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Writer: Sonia KennedySonia Kennedy

Dorothy had just gotten into bed when she heard the knock on her door, pulling the covers up told him to enter. Luke walked over and in his hands was a glass of milk and a plate of cookies, Oreos, her favourite.

Setting them down on the bedside table he sat on the edge of the bed. With the back of his fingers, he stroked her chin.

‘He shouldn’t have done this to you.’

‘I’m used to it,’ She said, liking the feel of his fingers on her skin.

Removing his hand shook his head. ‘I’ve decided to go with you to the party. But just to make an appearance. We’ll stay just long enough to satisfy him and then we’re leaving.’

‘Her eyes lit up and without thinking threw her arms around his neck, resting her head on his broad shoulders. ‘Thank you so much.’

He held her for a few minutes, taking in her scent which he found intoxicating. She felt so soft and small in his arms and he quickly withdrew from the embrace before the impulse to kiss her became any stronger.

‘Get some rest.’

‘Thanks for the snack.’ She called out when he walked away.

Ten days later: Luke was dressed in a Navy blue suit and he wore a crisp white shirt and matching striped tie (dark blue and light blue stripes). Tan steel tipped boots. Dorothy entered the room wearing a red dress, low cut in front to show off her cleavage and slit on the side of the dress, he had to admit she looked even more beautiful today than before, at their wedding. ‘You look amazing,’ he said, giving her one of his rare smiles.

‘Thank you,’ she replied. ‘This is what I wanted to wear the day we got married, but decided against it, you never said that to me on that day.

‘I was pissed off and we were more or less forced to marry. Shall we go?’

Slipping on the flats she picked up her high heels, she would put them on when they got to her father’s Mansion.

It was going to be a long three - hour - drive, but not as bad as it was the first time when he brought her back home. This time she was more willing to talk.

‘You know you have never told me anything about your mother,’ he said and glancing over he took a peek at her thigh where the slit in her dress had ridden up.

‘She died four years ago from cancer. My mother was beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside. We were so close, she was my everything and protected me from my father. He was never a loving or caring father. When she died he got worse. He became more controlling and belittled me every chance he got. Told me who I could talk to, who I could date.’ She looked over at Luke.

‘And who I had to marry.’

‘Why didn’t you just leave? It’s not like you’re a child.’

‘Don’t you think I tried? But every time I tried he brought me back. I also don’t have any skills and with no money, it was easier to go back and accept his punishment.’

‘How did he punish you?’ Luke felt his blood boiling.

She shook her head and looked out the window. ‘I don’t want to talk about it right now. Tell me about your parents.’

So for the next hour and a half, he told her about his family and they discussed other things. He also told her that he had gotten in touch with Jerry and as he suspected she broke it off with him and was angry as hell. It made no difference that the marriage would end when the year was up. He didn’t blame her one little bit, he expected it.

Pulling into the driveway and parking the van he waited while she changed her shoes. His eyes watched her, her hands were shaking. ‘You ready to do this?’ he asked as he went around to her side and opened the door.

Nodding she took his hand when he went to help her down.

They were greeted at the door by the butler who walked them to the main room. The guest had not arrived yet. ‘Mr Rogers, Mr Martino would like to see you privately in his office. Follow me please.’

‘You better go,’ Dorothy said and sat down on the sofa. ‘I’ll just wait right here.’

‘I won’t be long,’ Luke said, then followed behind the butler.

Silvio Martino was sitting behind the desk and motioned with a wave of his hand for Luke to sit but he remained standing. ‘I prefer to stand. I told Dorothy I wouldn’t be gone long.’ He eyed the old man with hate.

‘So how is married life treating you? Is my daughter keeping you satisfied?’

Luke’s chest rose, his lips pressed together. This man was truly vile. The way he talked about his own daughter disgusted him. ‘I’m not about to discuss my marriage with you. Now, why did you summon me here?’

‘The guests will be arriving soon and I expect you to conduct yourself with manners and mingle with them. Also, the story will be that you and Dorothy had been secretly dating for over a year when you decided to marry on a whim. She already knows the story so just go along with it.’ He got up and walked over to the safe and opened it.

Luke could see inside the safe, saw papers, wads of cash, a gun and what appeared to be a pair of panties, black with red trim. He rolled his eyes and wondered if the old fart was some kind of pervert or maybe a cross-dresser. When Silvio pulled out a small box he quickly closed the safe, unaware Luke had gotten a glimpse inside.

‘Make her wear this.’ He takes a large diamond ring from the box and handed it to Luke. ‘It’s just for appearance’s sake. I want it back before you leave here.’

Luke placed it in his pocket. ‘If that’s all I’ll be going now.’ He stopped to look at Silvio. ‘Don’t you want to come and say hello to your daughter?’

‘I’ll see her later.’

Shaking his head leaves the office and back to Dorothy who was still sitting. Suddenly without warning his heart started pounding as he stared at her. She looked so damn beautiful but sad and having met her father he was beginning to understand her a little better. He went and sat down next to her. Was it his imagination but did her face light up when she saw him?

‘Your father wants you to wear this during the party.’ he said, pulling the ring from his pocket handed it to her.

‘Oh my God, it’s my mother’s ring.’ Tears filled her eyes. ‘She always told me it would be mine one day.’ She slipped the ring on her finger.

‘Hum, he wants it back when we leave.’ Seeing the hurt in her eyes he felt so bad for her.

‘Of course he does,’ she scoffed.

He moved a strand of hair that had fallen over her eye. ‘We can leave now if you want to.’

‘No, let’s get this over with,’ she said as guests started coming in and her father finally made an appearance, giving her a nod.

Dorothy introduced him to her father’s friends and business associates. Luke played the doting husband, keeping his arm around her waist, earning an approving nod from Silvio.

Her father finally came over to the couple, not to say hello to Dorothy, but to tell them it was time for pictures. A photographer snapped several photos, Silvio with his arm around her shoulders, smiling ear to ear. The pictures showed a happy and loving family. If only everyone knew the truth behind the fake smiles.

When the pictures were done Silvio took Luke over to meet some people so Dorothy stepped out onto the balcony to get some fresh air. The cool air felt good on her skin, she closed her eyes, wishing she were anywhere but here. A familiar voice rang out and she looked to see Carter Mosley approaching her with two glasses of champagne in his hands.

‘Hi Doll, it’s been a while.’

She backed up when he got closer. ‘Carter, I thought you were in Swaziland.’

‘I was but when I heard you got married I had to come back and see for myself. I have to be honest, I never pictured you as a rancher’s wife living in the country. It must be boring.’

‘It’s not so bad,’ she said and shook her head when he offered her one of the glasses. ‘I’m not drinking.’

He laughed. ‘Since when do you refuse alcohol?’

‘Maybe I’ve changed.’

He moved closer, backing her up till she was pinned between him and the railing. ‘Come on doll, drink with me.’

‘I said no,’ she screeched at him.

‘You heard my wife, she doesn’t want it,’ Luke’s voice rang out and moving towards them gave Carter a push away from her.

Carter looked Luke up and down and sneered. ‘You obviously don’t know your wife very well.’ He looked at her and smiled. “Why’s she’s a real party girl, loves her booze and loves to have a good time.’ He looked back at Luke and winked. ‘If you know what I mean.’

Luke got right up into Carter’s face and poked him in the chest, his eyes burrowing into his.

‘Out of respect for Dorothy and her father’s home, I won’t bash your face in. Now get lost and don’t bother her again.’

‘Whoa there cowboy,’ Carter says, raising his arms. ‘I’m leaving.’ Turning to her let his eyes roam over her body. ‘When you get bored doll, give me a call.’

Luke took her hand. ‘You want to leave now? I think we’ve been here long enough.’

Nodding she let him lead her out and when they were about to get into the Isuzu her father came running out.

‘Dorothy wait.’ He shouted. Reaching them he grabs her hand. ‘You’re not leaving with this.’ He tried to remove the diamond but she yanked her hand away.

‘No it’s mine, mother promised it to me,’ She cried out.

‘I don’t give a fuck what she promised you, you can’t have it.’ He pulled her hand with such force she stumbled and would have fallen but Luke caught her.

Giving Silvio a shove, cursed. ‘You fucken bastard, leave her alone. Don’t you ever set foot on my property and if you ever lay a hand on Dorothy again, I’ll make you regret the day you were born.’

Silvio snapped his fingers and two men came rushing over and grabbed Luke. They were ready to do some physical harm to him till she yelled for them to stop.

Removing the diamond ring, threw it at her father. ‘Take it, you evil bastard. God, you just can’t let me have one thing that belonged to my mother can you?’

Silvio picked up the ring and stared angrily at her. ‘Leave now while your husband is in one piece and you’re dead to me.’ He snapped his fingers and the men let Luke go and walked away.

Luke took a trembling Dorothy in his arms. ‘Are you ok?’

She looked up at him, her bottom lip quivered, her body trembling. ‘Take me home please.’

Taking off his jacket he placed it over her shoulders, he stroked her cheek and looked into her tear - filled eyes. ‘You never have to see that bastard again.’ he leaned down and kissed her lips softly. Pulling back he saw she was looking at him differently. He too was looking at her in a different light.

Shaking if off he helped her up into the van, his palms were sweaty and his heart was racing. Shit, he thought as he got in, she was starting to get to him. There had been sparks between them right from the beginning but their anger about being forced to love blinded them to what was taking place.....


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