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Die Vrou 12

Updated: Jul 31, 2020

Shirley het dus vir Lennon gaan aflaai sy hom Behoorlik nog oppad na sy plek toe vir hom woorde gegee en sy nog gedink as hy by sy plek kom hy vinnig uitklim en in gaan maar hy het nie. “Woorde maak seer Shirley ek het nooit dit van jou verwag nie.” Hy het ‘n bietjie teleurstelling op sy gesig. “Op hierdie punt gee ek nie om nie, want dus hoe ek voel ek kan nie opkrop nie jy tog nie gedink ek moet met jou smile en maak asof alles tussen ek en jy alright is nie… Kent sluk ‘n swaar knop dus klim hy stadig uit en kry sy sak. Shirley kyk hom ook aan met seer…’Letting go ain’t easy…Maar bye Lennon” Praat sy met haarself soos sy besig is om hom aan te kyk soos hy die hek binne gaan. En dus trek sy weg met ‘n groot hart seer “Demi was reg op die ou einde van die dag help revenge nie dit maak net iets anders in jou wakker meer seer en ek wil net jammer vir hom sê maar het hy jammer aan my gesê?” Lennon het tot binne sy kamer gestap, sy sakke neer gegooi op die vloer en sy “Notepad” van die studeer tafel gaan haal… Hy het dit oop gemaak en op sy diary geclick. Die datum ingetik Give them that SPACE… If you love her truly and genuinely care for her and all she needs is some space, away from you, for now or forever, you will give that to her. You will try best staying away to get her back, but you will be happy for her and her happiness with or without you in her life, for you love her truly. When I saw her feeling bad and guilty, I decided to stay away from her. I will continue to love her silently but don’t want to be close to her until she feels the same way or she gets married to the person she will love in the future, My love for her wouldn’t change and it is unconditional. Love is always unconditional. There is no past tense in love. Will always care for her and her happiness. What else would I need other than seeing her happy? I want that in my life. But if she is happy with someone else, it will sting me every single time to see her with someone else but I will still wish her to be happy. Above all, true love is selfless and wishing the best for the one you love. If it is meant to happen it will happen someday. Till then love in silence is way better. The heart always wants what it wants.. It hurts. It hurts real bad. It stings. There is a pang in your heart every single time you think about them. You care for them that much and you love them that much. You experienced pinnacle of happiness when you were with them, and now when they leave, you experience nadir of sadness. It really hurts because you still care and you will care, even though they are with you or not. Your heart will still care. But just remember it wasn’t easy for them to let you go as well. Sometimes the leave because they can’t see you sad. She left me that way and I completely get her view on this. She cared for me as a real friend and I love her even more. It stings me and I feel how much it would have hurt her too. She asked me to stay away for I can move on, little did she know that she was the one whom I genuinely love after my parents. I am still staying away for I want her to be happy. To be guilt free. I can’t see her sad any day. We all know how much it stings us because we experience it. But we all should know how much it would hurt them too. I really care about her and her happiness still. That is what love and care is all about. If it was just distance and time that would make someone unloved, then love would be an easy thing. It isn’t. True love will never fade. It still stings but there is sweetness in that pain and tears are more sweeter. May be I love her way too much and pushed her away, but it is only way I know to love her, because she still means the whole world to me. I really have that hope that she is happy and if at all she comes back, she will still be the only Princess in my life. If at all everyday in life wanted to ask: “Would you like to save today’s changes?’ World would be an awesome place. But that’s what life is all about. We all make mistakes an we learn. “Seriously, there are a lot of fish in the sea. Act like a piranha, Eat ’em all.”


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