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I was waiting in the foyer for the Verlice family. I was leaning back and forth on the ball and heel of my feet. Trying to calm down my nerves, only it failed. I tried to fumble with my dress, again it did not help. Xavier, who was standing next to me, grabbed my hand.


“Relax little sister. I am there to protect you, might Edric do something foolish.’ My brother whispered in my ear, tickling me.


I sighed. ‘I know brother, but how about when we are alone.’ I looked up to him, showing my concern.


‘What do I do then? I have never been with a man alone, you excluded.’


‘I’m sure… he has a good pair of eyes, to see you need to be treated like a Queen.’ Xavier tried to assure me.


Only it did not help me. The cold look in Edric’s eyes had not left my mind. I knew he was not a good man, not as good as my own brother. That frightened me.


The doors opened, my breath hitched. The moment I saw Edric, cold sweat was running down my back. My mouth suddenly dry. I knew how badly I did not want to be wed, did not want to be married to him. But seeing him, made it only so much worse.


The worst thing of this all was that I could not do anything to stop this. I could not go against my father. I could also not run away. The way father made me fear, made me ignorant about the outside world, kept me like a loyal pup staying with her owner.


“Marcus, how good to see you…’ My Father said to Mr Verlice, shaking hands with him. My brother greeted Edric and I was left with Miranda.


‘Hello dear, it is good to see you again.’ She said with a smile. With her greeting she had embraced me in a hug.


Hugging other people than Xavier was quite difficult for me. Nevertheless, I did not show this. Showing any form of discomfort, if not necessary, was not what a proper lady would do. The men were already done with greeting one another and were heading to the formal sitting room for some tea.


Upon entering the room, I wanted to sit next to my brother, only Miranda did not let me. She insisted to accompany her, to talk about the wedding.


As I sit next to her and engaged myself with a conversation about the wedding arrangements, I peeked from time to time at Edric. He still had the same bad, cold, and evil aura around him. ‘What are you looking at dear?’ Miranda asked me. Oh no, I had hoped she would not catch me looking at him. I looked down at my lap, too embarrassed with getting caught.


I saw Miranda looking back and then at me. She whispered. ‘Are you looking at my son?’


I did not answer, but unfortunately for me, that gave her already the answer. ‘Well, I’m glad you show some interest in my son.’ I blushed, not because I liked him, but from embarrassment.


From tea, we went on to supper. Moving from the formal sitting room to the dining room. Again, I tried to sit next to Xavier, but the odds did not let me. My fear had come true, I had to sit next to Edric.


While everything went well during Supper, it was when dessert was served, Edric made his move. My family and his family were in a heated argument about politics, I think, even though the subject was always avoided when I was present. So, I would not know. But it was then Edric had the room to do something terrible without anybody noticing.


I felt a hand on my thigh, something that was very inappropriate to do. I felt scared as I did not dare to make a squeak. Knowing that Edric would not like that.


I felt his breath against my ear. ‘I have to say, your innocence is quite the turn on. Although I prefer more experienced women.’ He whispered in my ear. My hands were shaking. I did not know exactly what he meant by that, but sure it was not something good.


Unfortunately, that was not the only encounter I had with that cold man during the evening. Miranda had suggested we should go on a walk together in the garden. First, we were both quiet, neither of us knew what to say. Until I remembered my etiquette lessons. When the other party did not know what to say, it was the task of the lady to engage a conversation. ‘How about we wwwaallk to the rrrrooose garden, it is the most bbbbeautiful part of the backyard.’ I said in a timid voice.


Edric looked back at the house and then at me.


‘Look Ava, this is all for show.’ He gestured with his hand around him, a bit irritated. ‘I’m afraid I do not understand, Edric.’


‘God, you are even more naïve than I though. Listen to me well Ava. This marriage is a show to the underworld, ‘Thug life’, to the existing Gangs in this country or even the world. The only thing we need to do is to show everybody we are a married couple, nothing more. Only I will certainly take my advantages form this agreement.’ He had a sinister smile on his face as he approached me. The distance closing in between us.


I tried to step back, only for him to take a step closer to me. ‘MMMmafia?’


The moment the foreign word left my lips he started to laugh out loud.


‘This is too easy. You have no idea, do you?’ I shook my head.


He came closer to me, so close his lips were almost connecting with my ear.


‘If you want to have an easy life, like you had here, you will listen to me, Ava.’ He locked eyes with me and continued. ‘Or there will be consequences.’ He put his hand around my jaw, tightening his grip as he said, ‘Do you understand, little Bird?’ His cold and evil eyes telling me to obey, like I always did with my Father. I nodded my head.


‘Good.’ And with those last words he left me alone in the rose garden.


When he left, only more question had filled my min. Why this marriage? Who was this family Verlice? Underworld? Mafia? Gangs? What were my father and brother hiding from me?

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