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Writer: Sonia KennedySonia Kennedy

Updated: Jun 20, 2022

Danniella Waters Sunday May 21,2016 This day seems to be turning into a family reunion. I phoned Collin three hours ago, informing him that Liam and Lianna were here with the kids. Now I watch him and Jada, who arrived moments ago, as they sit together on the couch, immersed with the family. Everyone sits in the living room, my mother, my father, Winston, Liam, the kids, Collin and Jada. I’m standing from a distance overseeing this odd scene, fiddling with my fingers. Why do I feel so uneasy? I should be happy to have my family together like this. Especially since Winston is here too. I turn and glance at him, watching as he stands there holding a cup of coffee. I was sure he’d be up early and out of the house, just as he was yesterday and the day before. It’s a though he can’t stand being around me since she went missing. I understand that he thinks it’s my fault. I can’t really blame him. But I don’t care about that right now. I’m just glad he could put our difference aside and be here with my family. I stand here, allowing my eyes to linger on him just a little longer. I don’t want to turn away. The sight alone has the ability to make me feel even the slightest bit better. Collin loves spending time with his niece and nephew. He’s been chasing them around the house, playing games like hide and seek with them. They hardly know him due to the fact the Liam has been keeping his distance over the years, but they seem to be thoroughly enjoying his presence. As soon as I called Collin and told him that they were here, he said he was on his way. I told him he didn’t need to rush, but he said he wanted to. I guess he was eager to see everyone. Eager to see his brother. I know we’ve all had our differences, especially him and Liam for reasons that are beyond me. But despite all of the tension in the room, everyone seems to be getting along an catching up. Nothing like a family crisis to bring everyone together. ------- Detective Gerald Sullivan Sunday May 21, 2016 Rosie was pregnant. Six weeks pregnant. There’s no question as to who the father is. It’s Winston. Did he know? Or did he lie, as he has done countless times over the past three days? We’ll need to bring him in for questioning, once again. I swear to God if I don’t get the truth out of him today, there’s going to be consequences. I’m about to head to my office to call Robbins and give her an update when I hear my name being called. I turn around to see Yong jogging towards me. ‘What’s Up?’ I say to her. ‘You’re going to want to see this. Follow me.’ I turn and follow her back to her office. On the screen is an enlarged picture of Rosie Miller. ‘What did you find?’ I ask. ‘Not much. Your girl is clean as a whistle. No criminal record, no history of abuse or violence, no bad relationships. She works as a nurse over at Davenmore General. She’s an active member of the community, she’s on the High School’s Parent Committee. She volunteers to help disabled children at the Athletic Centre on Tuesdays, and often helps out with fundraisers around the city.’ She stops to let me take in all of this information. ‘So what are you saying? She’s perfect?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘That makes sense. I spoke to one of her neighbours yesterday and he basically confirmed all that you just said. He painted her as an honourable woman.’ ‘And she probably was,’ Yong says. ‘But get this, there’s more.’ She pulls up another screen and types something in. ‘It seemed kind of irrelevant at first,’ she explains. ‘But if there’s one thing I’ve learned being in this business, it’s that nothing is irrelevant.’ I lean in closer to follow what she does. She pulls up an image of a young woman. Light brown hair, dark eyes, early twenties, maybe. ‘Who’s that?’ I ask. ‘That would be her sister,’ she says matter of fact. ‘She has a sister?’ ‘Had, she died in 2005. Committed suicide. Her name was Antonia Miller. ‘Okay, I’m not following.’ ‘That’s what I thought at first, too. But here’s where it gets interesting,’ she pulls up another file. The death certificate and a birth certificate. ‘She killed herself just thirteen days after giving birth. She was only twenty - years - old.’ My pulse quickens. ‘But that’s not all,’ she starts again, pulling up a school record. ‘You’re not going to believe where she went to school,’ ‘Let me guess,’ I say, leaning forward to read the computer screen. ‘UWC..’ ‘Bingo. And I don’t have to tell you who else went there.’ ‘Danny and Winston.’ ‘She was a year above Danny. Do you think there’s a connection?’ ‘Between Antonia and Danny?’ I ask. ‘Yeah.’ ‘It’s odd, that’s for sure. But I don’t know. They could have known each other. Maybe they were friends.’ ‘But the similarities…’ Yong continues. ‘Antonia Miller gave birth to a baby, then killed herself two weeks later. They say it was postpartum depression.’ ‘Same as Danny,’ She nods her head. ‘But how does Rosie tie into this? Ten years later and she’s having an affair with Danny’s husband?’ ‘Do you think she knew?’ ‘That Danny and her sister knew each other?’ ‘Maybe, Maybe she doesn’t know and this is all one big coincidence,’ she says. ‘Meredith,’ I smile at her. ‘You know I don’t believe in coincidences.’ -------- By the time I get to the Waters’ residence, its’ quarter passed one and it seems to be a full house. Her parents sit in the kitchen eating lunch, and a few other people stand scattered between the living room and the dining room. I don’t know what my plan of action thus far is. Danny doesn’t know about the affair or that Rosie Miller was found dead last night. That sort of information is on a need to know basis. I have to be fragile with Danny, see what she knows. Perhaps she can provide me with some information on the sister - Antonia. And if that proves fruitless, then I’ll have to take a more aggressive approach, and that includes bringing Winston down to the station, yet again. --------- Danny introduces me to everyone. Apparently Liam decided to drive in after all. And would you look at that, he brought the kids. Collin has returned with his wife, Jada. I shake their hands as I make my way around the kitchen. I turn to my left and watch the two kids running around, chasing each other. ‘And that’s Sophie and Clayton,’ Danny smiles as her eyes turn to follow them. ‘Rambunctious,’ I remark. She nods her head. ‘Just like us,’ she turns to her brothers who smirk and nod their heads in unison. ‘Oh you can’t imagine, detective.’ Lily laughs. ‘Raising these three, I ought to have some sort of award.’ ‘You did get a reward, mom.’ Danny says. ‘Just look at them.’ She turns her head back to the children. Lily smiles. ‘Of course. The most rewarding part of it all.’ The room goes quiet, almost as if everyone has just remembered that Emerald is still missing. ‘Do you mind if I ask you a few more questions?’ I say to Danny, breaking the silence. ‘It will only take a few minutes.’ ‘Sure,’ she says, looking numb once again. ‘Do you want to step outside?’ She slips on her shoes and we head out the front door. The air is warm and crisp, no signs of the rain storm that let loose last night. She looks around the yard for a moment, observing the flowers that are sprouting up in the garden. She crosses her arms over her chest and turns to me. I clear my throat. ‘Do you know of a woman by the name of Antonia Miller?’ I watch her face as she searches her memory for the name. ‘No. I don’t believe so. Why?’ ‘Are you sure? It may have been from a long time ago. She was a student at UWC. A year older than you.’ Her face looks puzzled. ‘Antonia Miller?’ she repeats, almost asking herself. ‘I don’t think so. Honestly. I remember most people from university. Why? Does she have something to do with this?’ ‘No, it’s a bit of a stretch, really.’ ‘What happened?’ I hesitate. How much should I tell her? 'She killed herself two weeks after giving birth. Back in 2005. She was only twenty.’ She brings her hand to her mouth. ‘Oh my God.’ ‘It’s terrible, really…’ ‘I remember that!’ she exclaims. ‘I didn’t know her. Or her name, even. But I remember when it happened. My friend, Maggie, told me about this girl who killed herself.’ ‘But you didn’t know her personally?’ ‘No. Only heard once it happened.’ ‘Do you remember anything else?’ ‘Um,’ she tries to think again. ‘At the time, all Maggie told me was that they thought it was homicide at first. BUT then they found the suicide note in the baby’s crib. I don’t even think it had a name.’ ‘Anything else?’ She shakes her head. ‘No, I’m sorry. Like I said, I didn’t know her.’ I nod. ‘Okay. Thanks.’ ‘Why are you bringing this up now?’ I look into her eyes, can see the pain and worry inside of them. ‘Just an old case one of my partner’s was working on. I saw she went to UWC and thought I’d ask you.’ ‘But not because of the postpartum, right?’ ‘You knew about that?’ ‘Well, why else does a mother kill herself two weeks after giving birth?’ I pause. ‘No, I didn’t ask you because of that.’ I lie. ‘Just the UWC connection, that’s all.’ ‘Alright,’ she nods. We walk back into the house, Danny heading off towards the bedroom and I heading to the kitchen. Winston stands there holding a cup of water, talking with Collin. I approach them slowly, hoping I’m not interrupting anything too important. ‘Sorry to interrupt,’ I say as I butt in, looking to Winston. ‘Do you mind if we have a word?’ He looks up and meets my eyes, knowing he doesn’t have much of a choice. ‘Sure. Yeah, I’ll be right back,’ he says to Collin. We follow the same path Danny and I just did and end up on the front porch. ‘What’s going on now?’ he asks once I close the door behind us. ‘I have more questions. And you’re lucky we’re doing this here rather than down at the station.’ He stares at me. ‘What happened now?’ ‘Do you know of a woman by the name of Antonia Miller?’ As soon as I say the words, I see his face alter. ‘Antonia? No. I’m not familiar with that name. Why?’ ‘You’re lying.’ I say. ‘you’re a bad liar. I can always tell.’ He turns his head and stares at the road, watching the cars drive by. ‘WINSTON.’ I say. ‘You knew her?’ He turns to face me. ‘It was a long time ago.’ ‘I’m aware. UWC.’ He closes his eyes and tilts his head back slightly. He takes in a deep breath and exhales through his nose. ‘Toni,’ he says when he finally speaks. ‘She went by Toni.’ ‘And, the two of you were close?’ ‘We dated for a bit. Off and on kind of thing.’ ‘And then what happened?’ ‘Well, I’m assuming you know what happened since you’re standing here asking me about her.’ ‘Why don’t you tell me?’ He sighs. ‘She killed herself. It was awful, really. She was a lovely girl. Very sweet and kind - hearted. But why are you asking about her now? After all this time?’ ‘You Don’t find the coincidence a bit striking?’ I ask him. ‘What coincidence.’ ‘You and both sisters.’ ‘Sisters?’ he seems genuinely confused, as though he’s not following. ‘Oh don’t feed me anymore bullshit, Winston. You dated Antonia in university, and then eleven years later end up having an affair with her sister.’ His eyes widen. ‘What did you just say?’ I pause for a minute. Does he really not know? ‘You must have been aware…’ ‘What are you trying to say? That Rose and Toni were sisters?’ ‘How did you not know that?’ I say. ‘Miller?’ ‘It’s a common last name!’ ‘But surely there would have been similarities,’ He doesn’t answer. He seems distracted, sorting through his own thoughts. Suddenly his lips part. His eyes widen and flicker back and forth, putting together the pieces in his head. He stumbles backwards, gripping the railing beside him. I reach forward and grab his shoulders to help steady him. ‘Winston, what is it?’ He stares straight ahead, wide eyed, face white, as though he’s just seen a ghost. I look down and notice that the hairs on his arm are standing up, covered by Goosebumps. ‘Winston!’ I say again. That gets his attention. He turns and faces me. ‘I have to go.’ He turns and faces me. ‘I have to go.’ He turns around and grabs the door handle. I pull him backwards. ‘What did you remember? Where do you think you’re going?’ He shakes his head frantically, and it’s then that I notice there are tears forming in his eyes. ‘Winston!’ I say again. He’s panicky, out of breath when he speaks. ‘How long ago did you say it was? That Toni killed herself?’ ‘Eleven years.’ His eyes dart back, meeting directly with mine. ‘Clementine.’ He breathes, tears falling down his cheeks now. ‘Oh God. Oh God.’ ‘Winston!’ I yell, getting tired of whatever he’s pulling. I grab him by his arms, forcing him to stop shaking and look me in the eyes. He stops, closes his mouth, and stares at me. ‘She’s mine.’ He says quietly. ‘Who’s yours?’ ‘Clementine.’ EISH - TO BE CONTINUED….


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