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Writer: Sonia KennedySonia Kennedy

Updated: Jun 11, 2022

CONTINUED FROM LAST NIGHT…. I steal a sideways glance at Rosie. She’s effortlessly beautiful. Her eyes are focused on Clementine. The three of us are sitting on a picnic blanket, snacking on fruit and sandwiches. Rosie let Clementine play hooky today, deciding that it was too lovely of a day to be in a classroom. When she told me that, I decided to play hooky as well. I enjoy spending time with Rose and Clem. In the beginning, I never even knew about Clementine. Things were simple and uncomplicated. There was no need to bring in personal details about ourselves . But things evolved. Rosie thought that to truly know her, I would need to know Clementine, the most important thing in her life. When I first met Rosie, I never mentioned that I was married or had a child. It felt wrong. If I admitted the truth to her, it would all become real. Me cheating. Me abandoning my family. I didn’t want it to be real. So as long as she didn’t know, everything was fine. I thought it was going to be a one - time thing, so of course I never mentioned it. But then it happened again. And again. And again, And again…Soon enough I found myself going to Finniken’s Tap every night just so we could meet up in the bathroom. This soon became routine, We Didn’t care about each other’s personal lives or what our hobbies were - it was just sex. That kept things simple. I needed simple. But of course, everything that’s simple doesn’t stay that way for long. Thoughts of Rosie would consume my mind, whether I was at work or at home with my wife and daughter. The thoughts left me feeling guilty. My mind was infected for thinking of such things when I was around my family. I was living a secret double life that no one else knew about. I was two different people at once. At home, I would try to be the best husband and father I could be. Even if that meant putting on fake smiles and suppressing how I really felt. And when I was with Rosie, I was someone else entirely. Someone new. I liked this version of myself. He was daring and exciting and felt so alive. I couldn’t get her out of my mind. Her lips. The smell of her neck. The feel of her small hands gripped onto my shoulders. It felt so wrong and so right. I found myself wanting to spend more time with her. It was more than just sex. I was developing feelings for this woman. The one thing I vowed never to do, and here I was, doing that very thing. There came a point when I realized I couldn’t keep suppressing my feelings. I couldn’t keep living my life the way I was - living a lie within my own skin. I had to find an escape. So I caved. I allowed it to become something more. And that’s when I had to tell her the truth. I was expecting a slap in the face. For her to leave and never talk to me again. But she didn’t. She seemed to be fine with the fact that we were having an affair - I, the married man with a baby daughter. Her, the alluring mistress. The thought almost excited her. Sometimes when we’re together, she expresses feelings of inner guilt. That she is somehow responsible for my infidelity. But it’s not her fault. I wouldn’t even say that what we have is something to be considered faulty. She’s helping me. I couldn’t continue living my life the way I was. I was drowning and she saved me. Even if just for a little while. A bit of air is better than none… -------------- Detective Gerald Sullivan Saturday May 20,2016 We got the search warrant. We’re running up the stairwell to Savannah’s condo. Her place is on the eight floor - we’re almost there. So many thoughts are racing through my mind. Is this it? Are we about to find the child? I hope we are. But there’s a small grain of doubt in my mind that I can’t quite seem to shake. Something about her story still isn’t adding up, and regardless of my feelings towards Savannah or how guilty I think she is, there’s a part of me that believes we still don’t have the right person. Ashby kicks the door in and we all move in behind him, Immediately everyone disperses, searching the medium - sized apartment for the child. I rush through the apartment as fast as I can, searching for anything. And then the voices start. ‘Clear!’ ‘Clear!’ ‘All clear in here!’ Dammit! She’s not here. She’s not fucking here. Holden said he checked out every single detail of Savannah Visagie’s life. There are no other homes or buildings registered in her name. She makes no other payments other than to this building. If she was holding Emerald anywhere, this is where she would be. But she’s not. All of the hope that was in my body previously seems to dissolve and I feel anger bubbling up inside, ready to replace it. I tried to work the accomplice angle, but it doesn’t add up either. We traced her phone records and she has no incoming or outgoing calls to conspicuous numbers. Just the same few people, work, boyfriend’s cell, mother’s cell. I don’t know what to think. But one thing is for certain, the child isn’t here. I get a call from the station. It’s Robbins’ telling me that Savannah’s lawyer is having her released. There’s no plausible cause to keep her there any longer, and without evidence at the apartment, we have to let her go. She’s smart enough to not go far. I’m not taking my eyes off her until this thing is solved and the child is back home, safe and sound. She may be innocent for now, but I still need to determine who was lying about the so - called night, One of them better give me a straight answer soon. And then there’s the newest part of this equation, Rosie Miller. Who is she and what was she doing around the Waters’ house in the past? Something doesn’t sit well with me about this situation, but until I can get a hold of her, there’s nothing else I can do there. I could put out an APB, but that might be jumping the gun. I’ll return to her place later tonight and hope that she’s there this time. Rosie is on my radar, yes, but what’s even more pressing as of now is the lack of honesty going on in the Waters household. Why Can’t I seem to get a straight story from anyone? The only thing left to do is go back to where it all started. Danny opens the door, a look of concern growing on her face. She was hoping for good news. Weren’t we all? I explain to her that we searched Savannah’s apartment and found no evidence that she was holding Emerald. I remind her that she’s not in the clear, either. This frightens her, I can tell. I ask her again about the alleged argument that occurred on Wednesday evening, but she insists it never happened. I don’t have to worry too much about her - she’s not going anywhere. I’ll come back to her shortly. But right now, there’s someone more imperative I need to speak with, and that’s Winston. She tells me that he’s sequestered himself in the home - office all morning, won’t come out or speak to anyone. I knock twice, then try the handle. It’s open. I push the door forward, revealing Winston sitting at the desk, typing something into the keyboard. He looks up and meets my eyes. ‘Can I come in?’ I ask as I step inside and close the door behind me. He watches me closely. ‘Guess I don’t have much of a choice.’ He leans back in his chair. ‘Of course you have a choice. I’d just prefer if we spoke now.’ ‘About what?’ ‘Your daughter is missing, Mr Waters.’ He looks down and shuts off the computer monitor. ‘Okay. Let’s talk.’ I take a few steps forward, stand in front of his desk. ‘First off, do you know a woman by the name of Rosie Miller?’ He stares at me for a moment, pondering this question. ‘The name doesn’t ring a bell.’ ‘You sure? She’s not a friend of yours or your wife’s?’ ‘Not that I’m aware of.’ ‘You’re positive?’ ‘If I knew who the woman was, don’t you think I would tell you?’ I’m quiet for a moment. ‘So there would be no reason for a woman by that name to be coming by your house?’ He stares at me. ‘No. We don’t know any Rosies.’ I don’t know what to think. Could this woman be a stalker of some sorts? ‘Fair enough.’ I clear my throat. ‘To your knowledge, has your wife ever experienced a blackout, any unaccounted of periods of time?’ ‘What do you mean?’ He looks confused. ‘It’s a pretty straight forward question. Mr Waters. Had Danny ever done something of importance and forgotten?’ ‘No, not that I know of. She’s very organized and diligent. What is the relevance?’ ‘You were home on Wednesday evening, correct?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Do you recall your wife calling anybody? Perhaps getting into an argument?” I’ll need to check her phone records to verify this anyway, but if he could tell me, it would save me some trouble. ‘No, Not that I can remember. But then again, she may have been in another room or something.’ ‘You weren’t together?’ I recall my earlier conversation with Liam. Trouble in paradise? Perhaps I can get it out of him in one easy conversation. He raises an eyebrow. ‘We don’t stay attached at the hip all day and night.’ ‘But surely you would be around each other, yes? Close enough to hear if she was fighting with someone.’ ‘I guess my answer is no, then. She wasn’t on the phone. I never heard anything.’ I nod my head slowly. ‘Mr Waters, where were you all day yesterday?’ ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Yesterday. Your wife says you were gone all day.’ ‘Well if my wife already talked to you then surely you’d know.’ I stare at him, trying to make it clear that I’m not here to play games. He challenges me, holding my gaze for a moment longer. Finally, he sighs, giving in. ‘I was out looking for my daughter, okay? What is this, an interrogation?’ ‘Why did you tell your wife you were out with the police when you and I both know that’s not true?’ He hesitates and studies me before he answers. ‘I’d say anything to get her off my back, I don’t know. I wasn’t really thinking. I just thought if I said I was helping the police, she’d back off and stop questioning me.’ ‘Why were you trying to get her off your back?’ ‘Because. I didn’t feel like speaking with her.’ ‘Are the two of you having problems?’ He tilts his head and looks up at me. ‘Do you have kids, detective?’ ‘No, I don’t.’ ‘Then you have no idea what I’ve been going through these past few days. It’s fucking hell. And now you’re over here questioning me. I just don’t understand what we’re doing right now.’ ‘I understand, Mr Waters. And no, I can’t imagine the great deal of pain and anguish you are going through right now. But I can tell you one thing. Finding your daughter is my top priority. I’m not blaming you for anything. We’re just having a conversation. Man to Man.’ I watch and study his reaction. ‘Now, I need you to be honest with me. Were you and your wife having problems within the days or the months leading up to Emerald’s disappearance?” He eyes me an I’m not sure what he’s going to say this time. ‘No, No, my wife and I aren’t having problems. Everything is fine. Okay? It’s just .. The months before, with her depression and everything else. It’s been hard. And I thought we had moved past it all. I thought she was better. But when I came home from work on Thursday and saw that empty crib. I don’t know, I panicked. I thought she …’ he pauses. ‘I thought she killed her. I thought she killed our baby girl. ….



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