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I was humming while I worked in the garden. I was planting the most beautiful red Roses into the ground. The chirping of the birds, the cool breeze and the warmth of the sun kissing my skin felt like a blessing after such a dark period of my life. Never, once I thought my life would end up so darkly as it was now.


I had this vision when I was sixteen, that I would marry someone who I would love with all my heart and be happy the rest of my life. I would live in a warm, cosy house, preferably close to a lake. I would have children, did not matter how much or which gender. Maybe I would be a stay - at - home mom, or I would have a job. I had many variants of this vision, but the one thing that would be the same was my happy ending like in all the stories they tell us when we were children.

I sighed. Would it not be great to have such a life? I shook my head. Those stories are fairy tales. I had to learn that the hard way. No, things like that are fantasies and not reality. Reality is much, much more depressing.


It sounds weird but sometimes I am grateful I learned about the hard and dark side of the world. I was so ignorant and naïve. No wonder how easy these men could take advantage of me. Evelyn had taught me a thing or two about ‘GIRLPOWER’. I did not get it then but now I do. I had to stand up for myself. Like Evelyn did for me to Edric. She told me about how women had struggled decennia to get their Legal rights. Of course, with history we touch upon the subject when I had my private lessons. Nevertheless, the struggles, the strong emotions were never discussed. It was handled like any other event in human history. I did not even know women still struggled, that some people could not be progressive and held onto their old conservative views and traditions. And it looked like that the people that surrounded me in my life had those conservative views.


As I planted the last set of roses into the ground all the guards, who were just a moment ago keeping a low profile around me, stormed towards me. Startled, I quickly stood up. ‘What’s going on?’


‘You need to get inside now!’ One of the guards said stern.


The four of them surrounded me, guarding me from all sides to way inside the mansion. Once inside they all took their position in the kitchen and living room. Surprised by this first thing I did was washing my hands, not wanting to waste time arguing with the black suits. I went to find Nicholas. Quickly I made my way towards his office as he spends his time there the most.


I entered the foyer to get up the stairs when the front door slammed open. Having a flashback to what happened at Edric’s home I stumbled backwards. Only to be relieved when I saw the face of Nicholas. He was surrounded by many men who visited his home frequently.


‘Nicholas?’ I made my way to him.


‘Not now Ava,’ was all he said to me when the swarm of people around him dragged him up to his office. All of them were busy discussing many things, things I did not understand because of their hushed, angry whispers.


Back in the living room I wanted to go outside again, not seeing the problem in me being outside. ‘You cannot leave the house Miss, Boss’ orders.’ One of the black suits blocked me.


‘Why?’ I whined. Going outside was always such a difficulty here. Super annoying.


A chuckle was being heard from the back of the living room, which was quickly hushed by the stern look of the guard in front of me.


‘I cannot tell you much Miss. One, because I do not have all the information, and two because of boss’ orders. The only thing I know is that events changed, and things have turned from stable to dangerous.’ He gave me an apologetic face. He was always the one I talked to. I did not know why him, but others never said a word to me. Even this guard would not let me know his name. Only told me information when absolutely needed. No small talk or telling jokes. Maybe he was the spoke person of all the black suits. And because of that he was always the one to say no to me when I could not go outside.


Feeling frustrated I went to take a shower and busied myself after with reading books in the library. And this went on for days. I never saw Nicholas anymore and I was not allowed to leave the house. After our little trip to the movies, we ate dinner together, every evening. But now I was alone. Every time Debbie set up the table for me, she looked at me with a sad smile and told the disappointing news that Nicholas would be eating in his office.


I was finally feeling a bit better after doing such a mundane thing as going to the movies. But now it felt like I was slowly going back in that black pit in my mind where I buried myself with bad and unhappy thoughts. I did not want this. I had enough of these dark thoughts and moody days.


I stormed in the office of Nicholas and set my mind on getting answers. When I entered five heads turned my way.


‘Ava, what are you doing here?’ Nicholas said with a surprised expression on his face.


‘Getting answers.’ Was all I said.


Nicholas signalled to the other men in the room to leave, which left the two of us in his spacious office. It had a beautiful view of the garden. You could see the roses I had planted couple of days ago.


Nicholas got more comfortable in his chair and sighed, ’What do you want to know?’


‘What is going on? Why do I have to stay inside? Why… why don’t you eat dinner with me anymore?’ The last question came out as a whisper.


Nicholas ran his fingers through his black hair and sighed again.


‘I’m busy with work Ava, that’s all.’


‘But why do I have to stay in the house, why don’t you eat with me. You did it before when you worked. So why not now. What’s going on Nicholas?’ I stressed.


‘Nothing of your concern.’ His voice sounding tired.


‘I don’t believe you.’ Even though this man in front of me saved me, it does not mean I trust him. After everything that has happened, I will never put my trust in people so easily anymore.


‘Ava, please give me some room to work with. Every single thing I do now is for your safety. Have some Faith in me, yeah?’


‘You thing I will do that after Edric and Lex?’ My voice wavered.




‘Sir!’ One of the guards stumbled into the office.


‘Not now Lucan!’ Nicholas growled.


‘But Sir…’


Lucan never got to finish that sentence as someone from behind him walked in, quickly followed by someone else.


‘Don’t worry Lucan I made sure to take the back way,’ Said the person who I thought I would never see again, my brother Xavier. Who was accompanied by someone else I never thought seeing again too, Evelyn…….


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