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Writer: Sonia KennedySonia Kennedy

All eyes were on Luke when he walked back over to his table and sat down. Each one wanted to know what Jerry had to say but waited for him to speak.

Dorothy not being one to have patience couldn’t wait any longer. ‘Are you going to tell me what she said to you?’ Her voice shook, afraid of what was coming. ‘She wants you back, doesn’t she? Why else would she come all this way?’

Luke’s eyes went to Keenan then back to Dorothy. ‘Yes, yes she does.’

Her heart sank, he seemed conflicted and she was worried that maybe he was considering going back to her. All her life, except for her mother people had let her down. She thought Luke was different, but maybe he wasn’t. Her eyes grew moist with tears and when he didn’t say anything else she thought she had her answer. Standing up she announced she was taking the van and going home. Not giving them a chance to answer fled the bar.

‘Dorothy wait.’ Luke called just as she reached the van and he grabbed her arm, preventing her from getting in. ‘Why are you leaving?’

Not being able to hold back the tears she started sobbing.

‘You’re going back to her.’

Taking hold of her shoulders gave her a shake. ‘No, you silly woman. I told her I was in love with you and that we were staying married. I also said she should go back and move on with her life, that I didn’t love her.’ He wiped her tears away with his hand.

‘When you didn’t say anything else I thought you wanted to be with her,’ she said, sniffing. Resting her head on his chest when he put his arms around her, she felt her hair being stroked.

‘I’m sorry baby, I was just taken by surprise and wasn’t sure what to say. But I never meant to give you the impression that I was considering it. You know I love you and want to grow old with you.’

She looked into his eyes. ‘I love you too. Do you want to go back inside with Keenan and Kimberly or go home?’

‘Let’s go home,’ he answered.

Later at home when they got into bed she snuggled up to him and went right to sleep. He lay with his arm around her, thinking about what Jerry had said. She voiced out loud what was always in the back of his mind. If the baby she was carrying was his or not, could it be that she was already pregnant? But if that were so then why not marry the baby’s father? Dorothy said she loved him and he did believe her, so he was sure she would have told him the truth. He had already fallen in love with the baby and to find out it wasn’t his would break his heart.

Luke was also worried about Dorothy. Jerry was different, she had changed and was so angry and her anger was directed towards Dorothy. He hoped she would leave soon and not cause trouble for him and his wife. Somehow he doubted that Jerry would leave peacefully. Kissing the top of her head he went to sleep.

Luke had already left for the day by the time Dorothy woke up. After showering and putting on a dress went down to the kitchen. There she found the tea bag in her favourite mug and water in the kettle, all she had to do was turn the stove on. A note sat on the kitchen counter.

‘I saved enough milk for your tea, can you pick more up when you’re in town for your doctor’s appointment, Love You.!’

She smiled reading this, he was always leaving notes for her before he left for work. At times she felt guilty for not getting up when he did, but he insisted she stay in bed. They both knew once the baby came she would then be getting up early, till then he wanted her to rest.

Done with her breakfast she got ready to leave for her appointment. He always rode his horse he left the van for her to use whenever she needed it. She sat in the reception area, waiting for her turn with the doctor. Flipping through a magazine looked over the top and saw the woman behind the desk glaring at her. This was something the woman did on every visit which baffled her as she had no idea what she had done to make the woman dislike her.

‘Everything is coming along just fine Mrs Rogers, the baby is healthy and growing. Are you getting lots of rest? It’s important that you take care of yourself too.’

‘Yes Doctor Kelvin, my husband makes sure of it.’ Wow, she loved saying the word husband, had her all tingling inside.

She then went to the ‘Pancake Shack’, knowing Kimberly was working and hoping to catch her on her break. Luck was on her side and they had lunch together.

‘Jerry is staying at the Bed and Breakfast, I hear she’s staying for a few days,’ Kimberly said, hoping the news wouldn’t upset her.

Dorothy felt her appetite leaving and laid her sandwich back on the plate. ‘I hope she’s gone before Luke’s birthday.’ They were planning a surprise party for him to be held at the bar, they had already invited a bunch of people and she didn’t want Jerry to show up.

‘I hope so too. I don’t know her but Keenan was her friend but I think he’s having second thoughts about her.’

‘Why do you think that?’

‘She called him last night asking a bunch of questions about you. Apparently, she was being rude and calling you names. He said she is different, not so nice anymore. Watch your back around her, I think she’s here to break you and Luke up.’

Dorothy felt the rage inside her building. ‘If she thinks she can get Luke back she’s in for one hell of a fight.’

‘You go, girl,’ Kimberly said, beaming from ear to ear.

‘I better get going, got to pick up some mild and I want to try and bake a pie. Charlene taught me but then she was there helping, now I’m on my own.’

Having picked up the milk and the ingredients for the pie walked towards the van but stopped when she heard her name being called. Seeing it was Jerry she ignored her and went to the vehicle. Before she could step in Jerry grabbed her arm and swung her around.

‘Didn’t you hear me calling you,’ Jerry snapped.

‘I heard you but I have no desire to talk to you.’

Jerry got closer and pushed Dorothy back against the van. ‘You don’t have to talk but you’re sure as hell are going to listen to what I’ve got to say. If you think you can hold on to Luke then you are insane. I know why he married you and that you tricked him into thinking you’re carrying his child.’ She looked at her stomach. ‘Just how far along are you?’

‘Not that it’s any of your business but I’m six months.’

‘Six months. Looks more like you are seven months which means there’s no way its Luke’s.’

‘You don’t know what you’re talking about, some women get big, I’m one of them. Now get out of my sight, I have to go and make my husband supper. Did you hear that? My husband. You had your chance with Luke and you ended it so back off bitch.’

‘Who are you calling a bitch? Bitch. You’re so lucky you’re pregnant or I would fucken beat your ass,’ Jerry said and gave her another shove.

‘I’m not wasting any more of my time with you,’ Dorothy said and turned her back to Jerry.

‘I know you’re hiding something and I’m going to find out what it is and when I do I’ll tell Luke. Let’s see if he’ll still want you when all your dirty little secrets come out. You and your father planned this all along I bet. Why I wouldn’t be surprised if he were the one who poisoned the river.’

Dorothy swung around to face Jerry. ‘That is ridiculous. Why would he do all that just to get Luke to marry me? Listen, Luke doesn’t want you, he loves me so will you please just go away and leave us alone?’

‘Not a chance, I’m here to get back what’s mine and you will not stop me. I’ll be seeing you around.’ Smirking she walked away, knowing she had gotten to Dorothy.

Arguing with Jerry took its toll on her. Arriving home she put the food away and then went and laid down. Her back was sore from when Jerry had pushed her into the van, the handle dug into her upper body. The sound of a door opening and closing woke her up. Looking at the clock she realized she had been asleep for a few hours and Luke was home. Getting up she rubbed her eyes just as he walked into the bedroom.

‘You ok babe?’

‘Oh, Luke, I’m so sorry. I fell asleep and I haven’t made you supper. I was going to make you something special and I was even going to bake an apple pie.’

Taking her hand he leaned over and kissed her, she looked so sweet as she stood there all sleepy and he thought, sexy as hell. ‘I don’t mind, we can heat up last night’s leftovers. I’ll shower while you do that.’

Putting her arms around his neck she looked at him with love in her eyes. ‘You are the best husband in the world. I want you to know how much I love you and my life here. There’s nowhere else I want to be.’

Not wanting to be apart from her he gave her a sly smile.

‘Come take a shower with me.’ He lifted her up and carried her upstairs, not giving her the chance to say no. There he stripped down and helped her remove her clothes.

As the warm water flowed over their bodies he turned her around, his hands cupping her breasts from behind, he kissed the back of her neck, hearing her moan with pleasure. That was when he saw the bruise on her back.

‘How did you get this blue mark?’ He asked, using his finger to trace it, God she does bruise so easily he thought to himself.

‘What mark?’

‘This one, right here,’ he said as he touched it.

‘Oh, that’s nothing.’

‘Tell me,’ he ordered her.

She turned around to face him.

‘Jerry shoved me into the van and my back hit the handle. It’s nothing so just forget about it.’

‘Like hell, I will. Who in their right mind shoves a pregnant woman? If I see her she’s going to get an earful from me.’ He put his arms around her, pulling her closer. ‘No one hurts my wife.’ Putting her up against the wall his hand moved down to between her legs, his mouth landing on hers.

After making love they went down and had a bite to eat. Later laid stretched out on the sofa and watched a movie.

‘Keenan wants me to help him fix his car tomorrow night so I said we’d both be there. That way you and Kimberly can visit.’

She smiled to herself since she already knew, it had been planned. She and Kimberly were going to make a birthday cake for Luke for his surprise party so Keenan would keep Luke occupied while they were busy. Never having made a cake she was excited, especially since it was for him. ‘Oh, sure that sounds great.’ Not having heard from Jerry she hoped the woman had given up her quest to ruin her life and went back overseas….


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