Luke and Dorothy looked at each other, he saw the fear in her eyes. ‘Can’t this wait? As you can see we just got married and our guests are expecting us to go back to our place to celebrate.’
‘It’ll only take a few minutes,’ Detective Northey answered.
‘Ok, give us a few minutes to tell our guests.’ Taking Dorothy’s arm led her away. ‘Just take a deep breath, we’ll tell them we haven’t seen him in months, and that is the truth.’ Luke waved Keanan over and explained that the police were here about Silvio. ‘So do me a favour, have everyone go back to our place, we’ll be along shortly.’
Luke put his arm around her waist and whispered in her ear.
‘Just hold my hand.’
‘Mrs Rogers, your father hasn’t been seen or heard from in several months. Have you had any contact with him during that time?’
She felt the bile in her throat, she wanted to shout out that he wasn’t her father but she remained calm and answered their questions. ‘No, my father and I have never gotten along and since I moved here we haven’t talked.’
‘Do you know of any enemies he might have?’
‘Silvio, I mean my father has many enemies as I’m sure you already know. He never discussed them or his business dealings with me.’
‘His clothes are gone, his safe was left opened and the contents gone. He has been embezzling money from his partners and it would appear he’s run away. But there is a possibility he’s met with foul play.’ Detective Long said, looking at her suspiciously.
She stared back, ‘Are you accusing me of something?’
‘Of course not.’ Detective Northey butted in. ‘We checked and found in his will you were excluded from receiving any or all money in the event of his death.’
‘I know that Detective. I’m sure you also know I received a very large trust fund from my mother, so I have no need for his money.’
Luke felt her hand tremble and gave it a light squeeze. ‘If there’s nothing else Detective my wife and I have a party to attend.’
‘If you hear from your father please give me a call, here is my card.’ He went to hand it to Dorothy but Luke took it and stuck it in his pocket.
‘If we hear from him you’ll be the first to know, good day gentlemen.’ Luke led Dorothy away and over to the horse and buggy.
Helping her up he puts his arm around her, kissing the top of her head. ‘You did real good honey.’
She looked up at him. ‘I felt sick calling him my father. I wanted to scream at them that he was a monster and a murderer and a rapist.’ A sob broke free and she laid her head on his chest.
She loved him more for letting her have some time to just sit there for a while, holding her. Looking up at him she smiled.
‘Let’s go home.’
‘From this day on things will only get better, all the bad stuff is behind us.’ He lowered his mouth, his lips planted softly on hers. ‘You know we could find a quiet spot and fool around before going home.’
She laughs. ‘Not in this dress Mister. If you knew how much it cost you wouldn’t suggest that.’
‘Just how much did it cost?’ He shook his head. ‘Never mind, don’t tell me because I don’t care, this your day and I love you.’ Giving her a passionate kiss before he headed home to their waiting guests.
At home, they danced, ate and celebrated their special day. Holding her in her arms as they danced his mouth travelled down her neck to her bare shoulders, kissing.
‘Luke stop, people are staring.’
‘I don’t care, I just wish they would hurry up and leave. I can’t wait to get you upstairs and out of this dress.’
Close to midnight people started leaving and when the last of the guests finally left he lifted her up into his arms and carried her upstairs to their bedroom. Putting her down he turned her around, his lips on her neck as he slowly pulled the zipper on her dress down. Sliding the dress down she lifted her legs and stepped out of the dress. She stood before him wearing a small pair of panties, and that was before he pulled them off her.
She helped him out of his clothes and when he was naked she pushed him back onto the bed and climbed on top of him. Looking down as she straddled him. ‘I Love You,’ she said, she leans over to kiss him as she grinds into him. ‘I’m going to save a horse and ride a cowboy.’
He had to smile at her attempt to be humorous and seductive. His smile widened when she guided him into her and started riding him. His hands moved up and down her back, as his moans grew louder.
He waited till they were both close, with experience and speed he flipped her over so that he was on top. ‘My turn,’ he said, his breathing ragged, his cock hard and throbbing as he began thrusting harder and faster, her fingers digging into his back as she started screaming out his name. Hearing his name as she screamed out his name. Hearing his name as she screamed got him more excited.
Laying in each other’s arms she ran her hand over his chest, their bodies so close you couldn’t put a piece of paper between them.
‘We’re going to have an amazing life together,’ he said, kissing her.