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Time drags its feet,

feels like forever,

but the longer the wait,

the sweeter the kiss.

All I really know

is we're stronger together.

If that isn't love,

then I don't know what is.

I know you can't say

how you're really feeling.

But what goes unsaid

is what I'm feeling too.

So here we are living

life through a letter.

There's nothing I love more

than home thoughts from abroad.

At 10 o'clock tonight I'll be

looking at the moon,

that's 1:30 for you,

will you be up then too ?

I know that if it's shining on me

then it shines for you.

These simple things help me get through.

Stand in a storm

just me and my sail

and hope that it blows me

closer to you.

Secrets keep safe

(secrets keep safe)

can't stop me from seeking.

I want you to know

I keep no secrets from you

(no secrets from you)

You always knew

how to keep the world laughing.

Till we laugh again,

here's home thoughts from abroad.

At 10 o'clock tonight I'll be

looking at the moon,

that's 1:30 for you,

will you be up then too ?

I know that if it's shining on me

then it shines for you.

These simple things help me get through.

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