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Writer: Sonia KennedySonia Kennedy

The man, Vic picked Luke up as if he weighed nothing. Slamming him up against the wall raised his fist, ready to strike again but Dorothy ran over.

‘Please stop, don’t hurt him.’

Placing her hand on the giant’s arm, pleading with him.

Vic pulled back as she stood in front of Luke, shielding him from being beaten.

‘My, my. It would appear as if you are in love with this nobody,’ Silvio scoffed.

She turned her head to her father, her eyes held anger and contempt. ‘He isn’t a nobody and yes I do love him. He loves me, that’s something you will never know, love. I feel sorry for you as you are incapable of love and will die alone.’

‘If you want him to live I suggest you leave now before I have Vic here dispose of him. You know I can make that happen and his body will never be found.’

“We’ll leave, but not till I tell you what I came here for,’ she hissed.

Luke put his arms around her in a protective way, holding her back. ‘Let’s just go, he’s not worth it.’

She struggled free from his grip and going over to the desk stared at Silvio, her hand resting on the cold marble top.

‘I want to know how you could do such a horrible thing to your own daughter. My God. Father, I’m your flesh and blood, don’t you realize how sick that was?’

He stared back at her. ‘You were asking for it. For years you were parading around in skimpy clothing, swaying your ass in front of me.’ He sat back, rubbing his chin. ‘You’re a whore, just like your mother was.’

Luke’s hands balled into fists and started racing towards Silvio but Vic grabbed him, putting him in a headlock from behind.

‘My mother wasn’t a whore,’ Dorothy screamed at him. ‘You’re a sick bastard, who screwed his own daughter.’

Silvio slammed his fist on the desk and stood up, his face inches from hers. ‘You’re not my daughter, you are not my flesh and blood.’

Whatever colour Dorothy had in her face drained, her mouth dropped open and she backed up. ‘What?’ she cried out in shock.

‘You heard me. When I fled Mykonos with your mother I wasn’t aware she was pregnant. I knew you weren’t mine because we hadn’t had sex for months. If I had known I would have forced her to abort you, but by the time I found out she was almost four months along. She threatened to divorce me and leave, taking you with her. I was not about to let either one of you ruin what I had started to build. After some persuading, she agreed to stay and be the perfect wife in everyone’s eyes, in exchange for letting you live. I wanted to suffocate you when were a baby, it would have been one of those cot deaths, can’t remember what they call it.’

Dorothy covered her mouth with her hand, looking over at Luke who was still being detained.

‘You’re evil. I’m so glad that we have no blood between us. Who is my father?’

Silvio sat back down, an evil grin crossed his face. He got great pleasure in seeing others in pain, especially Dorothy. ‘I don’t know. Even your mother didn’t know his name. He was someone she met in a bar and they went outside and fucked like dirty animals in the alley. It was a one - time thing.’

She shook her head. ‘No, you’re a liar, she wasn’t like that.’ She let the tears fall. ‘I will find out the truth even if I have to go to Mykonos and look for someone who knew her and my real father.’

‘It won’t do you any good,’ Silvio laughed.

‘Why?’ she snapped back at him.

‘Because he is dead.’

‘Liar,’ she shouts. ‘How would you know if he’s alive or dead?’

‘I know he’s dead because I killed him myself.’ Silvio stood up, and going around towards Dorothy she backed up. He kept approaching her till the back of her legs bumped into the chair and she ended up falling back into it.

‘Get away from her,’ Luke yelled as he tried to get free from Vic’s grip. But the man was as strong as Hercules and built like a shit brick house.

Silvio’s leaned over Dorothy, putting his hands on both sides of her, resting them on the arms of the chair. ‘I enjoyed watching him die. First I shot him in the stomach, watched him bleed and beg for mercy. I then shot him right in the chest, blood gushed out of his mouth and his words were nothing but a mumbled of gurgling noises.’

He placed his index finger in the middle of her forehead and laughed. “The third bullet I put right here, his brains splattered everywhere.’ He leaned into her ear and whispered so only she could hear. ‘I would love to do the same to you.’

Looking into his cold, dark eyes fear gripped her and she cried out for Luke. ‘Luke.’

Filled with rage he used his elbow to punch Vic in the gut, causing him to loosen his grip. Sprinting over he pushed Silvio away from Dorothy. ‘Get off her,’ he hissed. Helping her up his arms went around her. Staring at the other two men dared them with his look to try something.

‘Take me away from here,’ she said, her fingers curling into his shirt collar and started crying.

With his arm around her, he glared at Silvio. ‘You are going down for what you did and for confessing to murder.’

‘You go to the police and I promise you I will not be charged.’

‘Your man there just heard you say how you committed murder and confessed to raping Dorothy, not to mention the panties in your safe. You will be charged.’

Silvio smiled at Vic. ‘Did you hear me confess to anything?’

With his arms crossed he looked back at Silvio. ‘I didn’t hear anything, sir.’ He said, straightening his tie that got messed up when he tackled Luke.

‘Now, on the other hand, I could have you arrested for attacking me in my home. I would also like to point out that if you go to the police I’ll have my lawyers serve you with papers for trying to damage my reputations. I’ll sue you for every cent you have. You’ll lose that ranch and everything else you own. Don’t underestimate me. Rogers. I have the money and power to destroy you.’

‘Fuck you. Martino. I don’t give a damn about that. I just want justice for Dorothy and to see you behind bars.’

Dorothy cupped her face in her hands and made him look at her. ‘He’s right, he has money and power and we can’t fight him. He’ll win. I won’t risk losing our home. Will you please take me away from her? I want to go home and never see this place again.’

He felt the way her hands trembled when she held his face, her bottom lip quivered and her eyes filled with tears. If the big goon wasn’t in the room to stop him he would have beaten the snot out of Silvio. But seeing how scared she was he had to get her as far from that monster as he could. ‘Ok, let’s go.’ He turned to Silvio.

‘Someday, someone is going to give you exactly what you deserve.’



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