It was Sunday, Hope had spent the morning in a blissful state of contentment. She joined her parents for breakfast before her father left for Sunday service, then helped her mom tidy up the house from yesterday’s event.
Laura - Lee called just after noon and invited her down to the lake for a swim. Hope eagerly obliged, automatically asking if Matthew could join as well.
‘Actually,’ Laura - Lee had said to her. ‘We were hoping on just having a girl’s day. Is that alright with you?’
‘Of course. Sorry. I’ll meet you down there shortly.’
‘See you then!’
Hope felt an odd sensation go through her body. Had Laura - Lee not wanted Matthew to come? Was she upset with him? Or was she was over thinking this whole thing? Perhaps they really did just want a girl’s day.
Hope opened the back door, telling her mother where she was going, then headed up the stairs to get ready. She changed into her swimsuit and looked in the mirror. As she pinned up her hair, she couldn’t help but think about Laura - Lee’s words again.
She silently scolded herself for over thinking. Why did it matter if Matthew came or not. She didn’t need him to come. She was her own person. She could do things without him.
Hope got to the beach and spotted the girls setup near the water, their towels beneath them, a single bag sprawled open with sunscreen, water bottles, and Corral’s Polaroid.
‘I’m so pasty,’ Hope said as she removed her towel and placed it on the ground. She smoothed out the sides and got comfortable.
‘You’re probably iron deficient,’ Laura - Lee said simply, opening a bag of Lays Chips. ‘You need more steak.’
‘Not funny,’ Hope said. ‘I mean, I know we have long winters and all. But is it normal to be this pale?’
‘You’re just fair - skinned,’ Daisy said. ‘Want some sunscreen?’
‘Thanks,’ Hope took the bottle from her.
‘It’s probably just your genetics,’ Peyton told her. ‘My mom is fair skinned, so we’re all naturally dark.’
‘Except Thomas,’ Corral said. ‘Who’s practically a vampire.’
‘I don’t know what happened with him,’ Peyton said. ‘He’s probably adopted.’
‘Probably,’ Laura - Lee echoed.
‘Where’s Elijah?’ Hope said to Laura - Lee.
‘I don’t know,’ Laura - Lee said as she fiddled with the edge of her towel. ‘We are separate people, you know.’
Hope got that feeling again. Was Laura - Lee passive - aggressively trying to say something about her and Matthew?’
‘So are Matthew and I,’ Hope said. ‘But we still always know where one another is.’
‘Did you tell him that you’re here with us?’ Laura - Lee countered.
‘Well, no,’ Hope said. ‘I didn’t have time. And besides, I was going to call him. You told me not to.’
Laura - Lee grabbed another chip and placed it in her mouth. ‘Whatever.’
‘So,’ Peyton clapped her hands together.
‘Who wants to go swimming?’
They abandoned their towels and belongings and ran out into the lake. The water was cool and refreshing, a soothing contrast against the hot sun. Hope dove under the water and stayed below for as long as he could hold her breath.
‘I thought you were dead,’ Daisy said once Hope broke the surface and came up for air.
‘No,’ Hope breathed. ‘Just enjoying the water.’
‘Did you guys have fun last night?’ Peyton asked.
‘It was alright,’ Laura - Lee said, turning over to float on her back. ‘I enjoyed afterwards more.’
‘What happened afterwards?’ Hope asked, treading in the water.
‘Oh, nothing.’
‘What’s gotten into you today?’ Corral asked Laura - Lee.
Laura - Lee stopped floating and turned to Corral. ‘What do you mean?’
‘You’re being weird.’
‘No I’m not.’
‘Is that what sex does to you?’ Daisy asked.
‘Cause if so, I’m glad I haven’t done it yet.’
Hope’s eyes widened as she turned from Daisy to Laura - Lee. ‘You and Elijah had sex!?’
‘Shhh,’ Laura - Lee said, looking around as if someone might hear.
‘No way,’ Corral said, aghast. ‘When?’
‘Last night,’ Laura - Lee told them, matter of fact.
‘How the hell does Daisy know?’ Corral turned around. ‘Wait, Peyton…’
‘I told them this morning,’ Laura - Lee said.
‘Don’t feel left out. You and Hopey Hope weren’t around.’
‘Were you ever going to tell us?’ Corral asked. ‘Laura, this is a big deal!’
‘I’m aware,’ Laura - Lee laughed.
‘What happened to waiting?’ Hope asked, her words barely above a whisper.
‘I decided that I didn’t want to wait anymore.’ Laura - Lee said. ‘What would have happened if I’d waited until marriage and then it turned out that my husband was awful in bed?’
‘That’s not the point of marriage,’ Hope said. ‘What will God think, Laura - Lee? What were you thinking?’
The atmosphere around them changed suddenly. ‘Gee, Hope, thanks a lot,’ Laura - Lee turned away. ‘See, this is why I didn’t want to tell her.’
Hope turned to Peyton who was looking petrified and embarrassed all at once. ‘She doesn’t mean that,’ Peyton tried to reassure her. ‘Listen, Hope, we’re all different, okay? Me personally, I’m going to wait, don’t you worry about that.’
‘Don’t act like that!’ Hope said. ‘Don’t act like I’m your mother that you have to report to! I don’t care what you do with your lives. But God does. Think about that, not me.’ It was quiet again, the only sound emanating from the lake was the water moving beneath them.
‘So,’ Corral finally said. ‘What was it like?’ Laura - Lee smiled again, her superiority regained. ‘It was fine. It hurt at first. But obviously not for long.’
‘It’s good that you guys lost it to each other,’ Peyton said.
‘That’s so romantic,’ from Daisy.
It’s not romantic, Hope thought. It’s stupid. Reckless. ‘What happens if you get pregnant?’ Hope asked suddenly.
Laura - Lee’s eyes widened and she looked at Hope. ‘We used protection. Relax.’
‘Protection isn’t 100% and you know that.’
‘God, Hope, would you give it a rest?’
‘Would you keep it?’ Hope asked. ‘Put it up for adoption? Or kill it?’
‘Oh my God -’ Laura - Lee turned around and headed back to the shore. ‘I’m not talking about this,’ she said as she swam away.
Hope yelled after her. ‘You’ll have to talk about it someday!’