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Kenhardt - Secrets 8

Updated: Oct 22, 2021

Haddie was pregnant. Four weeks pregnant. That was barely pregnant at all. But still pregnant, nonetheless. On average, women don’t discover that they’re pregnant until at least six weeks. If only Haddie Taylor had lived for two weeks longer. Would she have found out then? Or … Did she already know? Did Oliver Harris know? All of these questions swarmed Joe’s head. He drove back to Riverton in silence, trying to process it all; Dr Kelvin as he spoke the word pregnant. Joe’s eyes widening, Then diverting to the body lying on the table. Haddie Taylor, Her beautiful head smashed in. Her tiny stomach, flat and without flaw. There was a foetus in there. A little baby, yet to be a baby, never would become a baby. It would simply be a foetus indefinitely, never having the chance to grow and have a life. Did Haddie know? That was the biggest question of all. Because if she didn’t know, what would she have done with it? Kept it? Put it up for adoption? Aborted it? And if she did know…well, that brought forth even more daunting questions. Most specifically. Is that why she jumped? But then why did Kiera Barnes and Anya Wilson jump as well? Unless they really were pushed. Or coerced. Forced off the edge of St. Paul’s. Did Oliver know? Perhaps not. But if he did, would he have mentioned it today? Told Joe what was going on? Would he have pushed her? Then pushed the other two to get rid of witnesses? This baby changed everything. Joe would have to go back tomorrow and talk to him. But wouldn’t that break some sort of confidentiality? She was dead, after all. But still. Would it matter if he was the father? Would he have a right to know? Joe arrived home in a similar fashion as the night prior. Jordan had made roast chicken and a Caesar salad and was busily rushing around the kitchen, whistling to herself as she set the table. She didn’t need to do all of the things that she did. But she did them regardless. And with joy. Sometimes Joe felt bad. Guilty, almost. Jordan was by no means stay - at - home - wife material. She was pro-feminist and anti-patriarchy. She believed that women should be in the work - force just as much as men. But still, that didn’t STOP her from cooking and cleaning, and doing whatever other duties she desired. Joe pointed this out to her once. She got mad at him, claiming that it was only going against feminism if the woman didn’t want to do it. If she could work and cook, then why wouldn’t she? She also pointed out that Joe could cook, too, if he wanted to. He Didn’t, but she never complained. ‘Long day?’ she asked when she noticed how quiet he was. ‘Hmmm?’ he looked up at her from across the table. ‘yeah, just tired, that’s all.’ ‘How’s the case going?’ ‘It’s complicated.’ ‘I can follow.’ ‘No, I don’t mean that,’ he said, putting down his beer. ‘The people are complicated. The whole scenario is complicated.’ ‘What do you mean?’ ‘I’m getting certain things from the parents, different things from the boyfriend. Then the medical examiner tells me she was pregnant.’ ‘Who was pregnant?’ ‘Haddie Taylor.’ Joe wasn’t sure how much of his cases he could legally discuss with Jordan. But he always told her anyways. ‘That’s one of the girls from the roof?’ she asked. ‘Yes. Haddie, Anya and Kiera.’ ‘How old were they?’ ‘Sixteen.’ ‘And one of them was pregnant?’ ‘Looks to be that way.’ Jordan made a face somewhere between astonishment and sorrow. ‘Its so sad. Tragic, really.’ ‘It is, And I still have no idea if they jumped, or ….’ ‘Or if they were murdered,’ she finished for him. He nodded. ‘Is that all that’s on your mind?’ Jordan asked. ‘You’re awfully quiet my Love.’ He met her gaze and forced a small smile. ‘I’m fine. Really. It’s all just getting to my head.’ She returned the smile, then grabbed his plate to begin clearing the table.

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