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Writer: Sonia KennedySonia Kennedy

Updated: May 30, 2022

CONTINUED FROM LAST NIGHT… ‘Does Danny remember the abuse?’ ‘We’re not sure,’ Lily says. ‘As I said, she’s never spoken about it, so we can’t be certain. For all we know, she blocked it out completely. She may not remember most of that year.’ ‘Mr and Mrs Cruze,’ I start. ‘Does Danny still experience blackouts?’ ‘No. This happened years ago. I’m sure it wouldn’t have continued for this long,’ Lily turns to her husband. ‘I mean, we’re not sure. We don’t live with her with her anymore. But I highly doubt it.’ Jonah says. ‘And essentially, you believe that this is the reason that Danny didn’t want children?’ ‘Well, that’s what we thought. I mean, why else would a woman not want to have kids? She experienced a traumatic event, sexual abuse,’ Lily pauses, closing her eyes. ‘It damaged her. It changed her.’ I nod. This is a big piece of information. If Danny is indeed somehow still experiencing losses of memory, she could have done something to her daughter and suppressed it completely, not even aware that it happened in the first place. In her mind, she honestly believes that she is innocent. That would explain the unaccounted time yesterday, when she logged out of work and wasn’t heard from until her husband got home. I wanted to believe that she had nothing to do with this, I really did. But this new information is concerning. ‘Thank you for your time,’ I smile politely at them. ‘We’re going to get to the bottom of this. We will find your granddaughter,’ I hold their gaze. ‘Go spend some time with Danny. I’m sure she needs it.’ The Cruze’s disappear to find their daughter. I walk back into the other room and find Robbins. ‘She is not to leave this house under any circumstances. And I want to be informed every time she moves. Understand?’ Robbins nods her head, gives me a smirk as if to say, I told you so. There is only one person left that I need to talk to. One person who knows Danny and her mental state better than anyone. And that would be Doctor Ricky Kelvin. I make sure that the arrangements are in place. Doctor Eilsteen will stay overnight to keep watch on Danny, as well as Sgt Sol. I feel better knowing that Olivia will be there. She’ll watch her like a hawk. I also confirm that one officer will be stationed out front in the squad car. My headache is getting worse and my stomach feels empty and nauseous. I can’t recall the last time I’ve eaten. I wanted to believe her. I really did. I didn’t think she could be capable of harming her own child. But I guess you never truly know a person. Still, there’s a part of me that’s trying to convince myself and everyone else that this is one big misunderstanding. I want to believe her when she says she didn’t hurt her daughter. But her story isn’t adding up, and after hearing about the childhood abuse, as well as the PTSD and the blackouts…well, I think I have my answer. I’ll get some more information, talk to her doctor, then decide where to go from there. We could arrest her? Charge her with first - degree? But any lawyer would plea insanity. And it’s only been twenty - four hours. We’ve already interrogated her once today, and if she did do something to that child, she may not even remember. What we need now is solid proof, evidence. Until we have a body, there’s no crime. My watch reads nine - forty - six. I’m standing in front of a large Beige House with a wide double door garage. I’ve rang the doorbell twice and no one has answered yet, but there’s a car in the driveway, so I’m assuming someone is home. Finally, the door opens, revealing a man in a blue robe. He has short hair, a light shade of grey and dark eyes. He isn’t as old as I’d imagined him to be. I’m not sure why I create these images of people in my head before I meet them, I guess it gives me a better understanding of who they are before we meet face - to - face. He looks to be in his late 50’s or early 60’s. He folds his arms tight across his chest and his expression is flat. He knows why I’m here. ‘Ricky Kelvin?’ ‘Yes,’ he tilts his chin. ‘I’m Detective Sullivan from the Davenmore Police Station. I need to ask you some questions regarding a patient of yours, Danniella Waters.’ ‘Of course. Come in,’ He stands back and opens the door, inviting me inside. He leads me to the kitchen and offers me a drink. ‘I’m fine, thanks.’ I take out my notepad and pen, then take a seat at the kitchen table. He slides into the seat across from me. I clear my throat. ‘When was it brought to your attention that Emerald Waters was missing?’ ‘Danny called me this morning in a frenzy. I was prepared to go over there, make sure that she was alright. But I’ve been so busy today with other patients and personal matters. I was going to head over first thing tomorrow morning.’ I nod my head, studying his body language. They way he fiddles with the mug between his palms. ‘So to the extent of your knowledge, someone abducted Emerald?’ ‘Well, yes. That’s what Danny told me.’ ‘Doctor Kelvin…’ ‘Please call me Ricky.’ ‘Ricky. Given the circumstances of Danny’s mental state and due to the fact that you are the closest person who worked with her these past six months, I think you are the best person who can help me figure out what really happened here.’ ‘Apologies, but what exactly are you insinuating, detective?’ ‘Do you think it’s possible that Danny could have done something to Emerald? Something she may not have any recollection of?’ He stares at me, expressionless, I can’t read what he’s thinking. ‘Are you asking me if I think Danny killed her daughter?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘In my professional opinion, NO. I do not. You are correct, Danny did suffer from severe postpartum psychosis. But many of my patients have gotten better, and Danny is one of them. I worked with her every day. I witnessed the progress she was making. She was happy again, no longer experiencing the depression or psychosis. She was cleared by a third - party to return to work over two months ago. We still have weekly check - ups and she updates me on everything that is going on. Everything has been fine. If there was any concern, I can assure you, I would let you know.’ ‘What about loss of consciousness? To your knowledge, has Danny ever suffered from blackouts?’ ‘Blackouts? No, Not really, anyways.’ ‘But in the past, yes?’ ‘Well, she was going through a very difficult time after the birth of Emerald. She was suffering from minor delusions and hallucinations. There may have been a few instances where she lost consciousness and couldn’t recall what had happened. But I hardly consider that a blackout, and it surely wouldn’t be concerning now. As I said, she’s recovered and is better. These circumstances occurred immediately after the birth. They faded, then seized completely.’ ‘Ricky, I spoke with Danny’s parents about an hour ago, and they told me some very disturbing things regarding her history with sexual abuse and PTSD.’ ‘Danny was sexually abused? ‘Unfortunately, yes, A boy in her neighbourhood. She was eleven and he was fifteen.’ ‘Oh, my..’ He brings his hand to his mouth. ‘I had no idea.’ ‘Her parents explained that Danny’s subconscious blocked out traumatic experiences, resulting in gaps in her memory throughout the year. Her parents stated that Danny has never spoken about this event, and to this day, may not even have any idea that the events took place. From your personal experience in this field, do you think that patients who have suffered from PTSD as a child could still retain the symptoms from all those years ago?’ ‘I’m not sure,’ He pauses, trying to gather his thoughts. ‘I mean, it’s possible. Dissociative amnesia, brought on by acute repetitive psychological trauma. Or perhaps transient global amnesia. I just don’t see why this behaviour would continue long after the abuse ended.’ ‘Coping mechanism?’ ‘Perhaps. But it doesn’t make sense that her subconscious would continue to block out arbitrary events that had no effect on her. Traumatic abuse, yes. But blocking out completely mundane activities?’ ‘Is there more to the story here? Do I need to re-interrogate the parents?’ ‘No, no. I don’t think that’s necessary. I just…I don’t know what to think. I had no idea that any of this happened.’ he pauses again. ‘Poor child.’ He closes his eyes and holds his left hand over his right. When he opens his eyes again, he looks me straight in the eyes. ‘Detective, with the information you have just given me…though it is severe and disturbing… I stand on my prior notion that Danny did not harm Emerald. She’s been doing well. She has no prior history of violence. She wouldn’t do that now, after all the progress she’s made. She loves Emerald. And that I am certain.’ ‘What if she had a psychotic break? That is possible, yes? And the experience could have been so traumatizing for her that she blocked out the situation entirely?’ ‘Perhaps. The possibility of that happening is very rare. As I said, she’s happy right now. Everything is falling back into place, especially with their anniversary coming up. Everything in her life is going perfectly.’ ‘Anniversary?’ ‘Danny and Winston’s wedding anniversary. Four years on June 16th.’ ‘Ah, I see,’ I write this down. ‘So they’re happy?’ ‘Yes, Happy and in Love.’ I pause again, thinking about the logout dilemma, the unaccounted time, ‘Doctor Kelvin - Ricky, sorry - Danny’s supervisor told another detective that she logged out for lunch yesterday around noon, and never logged back in. Emerald was taken somewhere, we estimate, between three and five. But I guess it could be anywhere after twelve since that is the last that anyone heard from Danny.’ ‘You really think she did this, don’t you?’ ‘I don’t know what to believe right now. But it’s my job to find that child. I just pray that it’s not too late.’ He closes his eyes again and shakes his head slightly. ‘Well, you need to continue your investigation, looking elsewhere - outside suspects and such - because from my professional opinion and personal experience with Danny, I honestly do not think that she did this…’ --------------------------- BEFORE Winston Waters February 24,2016 Another day gone and passed and the feeling of dread and defeat still consumes me. I don’t know what to do with myself. It’s as though I can feel the emotions draining from my body each day. She is draining the life from me. I know that’s horrible to say. I know it’s horrible because she’s going through hell. But she’s dragging me down with her. I’ve been trying to stay strong and keep my head above water. Emerald is my motivation. I have to do this for her - that’s what I keep reminding myself. Because if I crack and fall apart, she’ll have no one. Both of her parents will be a wreck and she’ll have no one to care for her. I can’t let that happen. We made the decision to bring her into this world, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make this work and give her a good life. I have to. My receptionist, Vanessa, has been noticing that something is off. She’s a sweet girl, but her constant checking up on me isn’t helping. In fact, it’s probably irritating me even more. Last week she began bringing me coffee every morning. I guess that’s her way of trying to help. I appreciate it, I really do. But all of the coffee in the world can’t fix what’s wrong. A broken home. A broken life. Is that what my life has become? Broken? My head - space is a disaster. I can’t think straight, let alone get work done. I feel as though I’m letting my patients down every time I have to fake a smile or cancel an appointment…. Some days I feel like giving up. As though the entire weight of the world is on my shoulders. Perhaps I should speak to someone. A therapist, or someone who can help me cope. TO BE CONTINUED….


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