Pulling to a stop in the driveway Luke cursed quietly to himself. His parent’s car was there, he was hoping they wouldn’t be home yet. His intentions were to have his way with her, in a way that would have her screaming out loud. But since they’ve been here he had to hold back as Dorothy was very loud when she was being sexually satisfied, which he liked, adding to his own excitement.
As soon as they walked in they could hear Denny and Charlene in the kitchen.
‘They’re up late, we should go say goodnight before going to bed,’ Luke said, helping her out of his coat.
Denny and Charlene were sitting at the table drinking tea and smiled when they saw the couple walk in. ‘Want some tea?’ Charlene asked, getting up to boil some water.
‘No thanks. I’m tired so I’m going to head upstairs,’ Dorothy said, giving her mother - in - law a hug goodnight.
‘Me too,’ Charlene answered her.
‘I’ll walk up with you.’
Denny got up, kissed his wife goodnight and going over to the fridge grabbed two beers. ‘Have a drink with your old man,’ he said to his son.
Luke looked at Dorothy, he really wanted to go with her, wanted to make love to her but his father already opened the beer for them. ‘I’ll be up soon.’ He told her and took the drink from his father.
An hour later Luke checked the clock on the wall and stood up.
‘I really should get some sleep dad, the rodeo is tomorrow.’ Saying goodnight he headed to bed. His heart melted when he saw Dorothy asleep, she looked so at peace, so innocent. He Didn’t have the heart to wake her so looking down at his erection he spoke quietly so as not to wake her. Sorry buddy, not tonight.
Getting into bed she immediately moved close, snuggling up to him though she stayed asleep. He watched her as she slept. She was still a mystery to him, he knew she was hiding things and hoped that she would trust him enough to tell him. No matter what her secrets were he would take care of her. Putting his arm around her he kissed the top of her head and she made a soft purr - like sound.
The next day: After a hearty breakfast that Charlene and Dorothy made they all got ready to go into town for the rodeo.
‘You and mom will be going in their car, dad’s coming with me,’ he said, pulling Dorothy into his arms.
‘Can’t I ride with you?’
‘Dad and I have to leave early and there’s no sense in you going until it’s ready to start.’
‘Ok,’ She let out a deep sigh, putting her arms around his neck. ‘Just promise me that you’ll be careful. I don’t want anything to happen to you.’
‘I didn’t know you cared so much,’ he said, looking deep into her eyes.
‘I do care, Luke, more than you know.’ She reached up, seeking his lips. Their kiss was a long, sweet, tender kiss.
‘Luke, let’s go.’ Denny’s voice rang loudly from the front door.
Reluctantly he released Dorothy.
‘I’ll see you later.’
‘I’ll be there watching you.’
Luke started walking away when she called out. ‘Be careful ok?’
‘I will babe.’
Dorothy watched as he walked away. Her breath hitched in her throat when he called her babe for the first time. It was a term of endearment and warmed her all over, inside and out.
She and Charlene met up with Keenan and Kimberly at the rodeo, taking their seats in the stand. It was hot and the sun was beating down on them. Dorothy was glad she wore her hat, wishing now she had worn a skirt instead of jeans.
The bull riding was the first event up, Luke was third up. She watched as he rode it, hanging on with one hand, his other arm up in the air. They all watched and cheered for him but then he was tossed off, falling hard to the ground. Dorothy gasped and her hands went to her chest. A wave of relief coursed through her veins when he got up and wiped the dirt from his rear.
‘Shit, he didn’t break the record,’ Keenan mumbled.
Luke looked over at the stands where he knew Dorothy was, spotting her he smiled, took off his hat and waved it at her.
She gave him a big smile and waved, God, he looked so damn hot when he was riding the bull. His muscles straining against the sleeves of his shirt, she felt herself getting turned on.
Moments later he made his way towards them, getting pats on the back and hugs from his mother. ‘Ok mom, you know I lost right?’
‘I know son, but I’m still proud of you. You’ll get the next one.’
His eyes went to Dorothy and took her hand. ‘I’ve got time before the next competition, lets’ take a walk.’
Taking his hand she followed him. ‘Where are we going?’
‘Somewhere we can have some privacy.’ Taking her inside one of the empty barns leaned her up against the wall, his arms trapping her. His mouth came down on hers, his kiss was hot and demanding.
They stayed that way for what seemed like forever, her arms around his neck. She moaned in his mouth when he forced his tongue inside. She felt the pool of moisture between her thighs and the bulge inside his jeans pressed into her. If he were to take her right there she wouldn’t have stopped him. Now more than ever she wished she had worn a skirt after all.
Pulling away, his breathing ragged. ‘I have to go now. Do you want me to walk you back to your seat?’
‘No it’s ok, you go,’ she said, her hands running over his chest.
‘If I had more time I would have nailed you.’ Smiling he walked away, adjusting his pants.
He had left her breathless, and not to mention horny as hell. She waited till she had cooled down before going back to the others. As she took a step to leave she heard a noise coming from the back of the barn. It was dark and she couldn’t see anything. ‘Hello,’ she called out.
‘Is someone there?’
When no one answered she figured it was just her imagination. But for some reason, she felt uneasy, it was just too quiet there so she took one look back before dashing out and into the hot sun.
It was Luke’s turn roping the calves, he was fast and each time got them in record time, winning them all. The crowd cheered and she jumped up, clapping and high - fiving the others. Sweat trickled down her face and she felt dizzy, her face turned pale. Kimberly was the first one to notice that something was wrong and taking her arm sat her down.
‘Dorothy, what’s wrong?’ She cried out.
‘I felt like I was going to pass out, it’s the heat.’
Kimberly looked over at Keenan.
‘Get her some water.’
Charlene and Denny came over, worry lines etched on their faces. ‘Poor dear, you aren’t used to this heat.’ Charlene handed her a tissue to wipe her face with.
Luke happened to glance up and saw Kimberly helping Dorothy. Forgetting everything and everyone jumped over the seats to get to her. He kneeled down in front of her. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked, lifting her chin up with his fingers. ‘Is it the?’
She stopped him in time before he was able to finish his sentence. ‘I felt dizzy, it was just from the heat. Keenan is getting me some water.’
‘You sure that’s all it is?’ He couldn’t help thinking it had something to do with the baby. He took the bottle of water from Keenan and gave it to her, telling her just to sip it. He moved her hair away from her face, she didn’t look good. ‘I’m taking you home now.’
Shaking her head she started at him. ‘But the rodeo isn’t over. Don’t you have more events to enter?’
‘Just one, but it’s not important.’ He turned to the others. ‘I’m taking Dorothy home, you guys stay and enjoy yourselves.’ Putting his arm around her shoulders walked her through the crowd and to where his van was parked. Only he didn’t head home, instead, he stopped at the clinic.
‘I thought you were taking me home?’ she asked when they pulled into the clinic’s parking lot.
‘We will be. First I want a doctor to check you out to make sure you and the baby are ok.’ Taking her hand kissed it.
‘Come on, it’s only take a few minutes.’
After being examined the doctor said her blood pressure was a little high and that she was suffering from a mild case of heat stroke. He suggested she go home and put her feet up and get plenty of rest.
‘Thank you, Doctor Kelvin. I’m not used to being in the sun for so long and it was very hot.’
‘You sure you’re ok,’ Luke asked when they were in the van.
‘It’s so sweet of you to be so concerned. I’m ok, but to be honest I’m dead tired.’ She leaned back, letting the air conditioner cool her off. ‘Why can’t other men be as nice as you?’ She looked at him, her eyes filled with tears.
He reached out and caressed the side of her face with his hand.
‘There are a lot of nice guys out there Dorothy. You’ve just been surrounded by bastards your whole life. Let’s get you home and into bed.’ Pulling her close gave her a kiss.
The rest of the ride home was with his arm around her shoulder as she snuggled in close to him.
‘Ok, now that we’re home I want to go right up to bed while I make you a snack.’
‘Is that an order?’ she asked, crossing her arms and pretending to be mad. When he smiled at her and nodded she headed upstairs. It felt good having someone take care of her, it only made her fall more in love with him.
The coolness of the sheets felt good against her warm skin. Being hungry and thirsty she fought to keep her eyes open, knowing Luke would be up any minute with her drink and snack. She was about to drift off when he showed up with a large glass of milk, a sandwich and a slice of apple pie.
Placing the tray on her lap he told her he was going to take a shower. Twenty minutes later he returned with a towel around his waist and found her fast asleep. Taking the tray off the bed pulled the covers over her. Putting on some clean clothes went back downstairs just as his parents walked in.
‘How’s Dorothy?’ Charlene asked him.
‘She’s asleep. I took her to the doctor’s before coming home and he said it was heat stroke and for her to get lots of rest.
‘Well, we won’t disturb her tonight them. Your father and I are going to bed, its’ been a long day, night son.’
‘Yes, dear?’
‘Dorothy is.’ He wanted to tell her she was pregnant, but something stopped him.
‘She’s what dear?’
‘She’s different from any other woman I’ve ever known.’
Charlene went over and took his chin in her hand and lifted his face up so that she could look into his eyes. ’Yes she is and that’s why you love her. You just make sure and hang on to her, let her know every day how special she is to you.’
My God, his mother was right, he did love her. It snuck up on him so quickly and he didn’t see it coming. ’I will mom, goodnight.’
Getting into bed he turned on his side to look at her. Her nose twitched and she made a soft noise. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at him. Leaning over he kissed her, his hand resting on her breast and felt the nipple hardening under his touch. Lifting his head saw the ways she was looking back at him and his heart flipped.
Pulling her up into a seating position lifted her nightgown up over her head. Laying her back down his lips travelled down her body. She was wet, his cock hard and he took his time making love to her. For whatever reason the sex was different this time, it was deep, tender. It held more meaning than before. And when she drifted off to sleep afterwards he could have sworn he heard her say I love you.