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Over breakfast the next morning he tried not to look at her. Images of her naked were still fresh in his head. ‘I’ll see to it that there’s a tub installed in the other bathroom. In the meantime, if you want to take a bath warn me ahead of time.’

His eyes stayed down, looking at the food she had prepared. She really wasn’t a very good cook but at least she tried.

‘Why won’t you look at me?’ Is it because you saw me naked?’

He did look up at her, into her eyes. This girl had no shame and he knew she was trying to get a rise out of him. ‘You’re not the first woman I’ve seen naked.’

She raised her eyebrow and smiled back at him. ‘Did you like what you saw?’

Dropping his fork he rose to his feet, grabbing his hat put it on before leaving. ‘Make sure to warn me next time.’ He was almost at the door when she called out to him.

‘I need a new outfit to wear to our party Friday night.’

He stared at her, wondering if he heard her correctly. ‘We just bought you a bunch of clothes, wear them.’

‘But it’s a special occasion and I should have.’ She didn’t get to say anything when he held up his hands.

‘I’m not made of money. If you want a new dress then call your father. I’m sure he will be happy to give you whatever you want,’ he snapped.

‘I called him but he won’t. He’s cut me off financially and he cancelled all my credit cards.’ Crossing her arms she pouted.

Luke walked up and cupped her chin in his hand. ‘Well princess it looks like your shit out of luck, you will not be getting any more money from me. I’m sure you have something nice you can wear Friday. Now if I were you I’d get this place cleaned up before the party. We wouldn’t want our neighbours to think you’re a lousy homemaker, now would we?’

Eyes blazing angrily she slapped his hand away and cursed.

‘Fucken jerk, clean it yourself.’

‘Dorothy you are a spoiled brat and it’s time you grew up. You’re the one who agreed to this damn party so get busy cleaning,’ he said and stormed out.

She looked around the room and had to admit the place needed a good cleaning. Since cooked for him, what more did he want from her?

Luke returned home late and walking in the door was pleasantly surprised to see the place was spotless. He called out to her but got no answer so he went into the living room. There she was, asleep on the sofa, one leg hung over the edge. Her chest rose and fell with every breath she took.

Her eyes opened and she sat up, rubbing her eyes. ‘What time is it?’

‘Eight o’clock. You did a nice job cleaning but I don’t smell anything coming from the kitchen, I’m starving.’

She made a face at him. ‘You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve been slaving all day cleaning this place and you have the nerve to complain about no food on the table. My back is killing me and I’m beat so I’m going to soak in the tub, your tub. Now if you’ll excuse me,’ she said and walked passed him.

‘What about my supper?’

‘There’s some rat poison under the sink, heat some of that up jerk.’

He couldn’t help but smile, she was feisty. Since she was going to be using his tub he went into the kitchen and made some sandwiches and opened a bottle of beer. A couple of hours later he went upstairs, double - checking to make sure she wasn’t still in the tub, she wasn’t. Checking her room found she was fast asleep.

The night of the party she came down the stairs wearing short shorts and a tank top, no bra. He was pissed and cornering her started yelling. ‘You are not meeting my friends looking like that, now go put something else on.’

‘You can’t tell me how to dress, you’re not my father.’

‘No, I’m your husband and I won’t have everyone thinking I married a tart. You will not embarrass me.’ He ran his hand through his hair, feeling a headache coming on and stopped to look at her. ‘I can’t do this anymore. I’m calling off this arrangement.’

Dorothy knew then that she had gone too far and the last thing she wanted was to go back to her father. ‘You can’t, if you do my father will take your ranch, you’ll lose everything.’

‘I don’t care,’ he said, he was willing to walk away.

‘Ok, I’ll go change.’

‘Why do you care if I lose this place? You didn’t want to marry me in the first place.’

‘I don’t want to see you lose what you’ve worked so hard for. I also don’t want to see my father win.’ She turned and walked away, leaving Luke more confused than before.

She came back down just as the guests were arriving wearing a skirt, blouse and cowboy boots. He was glad to see she had put on a bra and she looked really nice he thought. He introduced her around and left her to mingle, and she did. He was standing with the guys, taking all the ribbing one gets from his friends when they find out he was married.

‘Wow Luke, your wife is beautiful. I bet she keeps you hopping in and out of bed,’ Kenny said, poking him in the ribs.

This went on for a while and having had enough went over to Keenan. ‘If only these people knew the real story I don’t think they would like it.’

‘Luke, just keep it together, enjoy the party, Dorothy sure is,’ Keenan said and pointed to where she was standing with some of the women by the fire pit, enjoying a burger the guys grilled. ‘She seemed to be hitting it off with everyone. I don’t think she’s as big a snob as you said.’

Later that night Dorothy walked over to Luke, a beer in her hand. ‘I thought you didn’t drink?’

‘I don’t, this is for you,’ she said, handing him the bottle of beer.

‘Thanks,’ he said, taking a swig of beer. ‘I’ve been watching you.’

She moved in close, her hands creeping up his shirt and resting on his chest. Tilting her head up ran her tongue over her lips.

‘You have? We could sneak away for a while and make this marriage official. I’ve always wanted to know what it would be like to do it a barn, on top of some hay.’

He removed her hands and backed away. ‘That’s not what I’m talking about. You have to stop flirting with the men before you find yourself in trouble. As far as they know we are a happily married couple so it doesn’t look right the way you’re carrying on.’

‘Oh my, are we getting a little jealous?’

‘Not a chance baby. While we are married I expect you to behave and act like a wife. Do I make myself clear?’

‘Ok, I’ll tone it down, on one condition.’

‘Yeah, and what would that be?’ he asked.

‘Kiss me,’ she replied.

‘Not going to happen, baby.’

‘It’s not for me I’m asking. People are starting to talk, they’re wondering why we aren’t being loving towards each other. So if they see us kissing it will end their suspicions.’

Luke looked around and noticed they were being watched so holding his beer in his right hand his left arm going around her waist pulled her close to his body. His lips came down on hers, giving her a quick kiss. He then looked into her eyes and maybe it was the booze hitting him, or maybe it was the taste of her lips but he lowered his head and kissed her again, this time it was more passionate. He was shocked when she placed her hands on his chest and lightly pushed him away.

‘I think that did the trick,’ she said and walked away. When he kissed her she felt something stirring inside her. But she was confused as to what it was. It could have been a number of things, shame, regret or something else. The first kiss was fast with no feeling but the second kiss was deep and intense, it was almost as if he meant it.

She was talking to a young woman named Kimberly when Keenan came strolling over and she saw the way they were looking at each other. But he looked back at Dorothy.

‘It’s getting late so we’re all going to head out now. I thought I should tell you Luke is wasted, he’s passed out over there.’ He pointed to where Luke was sitting on the ground, out like a light.

Dorothy looked back at Keenan. ‘Do you think some of the other guys can help me get him upstairs?’

‘Sure. Should we take him up to his bedroom?’

‘Yes, thanks and then maybe you could give Kimberly a ride home.’

Keenan looked at Kimberly and smiled. ‘It will be my pleasure.’

‘I enjoyed meeting you, please come by anytime for a visit, I could use the company,’ Dorothy told Kimberly.

Keenan and another man helped to get Luke upstairs and dropped him onto the bed. Keenan laughed and looked at her.

‘I have never seen Luke this way before, usually he can handle his booze.’

Dorothy just smiled. ‘Thanks for getting him up here.’

‘No problem,’ he answered.

‘You like that girl Kimberly don’t you?’

His face turned a light shade of red and small smile appeared on his face. ‘Yeah, I think she’s really sweet.’

‘She likes you too.’

‘She does?’ he asked, his face lighting up. ‘How do you know?’

‘I saw looking at each other and I also asked her. Ask her out Keenan, I know she’s dying to go out with you.’

‘Thanks, Dorothy, I’ll do that. You know what? You really are a nice person. Night now.’ He then left her alone with Luke.

She turned to look at the man passed out on the bed. Going over she sat on the edge of the bed and started undoing the buttons on his shirt. It took some doing but she managed to pull him up and slipped off his shirt, tossing it to the floor. God, he was solid and she had trouble holding him, his body slumped against hers. Laying him down she undid his belt and pulled down the zipper. Her hands around the waistband pulled them off, then she did the same with his briefs. Sweat formed on her forehead, it wasn’t easy undressing dead weight. Before covering him up she took a good look at his form. Her eyes widened when she saw the size of his manhood, he was well - endowed.

‘Damn man, the ladies must love you and I bet you know how to use that thing.’ She smiled. ‘If only things were different between us,’ she said, knowing he couldn’t hear her. Placing the cover on him she started removing her clothes, letting them fall next to his. Going over to the other side crawled into bed, next to him and laid there watching him.

There was no way she could lay there and not touch him. Placing her hand on his chest and ran it over him. A tingle of excitement raced through her right down to her core which started to throb madly. His muscles were so hard and his stomach was flat and hard as she moved lower till her fingers felt the curly hairs. She was tempted to touch him lower but stopped, that would have been wrong considering he was passed out. She did snuggle closer, his skin was so warm and his manly scent was very pleasing. Closing her eyes she went to sleep…..

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