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Tony Bannister noticed her immediately he entered the Red Lion. She sat alone in a cubicle wearing a dark green top with a Victorian brooch on the left lapel of her black jacket, as they had agreed on the New Love internet dating site. He approached the table. “Melanie?” “Yes—Tony?” She smiled as he took her hand, kissed it gently, then sat opposite her. “You’re even prettier than your photo,” he said, “and much younger looking.” She smiled bashfully. “You’re just saying that … I’m fifty; probably ten years older than you. I’m surprised you even came.” “I enjoyed our internet chats. Although I’ve met younger women on the net, no one took my interest like you did, Melanie. You’re special, and you were kind enough to send me the money to tide me over the difficult time I was going through.” “I was keen to meet you too, Tony. I’ve had no real contact with men friends since my husband passed away two years ago. All my married friends just carried on with their own lives. New Love was my first attempt at stepping out again. Fortunately Trevor left me with sufficient to lead a comfortable life, but loneliness eats into one’s soul. The little I gave you was nothing, if I can help others, then I’m grateful.” “I’d like to talk to you about that topic again; things haven’t been working out for me lately.” He took her hand. “This place is rather noisy; should we go somewhere quieter? There’s a park across the road with a river and a waterfall, should we go there?” Melanie nodded her agreement and together they left the Red Lion and made their way to the park where they found a deserted bench close to the waterfall. They sat down. Bannister took her hand again and looked earnestly into her eyes. “The truth is I lost my job some months ago, and although I’ve got a good job lined up I can only start at the beginning of next month. In the meantime I have rent to pay and an instalment on my vehicle. Could you see your way clear to …?” “Of course,” she said soothingly, “How much do you need?” “At least five thousand Rands—but I really need it urgently.” “I can do a transfer on my cell phone right now, if that would help,” she said, removing her phone from her handbag. “Wow, that’s great of you.” He watched as she pressed the buttons on her phone. She transferred five thousand into his account and was about to log out when he grabbed the phone from her. “I see there’s plenty more where that came from, let me decide how much I really need while we’re still logged onto your account. Stay seated—don’t move until I’ve finished.” He stood up and moved to the water’s edge while he completed the transaction. A loud ‘click’ behind him made him turn around. Melanie was standing in front of the bench with a pistol aimed at his chest. “Sit down.” She beckoned to the bench with the pistol. With the colour drained from his face, Bannister sat down while Melanie stood in front of him, the pistol still aimed at his chest. “Do the names Dawn Grey, Jenny Hargreaves or Pam Sterling mean anything to you?” Without waiting for an answer she continued. “You wormed your way into their lives, made them think you loved them, and then conned them into handing over their savings. You even roughed them up if they didn’t oblige, then you dumped them and moved on.” Bannister glared at her. “Yes, I remember them, and many other gullible females with more money than brains. Now I’ve taken your money too and I’m out of here—or are you going to shoot me?” “Not unless I have to, instead I’m going to arrest you for extortion, to start with.” Melanie pulled out her badge. “Inspector Melanie Donald,” she said. “My colleagues in the bushes have everything on camera—should make interesting viewing in court.” Two uniformed patrolmen stepped from behind the bushes. “Read him his rights and get him out of here,” she instructed. Then turning to Bannister she said, “There’s a whole bunch of women who will ID you in a line up. Extortion is a class D felony which will buy you enough time to consider going straight for a change.”

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