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Writer: Sonia KennedySonia Kennedy

As the minutes ticked by and Luke still was not home she started to panic even more, his parents would be here any minute. Sure enough, a car pulled into the driveway and an older couple got out. Sweat appeared on her forehead and between her breasts. Looking into the mirror she fixed her hair before opening the door, putting a smile on her face.

With more confidence than she actually felt greeted them.

‘Hello. It’s a pleasure to meet you both.’ She was a little taken aback when they pulled her into their arms for a big hug.

‘My you are beautiful,’ Mrs Rogers said and turned to her husband. ‘Isn’t she Denny?’

‘That she is Charlene,’ he said, giving her a friendly smile.

‘Where is that son of mine? Don’t tell me he’s still working when he has such a gorgeous wife waiting for him.’

Dorothy blushed. ‘I’m sure he’ll be home soon,’ She said nervously.

‘Can I make you something to drink?’

‘We’d love some tea if you don’t mind dear.’

‘Not at all. I’ll go make it now.’

Leaving them she headed to the kitchen and pouring water into the kettle placed it on the stove. So far so good she thought. When she heard the door opening she knew Luke had finally made it home so she let out the breath she was holding in. She was still pissed that he wasn’t here when his parents arrived. The sounds of happy greetings could be heard coming from the living room and then the sound of footsteps coming towards the kitchen.

‘Sorry I’m late honey,’ Luke said as he went over and kissed her cheek. Turning back to his parents. ‘So what do you think of my wife?’ he asked, his arm going around her waist as he pulled her closer to him.

‘Oh, she’s a beauty son.’ They sat down as Dorothy made the tea, setting it down in front of them.

Luke’s mother cleared her throat and glanced at her husband. ‘Your father and I were a little concerned when we heard you got married and didn’t tell us. The last we heard you and Jerry were an item.’ She looked at Dorothy. ‘I’m sorry dear that I brought up Jerry, but you can understand our concern.’

Luke saw how uncomfortable she was so he spoke up, saving her trouble. ‘Mom, it wasn’t going to work out with us and when I met Dorothy I knew she was the one. Once you get to know her you’ll love her.’

‘I’m sure we will,’ Denny said, winking at Dorothy. ‘But you have to admit it was kind of fast.’

‘Now, dad didn’t you and mom marry after only knowing each other a few weeks? It’s like you said, once you knew mom was the right one why wait.’

After they had their tea Luke’s parents went upstairs to get settled into their room and he went to take a shower. They were only going to be with them for a few days and then going to visit friends before going back to Mpumalanga.

Dorothy made the salad and heated the lasagne. The table was set and food was ready to be served by the time everyone came back down. ‘I hope you enjoy it, Mr and Mrs Rogers.’

‘Call us mom and dad, or if you’re more comfortable you can call us by our first names. It’s delicious dear, but then Smitty always did make a mean Lasagne,’ Charlene said with a twinkle in her eyes.

Dorothy almost choked on her food and looked at her. ‘You know?’

‘Yes, dear. Smitty is well known for this one dish and we used to go there just for this peculiar dish.’

‘I’m so sorry. I wanted to make it myself but I forgot to thaw out some meat and I didn’t know what to do and I didn’t want you to think badly of me.’

At that moment she felt like a total failure and was sure Luke would be furious. But he wasn’t, he was smiling as were his parents.

Charlene placed her hand on top of Dorothy’s. ‘Sweetheart don’t fret about it. We understand and we did kind of spring our visit on you. It is delicious though.’

Dorothy chuckled. ‘To be honest I’m not a very good cook and if I tried to make it myself it would have been a disaster.’ She looked over at Luke who was still smiling and he winked at her.

Luke and his father went out to feed the horsed while Dorothy and his mother stayed inside, sitting on the sofa talking.

‘Do you like living in Mpumalanga? It must be so different from living on a ranch in Cedarburg Hills,’ Dorothy asked as she curled up on the sofa next to her.

‘When Fred first suggested it I wasn’t happy about it. I mean I grew up around here with family and friends. Had my own horse when I turned eight. I told Denny I would give it one year and if I didn’t like we were to move back here, well, honey let me tell you, after six months I knew it was where we belonged. We’ve met many friends and the weather is always warm. Oh, and we have our very own orange tree outback. Don’t get me wrong, there are times I miss it here, especially when the rodeo is here.’

‘Rodeo?’ she asked quizzically.

‘Yes, every year at this time the town puts one on. Luke hasn’t mentioned it to you?’

Dorothy shook her head no.

‘I thought he would have since he usually participates in it. Calf roping, bull riding and he’s really good at it. That’s one of the reasons why we came, well that and the fact we heard he got married. Enough about me dear, tell me about you.’

‘There’s not much to tell,’ Dorothy said, casting her eyes down stared at the floor.

‘What about your parents? Were they upset that you got married so quickly?’

She blinked back tears. ‘My mother died four years ago from lung cancer.’

‘I’m so sorry,’ Charlene said, leaning over and patting Dorothy’s knee. ‘And your father?’

‘We don’t get along, never did. He’s actually glad that I’m out of his home and truthfully I’m glad to be away from him.’ It’s not that she didn’t want to be close to her father but whenever she tried he always pushed her away and would become more cold and cruel towards her. She often wondered what she had done to make him hate her as much as he did. After a while, she gave up trying to win his love.

The guys walked in therefore interrupting their conversation.

‘What are you two ladies talking about?’ Denny asked as he bent down, kissing his wife’s cheek.

Dorothy looked from one man to the other, the resemblance between them was incredible. From their dark hair to their muscular form, only Denny’s hair was starting to grey at the sides. Even Charlene looked amazing for her age, her hair a light brown with blonde highlights and she still had a great figure.

‘I was just telling Dorothy about the rodeo. Why haven’t you mentioned it to her?’ Charlene asked her son who took a seat across from them.

‘I didn’t see the point since I won’t be in it this year.’

‘Oh come on son, your mother and I were hoping to see you win again this year.’ Denny looked over at Dorothy. ‘You have to see him ride the bull, he’s really good and for the last few years he has won for cattle roping.’

Dorothy smiled at Luke. ‘I’d like to see that.’

‘I haven’t been practicing,’ he said, shaking his head.

‘You’ve got a couple of day’s son.’

With all three of them pleading with their eyes for him to enter the rodeo he raised his hands up in exasperation. ‘Ok you win, I’ll enter.’

After they had tea and pie his parents went up to bed, leaving Luke and Dorothy to tidy up. ‘You can go on up to bed and I’ll take care of this.’

‘Are you sure you don’t mind? I am tired, it’s been a busy day,’ Luke said, checking to make sure she was all right alone.

‘Yes silly, it’s only a couple of plates and cups. I’ll be up in a few minutes.’

Luke was already in bed and almost asleep but his eyes opened when she walked in. He watched as she picked up a nightgown and stripping down she put it on. He wasn’t sure if she knew he was awake or not as she stood there naked, though it was only for a few seconds. But it was long enough to get a good look which his little buddy below appreciated.

‘Oh, I thought you were asleep,’ she said, getting into bed next to him.

‘Not yet,’ he replied.

‘I like your parents, they’re really sweet.’

Rolling onto his side he rested his head in the palm of his hand, looking at her. ‘They like you too. Thanks for being so nice to them.’

Turning her head towards him, glaring angrily at him. ‘Oh wow, do you really thing that little of me?’

‘What did I say wrong?’ He asked, sitting up in bed.

‘You make me sound like a bitch who has no social manners. Did you think I’d be rude to your parents or make them feel unwelcome?’

He knew she was pissed and when she folded her arms across her chest, causing her breasts to rise. He found her reaction humorous. For some reason her being mad turned him on and he pushed her back where she laid flat and he climbed on top of her. When she tied to push him away he pinned her hands above her head. ‘You have no idea how sexy you look when you’re mad.’

‘I’d get off me if I were you or you’ll get the same treatment the man who harassed me and Kimberly got,’ she said with a smirk on her face. She knew he was sexually aroused when she felt his hard shaft pressing into her thigh.

‘Fuck, you’re so beautiful,’ he said as he lowered his mouth to hers. He could taste the cherry flavour of her lip gloss that still lingered on her lips. Her mouth opened ever so slightly as his tongue found its way inside her mouth. His cock grew harder when he heard her moan and she raised her hips. Still kissing her he released her hands and his one hand moved down her body and back up her leg, under her short nightgown. He reached for her panties and his hand went inside, she was wet and started to squirm when he began rubbing her honey pot that was damp.

‘Luke,’ she moaned.

Tearing his mouth away moved down and pulled off her panties, tossing them to the floor and getting back on top. He started breathing heavily and grunted with pleasure when she took hold of him and guided him inside her. He kissed her neck and his pace sped up and he started thrusting harder and faster inside her. He felt her muscles tightening around his cock, it felt so amazing, so warm. As they both came to a climax he kissed her, it was deep and passionate to muffle her screams, and he didn’t want his parents to hear.

Hovering above her he brushed her hair from her face, looking into her eyes saw the tears in them and thought maybe he had hurt her. ‘Have I hurt you?’

‘No,’ she sniffed. ‘This was so sweet and tender the way you made love to me.’

‘I feel as though I cheated you, it was too fast. I should have taken my time and given you more pleasure but I’m afraid I got carried away. Next time I’ll make sure it’ll be all about you.’

She smiled, reached up and traced his lips with her fingertips. ‘You didn’t cheat me, it was perfect.’ She looked at his mouth, his lips and as her core still throbbed from the impact of his erection pounding inside her she wondered where he learned to kiss, he was an amazing kisser.

Luke rolled off and pulled her into his arms, falling asleep with a smile on his face….


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