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Luke was pleasantly surprised to find Dorothy was up and cooking him breakfast even though he kept telling her she didn’t have to get up that early. But regardless he enjoyed watching as she prepared the food in one of his shirts.

‘Looks good,’ he said, wiping his mouth. His eyes travelled down, taking in her ass and her long slender legs. Thinking back to last night when he lifted them up, putting them over his shoulders.

She turned to him and smiled.

‘How can you say it looks good when you haven’t seen what I’m cooking?’

‘Maybe I’m not talking about the food sweetheart,’ he said, approaching her, his arms went around her waist, pulling her into him, letting her feel how hard his cock was. He moved his hand under the shirt and under the panties but she swatted his hand away.

‘Tell your buddy to calm down and you sit down and eat what I made. I won’t be getting up this early all the time.’ She giggled when she saw him pouting and went over and sat down.

Dishing out his food she sat the plate in front of him. ‘The eggs might a little burnt.’

He stared at the scrambled eggs, a little burnt was an understatement. They were damn near charcoal black. But not wanting to discourage her since she was trying so hard he took a bit. His eyes watered as he swallowed. Since she was watching him he smiled at her when he forced another forkful down his throat. Before he could take his third bite she put her hand over his, stopping him.

‘Stop Luke. I know they must taste horrible so don’t eat anymore.’

Putting the fork down he let out a sigh. ‘They are really burnt but I love you for trying. The rest is good, the bacon and toast.’

‘I love you so much for wanting to eat them. I promise I’ll get better.’ Picking up his plate of eggs carried them over to the bin and dumped them into the garbage.

Going up behind her he wrapped his arm around her waist, kissing the back of her neck while his other hand went under the shirt and slid her panties down. Turning her around lifted her up onto the counter, removing her panties.

‘How about some dessert before I leave? You know to keep me going all day.’ He didn’t wait for an answer as his mouth came down on hers, she didn’t offer any resistance when he undid his jeans, letting them fall to the floor. After undoing the buttons on the shirt she wore pulled her legs towards him, leaning her back he felt inside her honey pot and moaned when he felt how wet she was.

He pleasured her until she came, then he got inside her, his shaft hard and throbbing. Gripping her hips he grunted and moaned when with every thrust she screamed out his name, begging him to go faster.

Finishing he pulled out, leaned over kissing her stomach and moving to her breasts. Her nipples were hard, erect as he sucked on them. Her fingers intertwined in his hair as she arched her back.

When neither one could handle it anymore he pulled her into a sitting position. ‘Thanks for dessert sweetheart.’ He gave her a kiss before doing up his pants and the buttons on his shirt. Picking up her panties he stuffed them in his pocket. ‘I think I’ll take these to remind me of this moment.’

When she saw him picking her panties up and putting them in his pocket she had a flashback.

Her jaw dropped and a small tremor shook her body, her one hand flew to her mouth and she let out a faint gasp.

Luke saw her reaction and going to her gripped her shoulders.

‘What’s wrong?’ Her delicate shoulders shook under his hands.

Putting her hands on his chest, her lips trembled. ‘That night I was attacked he kept my panties, I saw him putting them in his pocket. Seeing you do it too brought back the memory! Why would he do such a thing, Luke?’ A sob escaped her lips.

No, no he wasn’t going to let her get upset again, she had been through too much already. Pulling her into his arms he cradled her head against his chest, stroking her back. ‘I don’t know sweetheart but I don’t want you to worry about it. I’m glad you told me though, and if you remember anything else talk to me ok? Don’t hold it in.’

She lifted her head to look at him. ‘I will. I guess you better get going, you’re already late.’

He didn’t want to leave her but there were things that had to be done on the ranch. Wanting go get her mind off things he cupped her chin in his hand. ‘Why don’t you put on something sexy and tonight I’ll take you to Wayward Pines for a romantic supper and dancing.’

She smiled at him. ‘You don’t like to dance.’

‘I know, but I like dancing with you. So what do you say, wanna go out with your husband?’ He loved it when her eyes lit up. He really had to make more of an effort in taking her out, couldn’t keep her cooped up inside forever.

‘I’d loved to,’ she said as she stuffed her panties into his coat pocket. ‘I want you to have these, only you.’

Giving her a kiss he left for the day, glad that she told him and now the pantie issue was no longer hurting her.

Later that night she was excited about going out with Luke. As much as she loved her new life here she did from time to time miss the city life, the fancy restaurants, and dancing. Wayward Pines was in the next town, it was by far a city but there were lots to do there, they had some classy places to dine and shop.

She picked out a green dress to wear, one with a low back, it was Luke’s favourite. She showered, did her make - up and hair. She was ready before he arrived home, knowing he never took long to get ready. Checking herself in the mirror was pleased with the results.

Man, when he walked in and saw her looking so hot he wanted to take her right then, but he was dirty and sweaty.

‘You look stunning and I’d kiss you, only I’ll get you dirty.’

‘Go get ready,’ she said, smiling as she took a sip of her wine.

Twenty minutes later he returned all clean and dressed in a suit and he wasted no time when he pulled her into his arms, kissing her.

After an hour’s drive, they reached the restaurant and once inside and seated he ordered a beer for him and a glass of wine for her. They ordered pasta and salad.

‘I have some exciting news to tell you but you can’t say anything, especially to Kimberly,’ Luke said as he took her hand.

‘I promise, what is it?’ she asked excitedly.

‘Keenan is going to ask her to marry him.’

Her hand flew to her mouth and she let out a squeal. ‘Oh my God, that’s wonderful news. When is he going to propose?’

‘This Friday night he’s taking her somewhere romantic, flowers, music. He’s going all out, bought the ring and arranged everything. So not a word to Kimberly.’ Seeing that sparkle in her eye from being excited he hoped she would keep her promise or Keenan would kill him.

Meal consumed her ordered more drinks and when the music stared playing he stood up, holding out his hand for her to take. On the dance floor his one arm around her waist he held her right hand, holding her close.

Removing her hand from his she put her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulders. She felt his hand moving down her back, his fingers going inside the opening of her dress that hung close to her rear. Smiling into his chest when she felt the bulge inside his pants pressed into her thighs.

‘If we were alone I’d throw you on one of these tables and bang the crap out of you,’ he said, whispering it into her ear.

‘Looking up she looked into his eyes and not only did she see love in them but also lust.

‘I love you so much. Will you make me a promise?’

‘Anything sweetheart.’

‘Promise me you’ll always love me and never leave me.’ She looked at him. ‘Never be unfaithful or it will destroy me.’

He stopped dancing, his arms still around her waist. ‘I don’t know what the future holds for us but I do know this, I will never stop loving you nor will I ever leave you. You have to trust me, to believe in our love.’

He leaned down to kiss her as people danced around them.

Unknown to both of them a pair of eyes watched them from afar.

‘I do trust you, it’s just that I’m afraid.’

‘Afraid of what?’ He asked her. Was someone threatening her? What could she possibly be afraid of?

‘I’m so happy right now, something I’ve never been, I just keep thinking that something or someone will come between us.’

‘I won’t let that happen,’ he said, pulling her even closer and kissing her. ‘Do you want to go home now?’

She shakes her head. ‘No, no yet. The night’s still young and I want to say in your arms while we dance. Getting you out dancing isn’t easy and I’m not ready to stop.’

Luke didn’t care for dancing, it just wasn’t his thing. But with Dorothy he didn’t mind, she felt so soft in his arms and he could dance with her all night long. The only trouble was having her so close he tended to get horny and got hard and couldn’t let her go or people would see just how horny he was.

‘There is something I want to tell you, but I don’t want to spoil this night.’

Placing his finger under her chin lifted it up that she had to look at him. ‘Nothing can spoil this night. If something is bothering you tell me, get it off your chest.’

‘I remember the night I was attacked. When he took my panties. I had just bought them that day, they were black silk with red trim, very expensive. It’s sill I know, I mean after all this time why would I think about what colour they were.’ Sighing she rested her head back on his shoulder. ‘I just had to get that out.’

Luke felt the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. Why did this sound familiar to him? As he held her and they danced her tried to think, but for the life of him, he couldn’t figure it out. Shoving the thought into the back of his mind he turned his attention back to the woman in his arms. Right now she was all that mattered and showing her a good time was his priority.

It was late by the time they got home and as soon as they got inside he took her in his arms. Attacking her mouth with his as he pulled the straps of her dress down over her shoulders, letting it fall into a pile by her feet. By the time they reached the bedroom neither one had a piece of clothing on them. After rolling like thunder under the covers for over an hour they lay exhausted in each other’s arms, limbs entwined.

‘Thank you for an amazing night, Luke.’

‘It was quite a night, but my favourite part was what we just did. You might be a lady sweetheart, but in bed, you are no lady, but a vixen,’ he said, kissing the top of her head.

She giggled and stroked his cheek. ‘You bring out the wild beast in me.’


The sun was just starting to come up when Luke opened his eyes, turning to the woman lying next to him. The covers had been pulled off through the night exposing her so he covered her up before he slipped quietly out of bed.

Getting dressed he kept his eyes on her, his love for her grew stronger with every passing day. Going downstairs he put on a pot of coffee, his mind going into overdrive. It was still nagging him about what she had told him about the panties that the bastard took the night she was assaulted. Something kept telling him he had seen them somewhere, but where.

A knock coming form the back door in the kitchen shook him from his thoughts. It was Keenan so he let him in and poured him a cup of coffee and they sat down.

Keenan hands Luke a cheque.

‘Here’s the money from Steven for the cattle you sold him.’

Not getting an answer waved it in front of his face. ‘Earth to Luke.’

Snapping his head he looked at Keenan. ‘What?’ he asked, his mind still not on him.

‘I said here’s the money from Steven. What’s up with you today? Penny for your thoughts.’

Luke looked over at the entrance, making sure Dorothy was not coming in. ‘Remember when I told you how that bastard kept her panties after he, well you know.’

‘Yeah, what about them?’

‘She told me last night while we were dancing that they were black silk with red trim. Keenan, I know I’ve seen them somewhere before but for the life of me, I can’t remember where.’

‘I’m sure there are more of the same out there, maybe when you were single you were with someone who had the same pair,’ Keenan tried to reassure him.

Luke shook his head. ‘No, she told me how much they cost and no one I know could or would pay that much for underwear. I don’t know, it’s driving me crazy trying to remember,’ he said, putting his head in his hands. Suddenly he jumped to his feet, running his hand through his thick, dark hair.

‘Fuck, I know where I saw them.’



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