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Writer: Sonia KennedySonia Kennedy


‘If we didn’t have sex that night and I’m not the father what about the test, it showed positive, I saw it with my own eyes,’ he said, looking down at her stomach he felt like crying.

‘That night of the party and we woke up in the same bed, naked, how?’

Crossing her arms, her lips quivering she spoke through sobs. ‘I put a sleeping pill in your beer and I undressed you. I then undressed and got into bed next to you. The test was from before when I thought I could be pregnant. I’m so sorry Luke, I had to do it.

‘You and your father were in on it together. I don’t get why he didn’t make you marry the father of the baby. Why go to all the trouble of seducing me and lying about us having sex?

You have to start telling me the truth, God knows you had plenty of opportunities to tell me. Yet you made me believe the baby was mine, you got me to love it. You are a cruel and evil bitch.’

Wringing her hands together she looked down at the floor, tears streaming down her face. When she said nothing he yelled at her to start talking. The bar held around twenty people including their small group. Some ignored the fight while others listened in.

‘ANSWER ME,’ he yelled, making her jump.

‘When my father found out I was pregnant he was furious. I was to either abort my baby or get married ASAP. The day you walked into his office with the problem you were having he saw it as the perfect opportunity to save himself the embarrassment of having an unwed mother for a daughter. I would also be far enough away that his friends wouldn’t run into us.’

‘You see Luke, she and her father blackmailed you, giving back your ranch and clear if you married her and stayed that way for one year,’ Jerry said, a little too loudly.

Luke swung around to face Jerry. ‘Shut your God - damn mouth and stay out of this.’ He turned back to Dorothy. ‘Go on,’ he barked at her, his eyes blazing with fury.

‘Luke,’ Keenan said, jumping up placed his hand on his shoulder.

‘Maybe you should take this outside.’

Luke’s eyes narrowed and he snapped at Keenan. ‘Mind you own business.’ Turning back to Dorothy.

‘Tell me the rest, and why if you succeeded in making me think we slept together why did you torment me by walking around half - naked?’

Sniffing she looked at him. ‘My father said I had to get you to make love to me so that you would believe the baby was yours. I didn’t want to sleep with you, hell I didn’t even like you so I drugged you and pretended we did it. I actually hated you at first for marrying me so I wanted to tease you, to get you worked up and to want sex so that I could turn you down. But I ended up falling in love with you.’

‘If you loved me you would have told me the truth.’

‘I wanted to.’

‘Then why the fuck didn’t you?’

‘I was afraid,’ she yelled back.

‘Afraid that if I told you it wasn’t yours, you wouldn’t want me, or us. I didn’t want to risk losing you.’

‘Were you ever going to tell me I wasn’t the father?’

Crossing her arms, her lips trembling. ‘No, I don’t think so, I’m not sure.’

He shook his head, devastated.

‘Lies, so many lies you’ve told me. You say you love me, but that too is nothing but a lie.’ His heart was broken, his faith in her and their love shattered.

Moving closer she gripped his shirt collar. ‘That part of Loving you is true. I love you Luke with all my heart and it’s tearing me apart that I hurt you. I’m so sorry, please forgive me.’

Yanking her hands away moved back. ‘I don’t think you know what love is. If you love someone you would never do what you did. What about the poor bastard who fathered your baby? You were going to deny him knowing his own child.’

‘It’s not like that. Oh, Luke, I wanted this baby to be yours so bad. I was going to tell you but I talked myself into believing it was yours. After a while, it was easy for me to think of it as yours so I shoved the truth to the back of my mine.’

He ran his hand down his face.

‘Who’s the father? Damn you Dorothy tell me or else.’

Closing her eyes momentarily she took a deep breath before looking him straight in the eyes, knowing he was going to hate her. ‘I don’t know.’

‘SLUT,’ Jerry shouted out.

‘Shut up Jerry,’ Kimberly snapped at her.

‘Oh my God,’ Luke replied.

‘It’s not what you think Luke,’ she cried out, her eyes red and face all blotchy. ‘Let’s go somewhere quiet where we can talk.’

He moved up close, taking her face in his hands. ‘I can’t stand to look at you right now much less talk to you.’ Letting go of her he sat down, picking up his beer he downed it in one gulp.

Dorothy glanced around the room and saw that all eyes were on her, knowing they had heard everything, Heart pounding, tears falling she turned and slowly walked out of the bar, feeling everyone’s eyes on her.

Jerry pulled up a chair next to Luke. Ignoring the angry looks from the others she placed a hand on his arm. ‘I know you’re hurting but you had a right to know the truth. Just think about it, now that you know the brat isn’t yours, you can dump that slut’s ass when the year is up and we can start over. Just like we planned.’

He looked at her for a second before standing up and went to walk out but Jerry jumped in front of him.

‘You and I can now be together.’

‘Are you insane? You embarrassed Dorothy and me in front of everyone. Not only that you blabbed out loud the secret about the deal with Mr Martino, one I told you in confidence. There is no way I would want to be with someone like you. Why didn’t I see what you were really like before now? A cold, cruel woman who has no qualms about hurting another human being. I never want to see you again.’ He moved around her and walked out.

‘Keenan, go with him, he shouldn’t be alone right now,’ Kimberly said as she stood up.

He found Luke outside, just staring into open space. Standing next to him, his heart broke for his friend who was in so much pain.

‘She took my van,’ Luke said, his hands in his pockets.

Keenan placed his hands on Luke’s shoulder. ‘I’ll give you a ride home.’

Neither one spoke on the ride back to Luke’s. When they got there his truck was nowhere in sight.

‘Wanna come in for a drink?’

‘Don’t mind if I do. I’m sure Dorothy will be home soon and then you two should talk,’ Keenan said and followed Luke into the kitchen.

‘Beer or whiskey?’ Luke asked as he pulled out some beers and a bottle of the hard stuff.

‘Beer please,’ he answered.

‘I need something stronger,’ Luke said and poured himself a large one. ‘I don’t know what to say to her. She hurt me, Keenan, hurt me badly. I loved the baby and at night I would kiss her belly and talk to it. I was so sure it was mine and not only isn’t it, she doesn’t even know who the father is.’

‘Luke, you have to talk about it. I’m sorry but Dorothy does not seem like the type to sleep with complete strangers. There has to be a reasonable explanation for it.’

Luke looked up at him. ‘She slept with me, I was a stranger.’

‘No. You two were together for a few weeks before that happened.’ He looked at the time, they had been back for over an hour now and still no sign of Dorothy. ‘You know I can’t help wondering how Jerry got a copy of Dorothy’s report. Do you think it’s possible she might have made them up herself?’

‘No, they were legit, even if they weren’t, Dorothy admitted to being pregnant before we met. Jerry’s friend Jan works at the Doctor’s surgery, she could have gotten them for her.’ He too peeked at the clock and couldn’t help being concerned. ‘She should have been back by now.’

‘What happens now, Luke? Between you and Dorothy.’

‘There are still six months left before the year is up. I guess we’ll continue to live together till then and after that get divorced. But what she did, lying to me about the baby, I don’t think I can forgive her for that.’

‘I thought you loved her?’

‘I still do,’ Luke said, dropping his head into his hands. His heart and mind were fighting with each other. Should he forgive her and try to make it work between them or move on without her? Would he ever be able to trust her again?

‘She loves you, Luke. I really think you two belong together and can work this out if you’ll just talk to her.’

‘Now that I’ve calmed down I wish I had her explain. But I was so mad I couldn’t think straight. Where is she, Keenan? It’s getting late.’

‘I believed her when she said she convinced herself it was your baby she was carrying.’

‘If only she had told me I would have accepted it, loved and raised it as though it were mine. Oh hell, Keenan what am I going to do?’

‘You’re going to sit down with her and talk it out, find out what it was she wanted to tell you. Then you are going to let her know you love her and will stand by her no matter what she has done. That is if your love is strong enough to handle the whole truth.’

Luke gave Keenan a light punch on the arm.. ‘When did you get so smart?’

‘I’ve always been smart bro.’

Just then the phone rang and they both looked over at it, no one moved.

‘One of us should get that,’ Keenan said and getting up answered it, Luke looking on, listening.

‘Who is it? Is it Dorothy?’ Luke asked, getting to his feet.

Keenan held up his hand, silencing him. ‘My God, what happened? Yeah, I’m here with him now, we’ll be right there.’ He turned to Luke, his face was as white as a Ghost. ‘It’s Dorothy, she’s been in an accident. She’s at the hospital. It’s bad, really bad.’

The room began to spin, Luke’s legs buckled and he dropped to his knees. ‘Oh my God, I never should have let her leave. It’s all my fault,’ he said, his throat felt like it was on fire from the bile that was making its way up.

‘We’ve got to get to the hospital Luke,’ Keenan said and helped him up.

Reaching the hospital Luke jumped out of the vehicle before it came to a complete stop and dashed inside the building. Kimberly was sitting, tears fell down her face and stood up when she saw him, and Keenan right behind him, out of breath trying to keep up.

‘Kimberly, how is Dorothy?’ Luke said as he grabbed her arm.

‘I don’t know, the doctors are with her,’ she answered, crying. ‘Oh Luke, its bad.’

‘Do you know yet what happened? Or how she got here?’

‘No, the nurse said two men brought her in but disappeared,’ she said. Going into Keenan’s arms she broke down and cried.

Twenty minutes later Doctor Kelvin came out, looking at Keenan. Are you the husband?’

‘I’m Dorothy’s husband,’ Luke said and stood in front of the doctor.

‘How is she, and the baby?’ His voice shook, and once again felt the bile creeping its way up into his throat.

‘Your wife is pretty banged up, suffered a series of injuries but she will pull through.’

‘The baby?’ Luke asked, not liking the look on the old man’s face, it wasn’t one that had good news to tell.

‘I’m sorry son, the baby didn’t make it. Your wife will be out of recovery shortly then you can go in.’

Luke sat down, the sound of Kimberly sobbing rang loudly in his ears. He felt so cold inside, every muscle in his body seemed to seize up. He was incapable of moving, of thinking as he sat there, a single tear fell down his face and onto his shirt.



The way he looked at her, there was hate and disgust in his eyes. She knew no matter what she told him he would never be able to forgive her. He was crushed, she had destroyed him. Over the last few weeks, he had been talking to the baby by putting his mouth on her belly. She would run her fingers through his hair and listen as he told the baby how much he loved him. Yes, he was convinced it was a boy. Her hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly her knuckles were turning white. No matter how quickly she wiped her tears away the faster they fell, blinding her and making it hard for her to see through the windshield.

She should have known that secrets always have a way of coming out. If only she had told him the truth herself he might not hate her as much as he does now. Her plan had been to give birth and when she turned twenty - one she would take her trust fund and leave the country, perhaps go back to her mother’s true home, Mykonos. She would let Luke think the baby was his and leave it with him. But not only did she fall in love with her unborn child, but also with Luke. When he told her he wanted her to stay and that he loved her she was over the moon.

With the tears falling and not paying attention to the road she never noticed the buck running across her path until it was right in front of her. Stepping on the brake she felt the impact when she hit the animal, causing the ISUZU to swerve. She screamed when it rolled down the hill, flipping over twice before coming to a stop on its roof.

There was glass everywhere, she felt the blood in her mouth and her head was throbbing. Her vision blurred and things were spinning. She cried out in pain, her panties were soaked and she thought she had peed herself.

Hanging upside down she tried to move but something was trapping her. Fearing for the life of her baby she screamed for help.

‘Help me, Oh God someone please help me.’

She fought to stay awake but kept drifting in and out of the darkness. This was it she thought, this was how she would die, alone. What about her baby? It wasn’t fair that the baby’s life would end before it had a chance to live a full and happy life.

Not sure how long she lay there and slipping in and out of consciousness she heard voices, men’s voices and she called out.

‘Help me, help me.’

Dorothy heard the voices getting closer. Then she felt hands on her, pulling her out of the vehicle and she cried out in pain. She tried to see the man’s face but it was too dark. ‘My baby, don’t let my baby die.’

‘Shhh, don’t try to speak.’ The one who got her out of the van said as he picked her up in his arms and carried her to a waiting car, placing her in the back seat where another man sat.

Her eyes were closed and she couldn’t open them though she heard some of what the men were saying. It sounded like there was a younger man and an older one.

‘Get to the hospital now, step on it.’ The older one who was with her in the back shouted out to the other one. She’s losing too much blood.’

She felt a hand stoking her hair in a loving gesture. Her eyes fluttered open for a second and her eyes stared into a pair of dark ones before darkness took her. She felt like she was floating as she was being carried, being in so much pain she tried to force her eyes open. But nothing came into Focus, the bright lights caused her to close her eyes. Voices could be heard shouting orders as she was placed on a bed and through slits when she tried to once again open her eyes saw lights on the ceiling as she was wheeled into a room.

‘My baby, don’t let my baby die,’ she cried out, her hands tried to move to her stomach but she couldn’t move them.

Her thoughts drifted to Luke, wishing her were here with her, holding her hand. She felt the prick of a needle going into her arm and then total darkness descended upon her.

Dorothy wasn’t sure where she was or what had happened when she finally woke up. Things were hazy, the room she was in was brightly lit. Looking around she realized she was in an operating room when she saw the nurses and doctor in his scrubs. It hit her what had taken place and she cried out, asking about her baby.

‘Please, my baby, how is my baby?’

One of the nurses rushed to her side. ‘We’ve given you something for the pain. Can you remember what happened to you or know where you are?’

‘An accident, I was in an accident. How is my baby?’ She saw the nurse’s eyes going over to one of the other nurses and saw the look they gave each other. They didn’t have to say it, she knew the baby was gone, she felt that it was gone. The tears fell and turning her head from side to side she started screaming then she saw the nurse giving her another needle and felt nothing but an emptiness when darkness again took her away from her torment. But moments before she slipped into a deep sleep she grabbed the nurse’s hand.

‘Please, was it a boy or girl?’

‘A girl, a beautiful little girl.’ The kindly nurse told her.

Luke entered her room and her eyes watered when he saw Dorothy laying there. She had a bandage on her forehead, cuts and bruises on her face and arms. Her face was pale and she looked so small in the hospital bed. Going over he pulled a chair close and sat, taking her hand in his. ‘I’m so sorry Dorothy, this is all my fault. I should never have let you leave the bar and I should have listened to you when you wanted to explain. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I love you sweetheart.’ He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it. He knew she couldn’t hear him as she was not awake.

Kimberly and Keenan slipped in for a few moments to check on both Dorothy and Luke. Their hearts went out to the couple, one wrestling with his grief and guilt, the other was yet to grieve. Kimberly went over, moving the hair from Dorothy’s face and fresh tears fell down her face. Her friend was looking forward to being a mother, as Luke was to becoming a father.

‘Let us give you a ride home so you can get some rest,’ Keenan said, sitting down next to Luke.

He shook his head. ‘No, l have to be here for when she wakes up. I don’t want her to be alone. I don’t know what to say, Keenan. I love her and no matter what she had done I should have listened to her. Instead, I made her feel worse than she already did.’

Putting his head in his hands he broke down and wept. ‘I loved that baby and I am responsible for its death. Dorothy may never forgive me and I wouldn’t blame her.’ He felt Keenan’s hand on his arm.

‘The accident wasn’t your fault Luke, we still haven’t heard what caused it. You need to stay strong for her. That girl just lost the baby she was carrying for seven months and is going to need you. So stop feeling sorry for yourself and be there for her, whether or not she wants you to be. Be supportive and patient.’

Nodding Luke looked up at him. ‘You’re right Keenan. I’ll be here for her no matter what happens. Go, take Kimberly home.’

As they were leaving Luke called them. ‘It was a girl.’

He sat back in the chair, watching her sleep. It was by no means a peaceful sleep, she tossed and turned, crying in her sleep. Her moans and tears were ripping his heart apart. He wanted to hold and comfort her though she was unconscious but was afraid of hurting her. He had no idea how she would react when she woke up, would she want him near her or would she make him leave? No matter what he had no intentions of leaving her side.


Dorothy’s eyes opened and she saw Luke asleep in the chair, his long legs stretched out in front of him. He looked terrible, his hair messed, a shadow of a beard appearing. At first, she wasn’t sure where she was or what had happened, but then it all came rushing back. The fight in the bar, Jerry standing there with a smug look on her face. The accident and all the blood, her hand went to her stomach. There was no hard bump, remembering now that the baby was gone. Her daughter was dead and she herself felt dead inside.

Dorothy’s screams woke up Luke and he rushed to her side and tried to take her in his arms to comfort her but she pushed him away.

‘Don’t touch me,’ she yelled at him.

Leaning over her, his eyes full of hurt and despair. ‘I’m so sorry honey, for everything.’

‘Get out,’ she said, her sobs making her body shake.

‘I’m not leaving you.’

Laying back down she turned her head, not looking at him.

‘Please go.’

Just then a nurse walked in.

‘Step outside please while I change her bandages and examine your wife.’

‘I’ll be right outside Dorothy,’ he said and stepped out of the room.

Kimberly was there and went over to him.’ How is she doing?’

‘Not good. I think it just hit her that she lost the baby. She told me to leave. I think I’ve lost her for good, she won’t even look at me.’

‘Oh Luke, she doesn’t mean it. Dorothy is in a lot of pain and it will take time for her to get over it. Just give her time, she’ll come around. She may try to push you away but don’t let her.’

He looked at her. ‘I won’t. Have you or Keenan heard how the accident happened?’

‘Yeah, Apparently, she hit a buck and lost control of the vehicle and it rolled into the ditch. She couldn’t have been there long until someone came by and brought her here. The police have been asking around but can’t find the person who helped her. Whoever it was saved her life, she could have bled to death.’

Luke leaned up against the wall.

‘I need to go home and take a shower and change. Will you stay with her till I get back? I don’t want her to be alone.’

‘Of course I will. Here.’ She hands him her car keys. ‘Take my car. I’m afraid your van is a total right - off.’

‘Thanks, Kimberly. I’ll be back as soon as I can.’ Walking outside the sun was shining but his heart was dark, a piece of it missing. As he was about to get into Kimberly’s car he heard a woman calling him and knew it was Jerry.

‘Luke. I heard about the accident.’

‘Let me guess, you’re here to see if Dorothy is going to live,’ he said sarcastically.

‘You know I don’t give a damn if she lives or dies, not after what she did to you. Lying and trying to pass the baby off as yours.’

He turned to her in a fit of rage, his eyes dark and dangerous looking. ‘What kind of a cold - hearted bitch are you? She lost her baby, have you no compassion?’

‘Better it died than to have a mother like her. At least now you won’t have to feel any responsibility for it or her.’

Putting his hand around her neck he shoved her up against the car. ‘If Dorothy didn’t need me now I would kill you. I suggest you get out of town as fast as you can before I call the cops on you. It is a criminal offence stealing someone’s records from a doctor’s surgery.’ Releasing her he opened the car door, got in he drove off. He had come close to strangling her. If it weren’t for Dorothy needing him he might have…..


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