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Writer: Sonia KennedySonia Kennedy

After years of searching, I finally got a tip from an old acquaintance who was visiting Mykonos. He met this man who called himself, Silvio Martino. One can change their appearance with plastic surgery but cannot change their voice.

My friend was sure he was Matteo Albini but had no proof. So I had many people watching him. This did not happen till after you married and moved away. Matteo lost his bodyguard in a freak accident.’

The two men standing beside him smirked.

‘He then hired a new none. I believe you have met him, Vic. He proved himself to Matteo, gained his trust and soon Matteo confided in him on many issues.’

‘If you knew that Silvio was Matteo why didn’t you get your revenge then?’ Luke asked with his arm still around Dorothy.

‘I had to make sure he was Matteo and that he was the one that killed my son. So I waited and watched him. Vic overheard him talking to a man, your name was mentioned. He was planning your murder once you turned twenty - one. He was the sole beneficiary of your trust fund and since both of you signed a prenup he would get the money.’

Luke’s eyes narrowed, his jaw clenching. ‘Why would he kill Dorothy for a few hundred thousand Rands? The man is filthy rich.’

Dominique was confused. ‘A few hundred thousand Rands. It’s more like Three Large Bars. You didn’t know?’

Luke was shocked, he would never have thought it was that much. She hadn’t told him, and he didn’t ask. Getting up he went and got them all another drink, handing her a glass of wine. ‘Why didn’t you tell me it was that much?’

‘I don’t know,’ she answered.

‘Well at least I know you aren’t with her for the money, but because you love her. My men have been watching and waiting in the background to protect you if Matteo went through with his plan. I arrived the day you had your accident and lost the baby, we followed you.’

‘Are you the one who sent me the flowers and put the single rose on my baby’s grave?’

‘Yes my dear, it was me. It was just recently that I found out it was Matteo who fathered your child. When you both showed up at his home and he confessed that he raped you and described how he killed my son, Vic called me. I now had the proof that he was indeed my son’s murderer. If I had known what he had done to you before he would have taken his last breath long before now.’

‘What will happen to him now?’ Luke asked Dominique.

‘He will be dealt with.’ He patted the seat next to him.

‘Come, sit next to me,’ he told Dorothy.

‘He will be dealt with.’ He patted the seat next to him.

‘Come, sit next to me,’ he told Dorothy.

Getting up she looked back at Luke and sensed he was uneasy about her leaving his side.

Once she was seated Dominique reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture and handed it to her. ‘This is for you, it’s your father and mother, and it was taken shortly after they met. They were deeply in love. He was a good man and your mother was so sweet and loved my son with all her heart. I didn’t know you existed till we found Matteo.’

She stared at the picture, he was so handsome and they looked so happy. ‘Do I have other relatives in Mykonos?’

‘No, just me. I must leave you now, I have already stayed way longer than I should have.’

He stroked her cheek in a Grandfatherly way. ‘I am so glad to have met you, my dear. Be happy with this young man.’

He stood and she got up and hugged him. ‘Will I ever see you again?’

‘I’m afraid not, it would be too dangerous for you to be associated with me in any way. Goodbye, my dearest Granddaughter. I will think of you every day until the day I die.’ Snapping his fingers the bodyguards stood next to him.

Dominique turned to Luke. ‘Make her happy young man, don’t you ever hurt her.’

Luke went to Dorothy and took her hand in his. ‘I will sir, I promise.’

The old man nodded. ‘One more thing. This day never happened, there were no dead bodies and you never saw me. Forget this day and just move on with your lives. Matte will never harm either one of you again, or anyone for that matter.’

Dorothy called out as they reached the front door. ‘Grandfather.’ She ran to him, her arms going around him as she hugged him.

‘I will miss you, and thanks for saving me and Luke.’

He took her face in his hands.

‘Remember this. You must never contact me but know that I Love You. Oh, if only I had known about you when you were born.’ Kissing her cheek, he left with his bodyguard.

Luke went and wrapped his arms around her as she broke down sobbing.

Silvio Martino (Matteo Albini)

Silvio sat back in his chair, drinking scotch and smoking one of his expensive cigars. His phone was by his side and he kept checking his watch. ‘Those jackasses better not screw this up,’ he said, looking over at Vic.

‘Patience sir, these things take time. If you’ll excuse me I need to use the men’s room.’ Slipping out of the room he answered his cell that was vibrating in his pocket. After listening for a moment he hung up and went back to where Silvio sat waiting.

He found Silvio sitting behind his desk, going through some papers. He went over, standing behind him. Just then two men burst in, causing him to jump up.

‘What the hell is the meaning of this? Who are you?’ Silvio bellowed. He was unable to see what was about to happen behind his back when a covering of some kind was placed over his head. He struggled and started yelling.

‘Vic, what the hell are you doing?’

‘Shut up,’ Vic hissed as he tightened the rope that was around his neck, holding the cover in place.

Silvio couldn’t see a thing, he was in complete Darkness. The two men dragged him out and threw him into the back of a vehicle. ‘Vic, is this some kind of joke? If so it’s not funny and you’re ass will be fired.’

‘It’s no joke Silvio, or should I say, Matteo? Just sit back and relax, its’ going to be a long trip.’ He clocked him over the head, realizing he did so a bit too hard when Matteo was knocked out. Just as well he thought, this way he wouldn’t have to listen to the sick fuck.

Silvio came to, still in darkness. He felt two pairs of hands grabbing him, pulling him out of the vehicle. He could hear a helicopter up ahead, fear gript him. ‘Where are you taking me?’ He screamed out when they shoved him inside. For the life of him, he couldn’t figure out who would be doing this to him.

After what was a terrifying hour the helicopter landed. Dragged out he was escorted into a building of some type. A door opened and he was pushed in, as his hands were tied behind his back he was unable to pull the covering off his face. The room felt cold and had a strange smell, he could hear voices whispering and what sounded like surgical equipment. He thought maybe he was in some kind of hospital. Then several hands started removing his clothes. He started yelling, demanding to know what was happening which went unanswered.

He was then lifted up onto a cold steel table - Butt Naked, his hands and feet tied so that he couldn’t move. “Damn you Vic, when I get out of this you are a dead man.’

The men all laughed, he counted at least four different men laughing.

Vic leaned over, his mouth close to Silvio’s ear. “I’m afraid I won’t be the one dead here.’

‘Please Vic, whatever you are getting paid to this I’ll double it, hell let me go and I’ll triple it.’

He heard the door open and all the men went deadly silent. The rope around his neck was taken off and the covering was removed from his face. He had to shut his eyes as the lights above him were bright, blinding him. Slowly opening them squinted until his eyes adjusted to the lights. The blood in his veins ran cold, and the terror overwhelmed him when he was face to face with Dominique.

‘Dominique,’ he said, his voice shaking.

‘Matteo. I bet you thought you would never see me again. For twenty years I have been searching for you. I must say you are a clever man to remain hidden from me for so long. I have a score to settle with you, two that is. One for killing my son. Two, for raping my granddaughter and planning her death.’

‘Dominique, I’m begging you to forgive me. I was young and when your son slept with my wife I lost it, I wasn’t in my right mind. Please spare me.’

‘Spare you, like you spared my son when you put three bullets in him. No, you will pay for what you’ve done. I was just going to shoot you but I feel the punishment for what you did to my granddaughter should fit the crime.’ He turned to the man wearing a white coat. ‘Give him something for the pain. I don’t want him dead before the next part of his punishment.’

‘What are you going to do to me?’ He cried out when he felt the prick of a needle going into his arms.

‘I am going to give you what you deserve. Not only did you kill my son, raped my granddaughter and force her to marry a stranger, a man she had never met you also stole money from me.’

He snapped his fingers and the man in the white coat walked over, holding a strange - looking knife. ‘Cut it all off, the cock and the balls.’

‘Oh my God no, please I’m begging you.’

A rag was shoved into his mouth to muffle the sounds of his screams as the doctor proceeded to remove what he was ordered to.

Silvio passed out, coming to a few hours later and in a great deal of pain. He knew then he was dying, it was just a matter of time. Still naked he was dragged from the table and pushed back into a chair. Seeing Dominique standing before him, holding a gun he glared at him, wanting to spit at the old man but had no saliva. ‘Just kill me already. Federico your son fucked my wife, so I took great pleasure in fucking his daughter.’

Dominique knew he was just trying to make him mad enough into killing him fast, but he wanted him to suffer more before he died. ‘No, my old friend, you must receive the same as you gave my son.’ He raised the gun and pointed it at Matteo’s stomach. ‘This is for my son.’ Pulling the trigger got him in the gut and smiled when he screamed out in pain. ‘This one is for Dorothy.’ He would have shot him right in the heart but he wanted to look into Matteo’s eyes before he died. ‘This one is for my great - grandchild.’

Putting the gun right on his forehead he smiled. ‘Any last words Matteo?’

Matteo (Silvio) with blood mouth dripping from his mouth stared into the dark cold eyes of Dominique. ‘Fuck you,’ he shuttered.

The final bullet went through his skull and his head fell backward.

Dominique handed his gun to Vic. ‘Have the men clean up this mess. Bury Matteo with his cock so deep that his remains will never be discovered. I am tired, so I will go home now.’

He looked at Vic and gave him a gentle slap on the side of his face. ‘You’ve done Good and will be highly rewarded. See you back in Mykonos. Wait, one more thing. Make sure this gets delivered to my granddaughter then come home.’ He handed Vic a small package.


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