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Writer: Sonia KennedySonia Kennedy

The smell of bacon drifted up to the bedroom and Dorothy opened her eyes and stretched. Luke was of course already gone for the day so throwing on a robe walked barefoot down to the kitchen.

Charlene was busy cooking and turned to smile at her. ‘I know this is your kitchen now but I hope you don’t mind that I made breakfast for the guys before they left and for you. Sit honey and I’ll dish it out for you. Would you like some orange juice? I also made you some tea since Luke told me that’s what you like.’

Dorothy slid into the chair. ‘I’d love some juice, please. This was and will always be your home so feel free to do whatever you want. I know that’s what Luke would want.’

Charlene poured Dorothy some juice and went back to cooking.

‘So I gather Denny went with Luke.’

‘Yup. Denny was dying to get back in the saddle again.’ She chuckled. ‘My husband is not as young as he used to be so they’ll be back by lunchtime. I thought we could make them some Western Sandwiches.

Taking a long swallow of her juice set it down. ‘Western Sandwiches, what’s that?’ She asked, curious.

Charlene brought Dorothy’s plate over and after putting it in front of her sat down and poured them both a cup of tea. ‘Well, its egg, ham, onions and some peppers all fixed together on toasted bread. You’ll love it. Would you like me to show you how to make them?’

‘I’d like that very much. I’m not of a cook and I think Luke is getting tired of eating the same thing every day.’

‘You’ll learn honey,’ she said, patting her hand.

When the men returned around noon the two women were busy in the kitchen and the smell of apple pie drifted through the house. Denny went and kissed his wife.

‘Did you enjoy yourself, dear?’

‘Oh yeah. Riding the land and being in the fresh country air makes me feel ten years younger. Our son is doing a fantastic job.’ He looked over at Dorothy. ‘You should be very proud of your husband.’

She looked at Luke and smiled.

‘I am.’

After they ate father and son discussed the rodeo and made plans to practice the calf roping before the event. When Denny excused himself he and Charlene left to go for a walk, and Dorothy did the washing up. ‘Your mother gave me some recipes and showed me how to make apple pie which we’ll be having for dessert later.’

He walked over and placing his hand on her chin turned her to face him. ‘Are you feeling ok?’ he asked with concern.

‘I’m fine.’

‘You’re pale. When is your next doctor’s appointment?’

‘Next week and I’m just a little tired that’s all.’

‘You need to take care of yourself and our baby so I’ll finish the dishes, you go upstairs and rest.’

She was touched by his kindness and felt tears coming. Placing her hands on his chest felt his heart beating. Closing her eyes she took in his scent, even mixed with sweat it was manly and intoxicating. ‘Why are you being so nice? I thought you hated me.’

‘I Never hated you. I was just angry that we were forced to marry. I never meant for you to get pregnant but now that you are I will take care of both of you.’

‘You will?’ she asked.

He cleared his throat when he saw the way she was looking at him. ‘Well, yes. After the year is up and we get divorced I’ll still take care of my responsibilities. We can talk about this later. I do want to be a part of my child’s life so I hope you’ll consider moving close by.’

She backed away, turning her back on him. ‘We’ll see,’ she said with tears in her eyes. ‘I think I will go lie down for a while.’

She had fallen asleep and when she woke up and went downstairs no one was around so she went outside. She could see the other three further off in the field so she walked over to where they were. Luke had a rope in his hands so going over she stood next to his parents and watched as he did some tricks with it. She smiled as he then roped the calf. ‘Does that not hurt the animal?’ she asked them.

‘No, it’s only for a second and he’s careful not to hurt them,’ Denny answered her.

‘I’ll go back in now and start supper,’ Dorothy said and started walking away. Hearing Luke call her she stopped and turned around, wondering what he wanted. She shrieked when the rope was tossed and landed around her waist and he started pulling her towards him. ‘What do you think you’re doing?’ she asked as she was forced to move closer to him.

With a smirk on his face, he pulled her towards him. ‘I’m practicing.’

Now they were so close their faces were only an inch from each other. ‘Your parents are watching us,’ she said, looking over her shoulder.

‘Yeah they are and since they think we are a happily married couple in love we better put on a good show.’ Before removing the rope from around her waist planted a big kiss on her lips.

She was shocked at his show of affection in front of Denny and Charlene. Shaking her head at him turned to walk away and she let out a squeal when he gave her ass a slap. Rubbing her butt she gave him a dirty look and walked back to the house, sounds of the other three laughing rang out.

Later they ate the meal that Dorothy made, with Charlene’s help. After they all retired for the night and Luke was in bed when Dorothy came from the bathroom, her skin still wet from the shower, a towel wrapped around her. He laid back, his hands behind his head and watched as she dropped the towel and slipped on her nightgown. Maybe having had sex with her was wrong but damn he couldn’t resist her.

When she saw he was watching her she smiled. ‘You could have looked away.’

‘And you could have changed in the bathroom,’ he replied.

‘Touché,’ she said and climbed into bed next to him. Her fingers traced his defined muscles as she snuggled closer.

Her touch felt like feathers on his skin and his cock grew hard. Reacting quickly he flipped her over onto her back and got on top, his mouth going to her neck. Her flesh tasted delicious, and when he moved his hand between her legs she was wet.

She loved it when he nibbled on her neck, it got her hot. When she felt his hand going between her legs, stroking her sensitive folds she felt the dampness pooling. But then she pushed at his chest. ‘Luke stop.’

‘I don’t want to,’ he groaned.

‘I hear something, listen.’

He stopped what he was doing and lifted his head, just then they heard a loud crash. He jumped out of bed and pulled on his pants. ‘That came from my parent’s room, stay here.’

He ordered her to stay put and dashed out of the room.

Moments later he returned and she noticed how ghostly white his face was a he removed his pants on got back into bed.

‘Oh my God what happened?’

He shook his head. ‘They broke the lamp next to the bed.’

‘A lamp. So why do you look so upset?’ She asked, touching his arm. ‘Surely you’re not that upset over a silly lamp.’

‘That’s not what’s upsetting me.’

‘Then what?’ she asked, more curious than ever.

He looked at her and pulled the covers up to his chin. ‘They were,’ he stammered, ‘They were in the middle of - of doing it.’

Her eyes opened as wide as saucers. ‘You mean they were having sex?’

‘Yes,’ he snapped.

Dorothy covered her mouth and started laughing.

He glared at her. ‘I’m glad you find this funny. Oh God, no one should see their parents having sex.’

‘Luke I think it’s great that after all these years they can enjoy a healthy sex life. Why shouldn’t they? They are both still young and in fantastic shape, I think it’s sweet. I just hope when we’re their age that we are still having great sex.’ She realized her mistake once the words were out of her mouth. They both knew when the year was up she’d be gone, there would be no we. ‘I meant with our future partners, not you and I.’

‘Yeah right,’ he said and laid back down, staring up at the ceiling. After seeing his parents in action he was no longer in the mood for sex, and might never be.

Laying on her side, her back to Luke she wanted to slap herself. What was she thinking in saying that to him? It’s not like he wanted to stay married to her. Though she was starting to like being his wife, he was sweet and gentle with her and a very generous lover. He was not selfish in bed like some men were, he made sure she was satisfied before he finished. If only things could be different, she thought as a tear slid down her face.

Thoughts and images of his parents flew out of his head when Dorothy said what she did. For a second there she made it sound as if she wanted to remain his wife. The fact was, he kind of liked the idea. She was changing and carrying his baby and his house felt more like a home since she’s been here. Not to mention that they had this sexual chemistry between them, one that was so strong that drew them together. He’d by lying if he said he never thought of making love to her whenever she was near. God, he felt like a horny teenager around her. He looked over at her and saw she was asleep, her hair fanned out on the pillow. Touching a strand he leaned over and inhaled its scent.

Morning: Dorothy was still asleep when Luke got up and went down to the kitchen and saw his parents, cooking breakfast. He sat down and tried to avoid looking at them.

‘Morning honey,’ Charlene said as he sat down.

Denny was reading the paper but set it down. ‘About last night son.’

Luke shuttered, held up his hand. ‘Please dad, let’s not mention it, ever.’ No way did he want to think about it much less talk about it.

Denny chuckled. ‘As you wish. Your mom and I will be leaving the day after the rodeo. We want to stop along the way to visit some old friends.’

‘Ok,’ Luke said as he dug into the plate of food his mother set before him. He was going to miss her cooking. Dorothy, though she was improving some of her meals were very bland. Remembering some of her other talents, such as in the bedroom he was able to overlook her cooking.

‘We’re going to visit the Millers later today so we won’t be back until late,’ Charlene said, giving Luke a kiss on his cheek. So why don’t you take Dorothy out tonight, show her a good time.’

Luke wiped his mouth with the serviette. ‘Yeah, I think I will. I have to get going so I’ll see you either tonight or tomorrow. Bye mom, dad.

Dorothy was excited when she was told he was taking her out. Things were going well between them and she could picture a life with him. She thought she might be falling in love with Luke. Her heart would beat fast inside her chest whenever he was near. But when he wasn’t around her heart ached and she felt lonely. In her mind all men were pigs, controlling and physically as well as mentally abusive. But Luke was different, even though he stared off rough he was now gentle and loving and she knew he was not the type to hit her….


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