, her knee came up and slammed into his crotch. ‘You have no right touching a woman or treating them this way.’

He grabbed himself and cursed at her. ‘You are a fucken bitch!’

The owner came over after seeing what had happened, he told the stranger to leave and never come back.

Kimberly stared at Dorothy, her eyes wide with appreciation.

‘Wow that was amazing the way you stood up to that creep.’

When she saw how upset Dorothy was she touched her arm. ‘Are you ok? You look a little pale.’

Dorothy was trembling inside and out, the truth was she was scared to death. But seeing how that man was touching her friend she felt the rage inside her exploding. Knowing what it felt like to be touched without giving consent she had to do something. ‘I’m just a little tired that’s all. I should get home, I want to make a special supper for Luke.’

The women said their goodbyes…..


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