Interviewer: Okay, can you explain what exactly the police task is actually dealing with right now? There have been rumours about this notorious criminal actually being wanted for several years, and his identity only identified by the clues he has left behind. So, we all are curious to know whether the pattern followed by this criminal similar to the unsolved kidnapping case of the 1990’s or an entirely new form of committing a crime is taking place here. Dect. Jolene: Yes, the information is true. Currently, we are chasing a psycho, supposedly ‘Carmen’, whose identity has only been attained by his choice. The police force has been hunting this man for a decade, and the reason why such a long time span has been wasted is that the dynamic and complex personality of this criminal has been extremely difficult to decode. We tried keeping the investigation undercovers to keep the peace stable, but when it involves the kidnapping of a girl, then words have to be spread. And yes, in some ways, this case does seem similar to the kidnapping cases of the 1990’s, but that’s only because we have been dealing with a highly manipulative psycho in both cases. The individual personalities of these criminals have visible differences.
Interviewer: Okay, Ma’am, so when you use the word psychopath, how does one define that term? I mean what are the characteristics that differentiate a normal criminal from a psychopath? How do you know that you are dealing with a pyscho instead of ordinary criminals. Dect. Jolene: Well, psychopaths are commonly known to be ignorant of their emotions. They show a pattern that shows voidness of emotions and is more focused on repeated tension. This ‘Carmen’ case, too, showed a revolved or repeated intensity in certain patterns. So, when there is voidness, there comes manipulation. The intelligent ones are easily able to manipulate others and use their emotions. Also, often, the main traits of psychos include having excellent communication skills, being extremely intelligent, social, manipulative and managing to secure some of the best job posts. Interviewer: What about their attachments? Can psychos get genuinely attached to someone? We have read cases of them being overly obsessed. SO with the voidness of emotions, can they seriously care for another wellbeing?
Dect Jolene: Never. There is a difference between caring and obsession. Like I have mentioned, the minds of psychos need a hobby, a habit, to quell their void. They show certain tendencies that depict their unstable mindsets. Their extremist emotions are because of those imbalances. A psycho is a true narcissistic who can’t care about anyone, yet his obsessions are simply a deception of his own dark void. Psychos don’t feel, their obsession with a human being might seem possessive or protective sometimes, but that is because their void has decided to focus on that person. They are good manipulators and can easily make one seem like they care, but raw feelings and that is why their committed crimes are mostly horrendous in nature and their victims are affected the most. Interviewer: That’s so disturbing. Okay, Ma’am, Just on last question. You mentioned earlier that two psychos can be differentiated from one another while comparing Carmen with the kidnapper of 1990’s, so how can they be differentiated? Dect Jolene: Okay, like I mentioned earlier that psychos have obsessions. It’s what they do with their obsessions that makes them different from one another. For example, two children were killed in the kidnapping of 1990’s, their oppressor was choosing to punish them. While in Carmen’s case, it seems like most of his actions have been revolved around gaining the approval of his obsession. Interviewer: Okay, thank you so much for your time, Ma’am. This interview has been so informative, and we are grateful for the police force to be working this hard to keep us safe. We pray Carmen returns back our town girls and gets to pay for his sins, soon. Dect Jolene: Most welcome. And we pray the same. Rest assured, we promise to bring back our girl no matter what.