Seeing that she was too drunk to walk he had to carry her inside and upstairs to bed.
There he sat her down, telling her to undress and went and got her a nightgown. When he turned back around she was laying on her back, still dressed. Going over he grabbed her arms, pulling her into a sitting position. He pulled her dress up over her head, she wore no bra and seeing her breasts he felt a stirring down below. Trying to ignore the desire that was building he managed to put her gown on. His eyes went to the scar on her stomach and his eyes watered. It was a reminder of how she lost the baby, one she would always have.
Luke went and got her a glass of water. ‘Here, drink this. You’re going to have one hell of a hangover in the morning.’ He was taken by surprise when she put her arms around his neck and pulled him close. She then kissed him, her tongue going inside his mouth and with heated desire continued kissing him. He put his arms around her, laying her down he kissed her back, attacking her mouth with the hunger of a man who was starving. As much as he wanted her he broke apart and got off the bed, his breathing so hard he could hardly breathe.
She sat up, hurt. ‘Don’t you want me anymore?’ she said, tears filling her eyes when she looked at him.
His heart was breaking, so sitting next to her. ‘How could you even think that I don’t want you?’ I do, but you’re drunk and when I make love to you I want you to remember it.’ Laying her down he pulled the covers over her. ‘Get some sleep, tomorrow we’ll talk. We have to fix our marriage. I love you and I won’t let you go.’
When he reached the door he heard her speak. ‘What was that?’ he asked, turning to look back at her.
‘I didn’t see his face,’ she replied, sitting up.
‘Who’s face?’
‘My baby’s father.’
Luke went back over to her and sat on the bed. ‘What do you mean you didn’t see his face?’ He was afraid of where this was going.
‘It was at one of my father’s parties. I got so wasted and started flirting with his male friends. I did it to make him mad and boy did it work. He was so angry he dragged me into the hallway, slapped me and called me a whore. He ordered me to go to bed and to stay there. I don’t even know how I made it up the stairs and to my room. I removed my dress and got into bed and I guess I passed out.’ Her eyes watered and she looked into Luke’s eyes. “I’m not sure how long I was out but I woke when I felt a heavy weight on top of me, I thought I was dreaming. I couldn’t move my arms, they were pinned down. I opened my eyes when I….’ she stopped talking and burst out sobbing.
Luke wrapped his arms around her and held her as she cried. Relief washed over him when she cried, she had been holding it in for so long and needed to let it out. He waited for her to continue, feeing his rage fill his very soul, knowing where this was going.
‘I felt him inside me, heard his grunts and groans. I opened my eyes, knowing this was no dream. He wore a ski mask over his face so I couldn’t see who it was. I tried to make him stop, I begged him to stop. I screamed but no one heard me. When he was done he got off me, he didn’t say anything, just pulled up his pants and walked out.’
Luke squeezed his eyes shut, his blood was boiling in his veins. He stroked her hair as he held her tighter. ‘Dorothy, I’m so sorry sweetheart.’ He wiped her tears away, taking her face in his hands. ‘I wished you had told me before.’
‘I wanted to but I was so ashamed.’
‘You had nothing to be ashamed of, it wasn’t your fault. I’m glad you finally told me, this was something you shouldn’t have had to go through alone. Did you tell anyone? Your father or the police.’
‘I went to his room later and told him what had happened. He laughed at me, called me a liar. He said if I was really raped I was asking for it the way I was coming on to all the men, called me a whore. Told me to go back to bed and forget about it. I told him I was going to call the police and that’s when he got mad and started yelling. I was not to bring shame on him and he said it would be my word against the men at the party. The way I was behaving no one would believe I was raped. So I went back to my room and took a hot shower, scrubbing myself till I bled. I couldn’t get the filth off me.’
Luke’s heart broke for her, what kind of monster was her father? One of his so-called friends attacked her right under his roof and he didn’t care. Holding her close held her head against his chest.
‘They all wore the same tux so there was no way for me to figure out who it was, and my room was dark,’ she said as her sobs started to subside.
‘When you found out you were pregnant what happened?’
He gave me the choice of aborting it or getting married right away. Cassie may be the result of rape but she will still be my baby and it wasn’t her fault so I agreed to marry. With you he was able to kill two birds with one stone, you marrying me would prevent him from being embarrassed about having an unwed, pregnant daughter and he would be rid of me.’
‘That bastard,’ Luke swore.
‘There’s more, and this part you might hate me for. I went along with his plan, having one of my own. I didn’t think I would make a good mother so I planned on taking my trust fund and leaving you with a baby to raise. I was going to let you keep on believing you were the father. But I ended up falling in love with you and the baby and knew there was no way I could leave either one of you. You must hate me?’
‘No, I don’t. I hate your father for the way he treated you but I could never hate you. I am glad you finally told me everything. I never want us to have secrets. You get some rest, I’ll check on you in the morning before I leave for work.’
When he stood up she grabbed his hand. ‘Luke, will you move back in here with me? I miss laying in your arms at night.’
‘Me too,’ he said. Undoing the buttons on his shirt watched her as he removed it along with his jeans and climbed in next to her. She immediately snuggled into his arms and was asleep before he could say another word. He had wanted this for what seemed life forever, it felt good having her in his arms again and he was never going to let her out of them again.
He was dressed and ready to leave when she woke up.
‘Do you have to go?’ She asked sleepily.
‘There’s lot’s to do, so yeah I do.’ Going over he sat down. ‘Promise me you’ll eat something today. You need to get your strength up.’
‘Kiss me before you go,’ she said, putting her arms around his neck and reached for his lips with her own. She moaned when he laid her down and his hand ran up her leg and under her nightgown till he reached her breasts. The feel of the bulge inside his pants had her core throbbing. She cried out in protest when he stopped and got off her.
‘You are a little vixen, tempting me this way.’
‘I want you Luke and I can tell you want me too.’
Taking her chin in his hands he smiled. ‘You’re right I do want you.’ His eyes went to her lips, thinking how sweet they tasted.
‘But it’s too soon for us to make love. Your body has to heal and even Doctor Kelvin said we had to wait for at least six weeks.’
‘He doesn’t know my body the way I do and it tells me I’m ready.’
He had to give her credit for trying, the way she stared at him with those big brown puppy dog eyes of hers and the way she pouted.
‘Nice try sweetheart. You’ll have to wait as I have to. I won’t be late, I’ll be stopping in town at the garage.’
‘Why?’ she asked, laying back down, feeling frustrated.
‘There’s a Bakkie for sale at the garage, I think I can get Walter to go down in price.’
Excited she sat up. ‘When I get my trust fund we can get you a brand - new Isuzu van.’ It didn’t take a genius to see how his mood changed.
‘Let’s get one thing straight Dorothy. That money is yours, not mine and I don’t take charity. I will not touch a cent of it.’
Seeing the hurt that flashed across her face her felt like a first - class jerk so he went over and took her hand in his, rubbing his thumb on the skin.
‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped.’
‘I’m your wife Luke and it’s our money. Why must you be so stubborn?’
‘That’s the way I’m made. How about I pick up a pizza and a bottle of wine on the way home and we’ll watch a movie?’ When she smiled for the first time in weeks it warmed his heart.
‘Yes. I love pizza and make sure it’s red wine,’ she said and smiled.
As Luke and Keenan rode side by side he told him what Dorothy had gone through. That she was raped and her father blamed her for it.
‘I tell you Luke that father of hers is one sick motherfucker.’
‘You got that right and I swear I’ll never let him get anywhere near her again. I just can’t understand how he can treat his own child that way. I’d sure like to know why he hates her.’
‘Does Dorothy not know?’
‘No, she’s as much in the dark as I am.’
‘Well, I’m glad she’s coming around. Would you like Kimberly and me to come over later and see how’s she doing?’
‘I’d rather you didn’t, not tonight. After I see about the bakkie I plan on picking us up a pizza and we are going to watch a movie. I really need this time alone with her, it’s a new start for us. Maybe you could come over another night.’
‘Sure thing Luke, I hear you, man.’
Luke got the bakkie, it just had to be safetied up then it would be his. He then picked up a bottle of Dorothy’s favourite wine, the pizza and headed home. He was greeted by Dorothy at the door. She was wearing a tank top, no bra and her short shorts. She looked sexy as hell and he had a feeling she dressed this way on purpose, to try and seduce him.
‘Oh, you got my favourite wine. Did you get extra mushrooms on the pizza?’
‘Yup. You open the wine and I’ll take a quick shower and be right back.’
‘Ok, I also got a movie picked out for us to watch,’ she said, giving him a sexy smile.
He came down fifteen minutes later and they sat on the sofa. Holding a slice of pizza out to her when she leaned back on the arm and placed her legs on his lap. She had already put the movie in, all he had to do was push play. His eyes narrowed when he looked at her, the movie was ‘Fifty Shades of Grey.’ Smiling he shakes his head at her. ‘Don’t you ever give up?’
‘Nope,’ she answered with a smug look on her face….
‘Seriously, Fifty Shades of Grey. Are you trying to kill me?’ he asked, grabbing her ankles hoisted her up onto his lap.
‘I didn’t know what it was about, really,’ she giggled.
‘God it feels so good seeing you smile and laugh again,’ Luke said, running his index finger along her jaw line.
Dorothy smiled disappeared, her hand moved over his bare chest, loving the feel of his skin. ‘I know it’s only been a short time since we buried Cassie but telling you the whole truth about, well you know, everything really helped.’
‘I’m glad, but you could have told me before. I feel so bad going off on you that night in the bar, on my birthday.’
‘I wish I had told you. Luke, what you said before about how Cassie was your baby and that you also lost her. Did you mean it?’
‘Yes, I don’t care that I’m not her biological father. As far as I’m concerned I am her father and I would have loved and taken care of her regardless. How could I not love her? She was a part of you and I love you.’
A tear slid down her face and he wiped it away. ‘No, don’t you dare cry. I never want to see you cry again and I’m going to make sure you are happy and smiling every day for the rest of our lives.’
Straddling him she put her arms around his neck. ‘The only good thing my father did for me was forcing me to marry you. I love you,’ she said and lowering her head put her lips on his neck, kissing it as she moved her hand down to undo his belt buckle. His hard manhood was pressing into her thigh. She felt his hands moving over her back and she heard him moaning. Just as she was about to pull the zipper down he placed his hands on her waist, lifting her up placing her on the other end of the sofa.
‘You never give up do you?’ he asked, standing he adjusted himself and did his belt up.
‘Let’s watch the movie and finish the pizza.’
‘You’re no fun,’ she said, crossing her arms.
After watching part of the movie he knew it was a mistake, it was only getting him wound up, which he was sure that’s what she had in mind. So he thought he would have some fun with her. ‘We should try some of that?’
She looked at him sceptically.
‘Exactly which ones are you talking about? You sure as hell are not going to tie me up and spank me,’ she said, crossing her arms the way she does when she’s pissed and glared at him.
Flinging her onto her back got on top, pinning her hands above her head. ‘I think it would be kind of hot to tie up and you could use a good spanking from time to time.’
She pushed him off after she saw the smirk look on his face and knew he was only paying her back for putting on a movie that would get him in the mood for sex. ‘You’re a jerk. I’m going to bed.’
‘Wait, don’t get mad. Come sit back down and finish our pizza and wine.’
Sighing she sat back down. ‘You might as well put on a different movie, maybe a good mystery or horror.’ Looking over she gave him a smile, letting him know she wasn’t angry. When he put on another movie she moved over into his arms.
When she wrestled him for the last slice of the pizza he let her win, he was just glad that she had her appetite back. With the movie over, food and wine finished he told her to go on up to bed and he would tidy up. He cleaned up and headed to bed, stripping off his clothes got in next to her and as he usually did every night pulled her close so he could wrap his arms around her.
‘What do we have here?’’ He swallowed hard, she was not making it easy for him.
‘I hope me being butt naked is not going to bother you,’ she said seductively.
‘Not at all.’ Dropping the covers he put his arms around her, hoping she wouldn’t notice how hard his cock had gotten. He started to sweat and tried everything to stop thinking about sex and when nothing worked he thought about the night he walked in on his parents and his little buddy went into hiding. He could now relax and go to sleep.
The next day Luke was outside tending to his horsed when Dorothy came out wearing jeans, boots and walking up behind him she put her arms around his waist.
‘Hey cowboy, how about taking your wife riding?’ He had been promising her for weeks now and she was getting tired of waiting.
So saddling up one horse he helped her up and hopped on up behind her. He showed her around his land, the river, some of the other ranches. She had been married to him for some time now and he had never shown her around. With her sitting in front of him, her body so close he took in her scent. It was driving him insane not being about to make love to her, but all he had to do was wait another six days. He was sure he could hold out, that is if she would stop tempting him.
They rode into town and stopped for a bite to eat at the ‘Pancake Shack’ where Kimberly works and were glad to see she was working. Luke ordered burgers, chips and milkshakes for the two of them.
‘You’re looking good Dorothy,’ Kimberly commented.
‘Thanks. I feel so much better thanks to Luke taking such good care of me.’ When Luke went to use the restroom Dorothy leaned closer to Kimberly. ‘He has the ridiculous notion that we have to wait another week before we, well before we can do it. How can I get him to change his mind?’
‘You’re a very beautiful woman and he’s a man, use your female ways to seduce him’ she winks at her.
Luke returned and after paying the bill they left for home. Once there he helped her down off his horse, his hands still around her waist he pulled her in close for a kiss. ‘You go on in, I have work to do in the barn. I won’t be very long.’ He watched as she walked away, her ass looked so hot in her tight - fitting jeans.
He was just finishing laying down the fresh hay when Dorothy walked in wearing the long black leather boots she had on the first day he met her, and an overcoat. Looking up he checked out what she was wearing. ‘It’s a little warm for a coat don’t you think?’ He asked and went back to what he was doing.
‘Yeah, I think you’re right. I’ll just take off my coat.’ Removing it she let it drop to the ground and stood there, waiting for Luke to look up. ‘I see you’ve laid down fresh hay.’
‘Yup,’ he answered, looking up. His pulse started racing, his cock grew hard as his eyes moved down and up her body. She was standing there twirling a strand of hair around her finger, totally naked except for the boots. His eyes lingered momentarily at the small scar on her stomach and when she noticed covered it with her hand. ‘Move your hand, you don’t have to hide it from me.’
She wasn’t sure what to expect when she came out here, she was hoping he’d grab her, fling her down and make love to her. But when he didn’t make a move toward her she panicked, bending down picked up the coat. ‘I’m sorry, this was a mistake.’
He was in front of her in a split second and taking the coat from her threw it down. He started undoing his shirt and removed it as he stared down at what he thought was the most beautiful body he had ever seen.
‘The only mistake was me not making love to you before now.’ With one arm going around her waist he pulled her into him, the other hand cupped the back of her head, drawing it close to his mouth crushed his lips against hers. His kiss was passionate, deep, making her gasp, and her arms going around his neck as she returned his kiss with as much passion.
‘Lips locked he lifted her up, carrying her over to the bed of hay and laid her down. His hand moved slowly down her body, his mouth claiming her neck. His lips left a trail of kisses as he moved down, reaching her stomach he ran his finger over her scar before kissing it and getting up he watched her as he removed his jeans and briefs. Her body was coated with droplets of sweat, her breasts heaving as she stared into his eyes, licking her lips.
Getting down he got on top.
‘You are my wife, now and forever, I love you.’ Kissing her he entered her slowly His shaft was hard and throbbing, she was so wet for him and moaned when he went deep and started thrusting faster and harder.
Her warmth wrapped around his cock, her tongue inside his mouth playing with his tongue drove him mad. How he had missed this closeness, missed how it felt to make love to the only woman who had ever made him feel what he was feeling now. When her fingers dug into his flesh she wrapped her legs around his waist and met his thrusts and he couldn’t hold back couldn’t take it slow.
He kept pumping faster into her until he heard her cry out in ecstasy and he too let loose, giving him the relief he so badly needed.
Exhausted he laid on top of her, her arms tightening around him and heard her softly sobbing. Looking at her he wiped her tears away, fearing he might have hurt her by going at it too hard, but then she smiled at him, making her heart soar with happiness.
‘That was so amazing.’ She then giggled.
‘What’s so funny?’ he asked.
She ran her fingers along his lips. ‘I’ve been wondering what it would be like making love on a bed of hay. I like it, I like it a lot.’
The horsed started snorting, nodding their heads which made them both laugh.
‘It would appear we’ve put on quite a show for them,’ Luke said, his mouth going to her lips. ‘Let’s take this inside where we can be alone.’
Getting up he helped her up and put her coat on her, then pulled on his pants, picking up his shirt he takes her hand and rushes her towards the house. Anxious to get her upstairs he flings her over his shoulder in caveman style, slaps her rear and grunts out the words. ‘I take you to bed and fuck you.’
‘Ouch, you beast,’ she said as she rubbed her ass and broke out laughing.
Laying her down he removed her thigh - length boots, one at a time, slowly. Taking her foot starts kissing her leg and moves up. Reaching her neck he starts sucking, his hand caressing her thighs. Lifting his head he looks down at her as she runs her hands up and down his back.
‘Luke, can you ever forgive me for shutting you out?’
‘There’s nothing to forgive you for. You came back to me and I’ll never let you go again. I’ll never let anyone or anything hurt you.’
‘I love you, Luke, I can’t believe that I am married to such a hunk of a cowboy. I love your body, your strong arms,’ she said, touching his biceps. ‘I love this muscular chest, your six - pack,’ she said as she ran her hands along his chest and moved down. ‘I also love this,’ she said, taking him in her hand.
‘Now look what you’ve done,’ he said smiling when he got hard as she ran her hand up and down his shaft…
‘Later she laid in his arms, satisfied and both very sleepy…
