‘Go on Zeus, we don’t have all day you know!’ Urged Justine in an irritated tone.
Zeus was the one who’s supposed to perform the kill since he wasn’t the one who caught Santana. He went against a direct order from Justine who is his superior, and slacked off while others did the job that was designated for him. Therefore and to redeem the situation and preserve his life he has to kill him.
However, Zeus still showed no interest in doing anything that serves his father again much less help killing the one who plotted to kill him, so he stood still despite Justine’s urging and her furious glares.
No one in the room thought that Zeus just crossed all lines and he was either too dense to realise or too confident to care. They thought that he either thought too highly of his new found connection that he thinks he’s invincible now that everyone knows he’s Papa’s only son, or he became daring when Justine kept discarding his past mistakes without punishment.
Either ways he’s doomed.
‘Are you sure you have the guts to deal with the consequences?’ Justine asked in a tone that sent chills of cold fear down the spines of the people in the room, her orbs held a dark glint.
‘I’m not going to do anything that could benefit that old geez….’
His sentence was cut short when Justine pounced on him, holding his neck and squeezing the living day lights out of him. He started thrashing wildly trying to pry her hand from his neck, but she held a firm grip on it despite the scratches that were bleeding on her wrists.
When Zeus knew his fingers were doing nothing to help his situation, he started searching the wall that he was pushed on for anything that could help him, but in vain. The Things he was searching for were on the far end of the wall right next to the corner, meaning that he had no means of searching them with the grip that was keeping him in place.
Papa’s house or as the gang members prefer to refer to as the main Mansion is styled in both the modern and traditional style. Painting, furniture and the interior design were designed modernly while the basement, holding cells, and torture rooms were all designed to look exactly like one of those cells in historical dramas, antics of knights, samurais were placed in each and every corner of the rooms.
It was a test for both the torturer and the prisoner to see which one is stronger. Which one deserves to live and which one deserves to die..
Papa was one shrewd being and he ensured that every key member in his gang deserved the title they’re holding. They’re not the cream of the crop for nothing,
‘Mother Fucker! I told you multiple times not to take my tokens of generosity as my weakness!’ Justine screamed angrily. ‘Being Papa’s son doesn’t make you higher than me!’ She released him just when the last bit of air was about to leave his lungs. Then she punched him in the nose without even giving him the chance to heave a breath. When he took his bleeding nose in his hands, she kicked him in his stomach making him bow slightly in pain then she forced him to look at her by pulling his shirt collar from behind.
‘You. Will. Always. Be. Beneath. Me!’ She punched his already battered face with each word she uttered. Justine was long gone, A.L took over the moment Zeus disrespected her in front of her subordinates. ‘The reason I kept you alive so far is solely because of your father, but if you’re no use to him then I will end your pathetic life right this moment.’ She stated after she stopped beating him for a while.
She dragged him from the wall and into the center of the room before speaking.’ Now do you submit?’ She gritted her teeth.
‘LOUDER!’ She boomed.
‘I sssub…’
‘LOUDER! Don’t make me repeat myself again!’ She warned.
‘I SUBMIT.’ He shouted.
‘This will be the last time I spare your pathetic life. One more mistake and I will slaughter you like the pig you are!’ Threatened Justine.
‘I uuunderstand.’ He whispered.
A loud crash suddenly resonated in the room followed by two gun shots.
Justine threw Zeus onto the wall in a swift move and fished her Glock from her waist before shooting him twice in both shoulders. Zeus scream could be heard all around the house, but Justine could care less.
‘Just because you’re Papa’s only son and I left you off the hook few times doesn’t mean you’re untouchable. If you did so much as look into Giuseppe’s eyes longer than necessary I will slaughter you.’ She threatened a whimpering Zeus while she puts her gun back into its place.
She gave an example of Giuseppe because he’s the lowest rank out there that is if he even has a rank to begin with since he just joined the gang. It was an unofficial declaration that Zeus’ rank just got snatched from him. ‘Pigs like you should never be given more than they deserve, they should be kept in the mud where they belong and it was my mistake that I gave you more then you deserve.’ Justine stated. ‘And if you think that anybody here got their title because they’re favoured by someone then you’re dead wrong, our titles are decorated without our blood and sweat while yours is not. But don’t worry this time around I’ll make sure you know how to value your rank and how to respect those higher than you. Your training will restart tomorrow morning with Giuseppe.’ She declared just before Zeus lost consciousness.
Everybody in the room knew how Müller abhorred the man that laid unconscious on the cold floor, not only because of how he treated Justine on multiple occasions but also because of how totally and utterly useless and irresponsible he was. Even though he was one feared by a lot of people as the leader of the Crawlers but he almost got caught by the police a lot of times. He only cared about the lavishes he gets to enjoy with the title of the Crawlers’ King never once he cared about the multiple responsibilities that comes with said title.
If not for Müller’s constant helping the Crawlers would have been long wiped out of the existence because even though they do have people from every Governmental Branch there’s only so much those peoples can do with the constant mistakes and countless traces Zeus used to leave behind. Traces that would connect directly to Justine, and Müller wouldn’t allow any harm to reach Justine not the gang that was created to protect her and her brother. If it was not for those two reasons Müller would’ve never interfered, he would care less what happens to Zeus.
So and because of all of this pent up anger and resentment Müller has for Zeus everybody knew that Justine basically have sentenced Zeus with death when she made Müller his coach.
Müller’s training is the toughest, tougher than Justine’s even and that for normal people, so they had a hunch on how Zeus’ training will go. They only pity the young boy that will be included into that torture too.
‘Throw him out!’ She ordered two of the guards.
The two bulky guards advanced towards an unconscious Zeus and held them up before removing him from the room as ordered.
‘Release the tigers.’ She ordered the two guards standing on the left side of a still astounded Santana.
‘Our Prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them. If you make a mess, clean it up!!!’
