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Tanya lived in a lovely three-bedroom home with a swimming pool. Her home was strict with her pastor father and her perfect ‘stay at home’ mother. She loved her parents but felt that she was missing out on life because of the stories she heard in the school lunchroom. Her 'friends' it seems were all allowed to go to parties and to movies. No drugs, of course, but there had been some drinking. Her older sister Mandy was away at college. Her young brother Randy was a sweet introvert; an A student who was always ‘in his books’. She could not help the thoughts that came into her head. She so wanted to be happy all the time. 'Giggle girl' she was sometimes called because when she was with her friends, she loved life and laughed. She had a rude awakening though one day when one of her class friends Tony asked her out. She decided that she would sneak out one night when Mummy was at church. She would make a silly excuse about schoolwork or about not feeling well so she could be home alone. They were to meet at the mall which was not far from home and go to see a movie. "Why not," she thought. “I am fifteen, almost grown up!" It was the call of the wild... She told no one, not even her best friend Jill what her plans were. Tuesday night was Bible study night, and she was left at home. Within minutes she left the house and was on her way. She met Tony at the entry, and they quickly found their way to seats to see the movie of his choice. It was The Call of the Wild. Oddly, she enjoyed the movie but did not like the fact that Tony kept trying to hug her and touch her. She had to constantly push him away. "Stop Tony," she said about ten times during the movies, and that kind of spoiled it for her. She was on a deadline because she had to be home before her parents returned, which she was, but she was a bit disappointed because all she wanted was to have fun. The next day she told Jill what had happened. She nodded knowingly. "I could have told you about Tony if you had asked me first. He is always trying it on, but he is harmless. You've had a taste of him and now you don’t want anymore." What made this even more interesting was when on the next day, Mum sat down on the sofa next to her and said, "So you've had a taste of freedom. Was it worth the lie?" In shock, Tanya's heart jumped. "Who told you, Mom?" "Aunty Gertrude saw you go into the theatre, honey." "Everyone in town is my 'aunt'. This is such a closed culture!" she said to herself. "We did nothing wrong Mum!" she added defiantly as she explained the 'date'. "You've had a small taste of life and now you know how easy it is for things to go wrong. Please, my love, use wisdom in the future and make the decision to do what is right not always what is fun! My advice to you is to do group dating for now, and please tell us what your plans are. Tony could have become more aggressive and then what would you have done?" "I am going to learn self-defence!" said Tanya. Mom replied "Or you can ask The Helper to guide you? Take God with you. Pray before you go and ask Him for wisdom in each step. In less than five years you may leave home for college, so as I have told you often - pray before you go and listen to what God will say to you. Ask Him to assign His angels to you as he promised in Psalm 91”. 'For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands, they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone. {Psalm 11:11-12}

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