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Writer: Sonia KennedySonia Kennedy

Luke and Dorothy watched out the window as the men drove away. She felt sad, knowing she would never see her grandfather, the one she just met ever again.

Feeling Luke’s arm around her waist from behind she leaned her head back against his chest.

‘Is it really all over?’ she asked, glancing up at him.

Moving her hair over to the side he kissed the side of her neck. ‘I believe so.’

Turning around she put her arms around his neck. ‘I Love you so much. If we hadn’t been thrown together I might very well be dead by now. You saved me, you’re my hero.’ Drawing his head down gave him a kiss.

‘I need to go shower and change out of these bloody clothes.’

‘I’ll go feed the horses while you’re doing that and then we’ll open a bottle of wine and heat up some leftovers.’ He pulled her back into his arms when she went to walk away and touched her check with the palm of his hand. ‘We’re going to ok.’

‘I know,’ she said, nodding her head she walked away and headed upstairs. Turning on the water she stripped down, throwing her clothes into the wastebasket. As she stood there her tears mixed with the water that flowed down over her. The day’s event finally hit her hard and she sank to the floor and hugged her knees to her chest.

After she had a good cry got up and washed. Getting dressed in a fresh pair of jeans and a top went back downstairs and outside to where Luke was working.

‘Hey, what are you doing out here?’

‘I want to help you,’ she replied.

‘I don’t expect you to do chores. Go back inside sweetheart, I won’t be much longer.’

Crossing her arms she stood to stare back at him. ‘This is my home too and I want to start helping out around here. You work hard all day and shouldn’t have to do it all yourself.

Besides I get lonely and bored so give me something to do.’

Luke thought about it for a minute. ‘Well, it would be a big help if you were to feed the horses and clean out the barn every day.’ Those were the easiest jobs he could think of for her to do.

Smiling she grabbed a shovel and started shovelling out the horse poop. ‘Don’t just stand there, help me since you’re here. She felt good having some chores to take care of every day and they were easy to do. It gave her a sense of pride.

The work was done, and starving they went inside and opened a bottle of wine and heated up something to eat.

‘You know we can’t tell anyone what happened here today. Not Keanan or Kimberly, not ever. We have to try and forget it.’

‘I’ll never forget Luke.’

He took her hand in his when he saw tears welling up in her eyes and his heart went out to her.

She had seen and been through a lot in the last few months. But today with almost being killed and seeing two men shot dead right in front of her eyes was too much for her, though she did try to put on a brave face. ‘I know sweetheart, I won’t forget either and if you ever need to talk about it I’m here for you.’

Seeing how tired she was he picked up their empty plates and placed them in the sink.

‘Let’s take the rest of the wine upstairs and finish it in bed.’

Coming from the bathroom in her nightgown, hairbrush in hand brushed her hair before getting into bed. She took the glass of wine from Luke when he handed it to her. She noticed how quiet he had become since coming upstairs. ‘Is something wrong? You’re being so quiet.’

‘It’s nothing.’

‘Luke. Look at me. ‘I’m your wife and I love you. I’ve come to know how you look when something is bothering you.’

‘Three Large Bars,’ he answered.

‘What about it?’

‘Forget it, it’s nothing.’

‘It’s obviously something. Is this money going to come between us?’

‘Dorothy, babes. I’m the man and it’s my job to support and care for you. Money changes people and I’m worried what people will think. Everyone around here knows the truth about why we married thanks to Cassandra, now they’re going to think I’m staying with you because of your money.’

‘First of all, it’s our money. Second of all, the people who know us will not think that. I know you’re a proud man but don’t let this money change what we have together.’

‘I won’t touch a cent of that money and I’ll be the one taking care of us.’

‘You are so damn stubborn. This money will help us, we can get a new truck and do some repairs on the house.’

‘I can buy my own damn truck.’ he snapped.

Climbing out of bed she looked at him and started crying. ‘This money is already causing us to fight.’ Turning she ran out.

Luke felt like a bastard for making her cry, and today of all days. Getting up he chased after her and cornered her in the living room. ‘Sweetheart I’m so sorry, please don’t cry. I hate it when you do,’ he said and tried to hold her but she shoved him away.

‘After everything we’ve been through you’re going to let something like this come between us. I thought you loved me.’

‘I do love you.’

‘Then prove it to me by not letting the money come between us. I love you Luke and I don’t want to lose you. I’ll give it all away, I don’t want it if it means losing you.’

‘You’d do that for me?’

‘Yes,’ she sobbed.

Grabbing her arms pulled her against him. ‘Nothing will ever come between us, I won’t let it. We could use a new truck and this place does need some fixing up.’

‘You mean we can keep the money?’

‘Yeah, I guess so. But just so we’re clear, I will support you. We can fix this place up to the way you want it and put the money away in an account.’

‘Ok, Just think, when we have children and they want to go away to college we’ll have the money for them.’

‘Luke smiled. ‘You still want children?’

‘At least two, someday. There is one thing I insist we do right away.’

‘What’s that?’

‘To tear up the prenup papers we signed when we got married.’

He released her and backed away. ‘No way, that money is yours.’

She picked up a cushion and threw it at him. ‘Damn you, Luke Rogers, how many times do I have to tell you it’s our money. ‘Or are you telling me that you don’t believe our marriage will last?’

‘What? No, that’s not it.’ Oh God, what had he done? The hurt look on her face and seeing her tears falling tugged at his heart. ‘I know we’ll last. Damn, Dorothy I didn’t mean to make you feel that way.’ He grabbed her, putting her up against the wall. ‘I Love you so much and I’m never going to let you go. I promised you that I would always love you and I still plan on making sure you are happy and loved till the day we die.’

His mouth came down hard on hers, his kiss rough and demanding.

She let out a whimper and forgetting about the day’s events and the fight they were having she melted into him. When his hand travelled up her leg, reaching her panties and pushed them over she moaned into his mouth when his fingers caressed her honey pot. She could feel the dampness pooling between her legs and her clit started throbbing. His hard cock pressed into her through his briefs.

‘Damn I love you,’ he said once he pulled his mouth from hers. Putting one arm around her back, the other one behind her legs lifted her up. Looking at her lips that were moist from his kiss he licked his lips. He carried her upstairs and laid her down on the bed. Knowing how he could have lost her today he hated himself for causing her stress over a stupid thing like money. He would never let it happen again. Money or no money, all he wanted was her.

He made sure to take his time with her, he wanted to give her so much pleasure that she would forget all the horrors of the day. The flimsy nightgown she was wearing tore easily in his hands as his lips moved down her neck to her breasts that were swollen, nipples erect as he sucked on them.

Her moans in his ears sounded like music to him as she ran her hands through his hair. His hand moved down to slide her panties off, if not for the fact he didn’t want to leave her breasts he would have torn them off too.

As she ran her fingers along his back, loving the feel of his taut body she begged him to take her now, but the more she begged the longer he took. Her core was throbbing and she felt her wetness dampening the sheets. Did he not know what he was doing to her? That she was so close to coming. ‘I’m close Luke but I want to climax with you, together, so get inside me or I swear you won’t get sex for another week.’

He chuckled. ‘My you are a hungry little vixen.’ But he was happy to oblige.

Later she laid all nestled in his arms, stroking his chest. ‘Luke.’

‘Yes, sweetheart?’

‘So can we tear up the prenup papers? It’s what I really want.’

‘Ok, let’s do it.’

‘And you agree it’s our money right?’

‘Yes, but just remember I will take care of you financially.’

They sat up when they heard a car pulling into a driveway. Luke went to the window and looking out saw a dark car stopping and someone got out and walked towards the door.

Putting on his jeans ordered her to stay put as he raced down the stairs. What now? He thought, haven’t they been through enough? Getting there he whipped the door open just as the man jumped into the car and drove off. He looked down to find a small package on the ground. Picking it up and turning to go inside saw Dorothy standing there wearing his shirt. He shook his head, she never listened he swore to himself.

‘What is that?’ she asked, pointing to the package.

‘I don’t know, but it has your name on it.’ He hands it to her.

Taking it she walked into the living room and sat down, he sat next to her. She opened it slowly, afraid of what might be inside, and perhaps it was something evil Silvio sent. But her eyes lit up and she turned to Luke. ‘It’s my mother’s engagement ring. Do you think Dominique got a hold of it?’

‘I would think so,’ Luke said, watching her eyes sparkle.

‘If you’d rather wear this one instead of the one my mother gave us I’ll understand.’

‘No,’ she said without hesitating. ‘I love this ring, this is the one I want to wear. It’s just nice having my mother’s ring. Now when we have two babies there will be one for each of them.’

Luke was beaming. ‘Two children. Sounds good to me.’

He pulls her onto his lap.

‘Marry me Dorothy.’ Seeing her eyebrows rising he continued.

‘I know we are legally married but I never got to ask you.

You never got a real wedding, one with flowers, a cake, and a beautiful white wedding dress.’

He moved her off his lap and got down on one knee. ‘Dorothy, I love you so much and I want us to grow old together, to watch our children grow and our grandchildren. Will you marry me? Again.’

Dorothy got down on her knees, level with Luke, and her arms going around his neck. ‘Yes, yes I’ll marry you.’

Next Chapter

Dorothy woke up, beside her on Luke’s pillow was a single flower. Picking it up smelled it and smiled. He was always doing sweet thing like this.

After showering she dressed and went down to the kitchen and found the coffee pot ready to brew, all she had to do was push the button. She was ready to start the day with a light heart, a New beginning for them now that she was free of Silvio.

After cleaning the barn she fed the horsed, giving Bingo a carrot. ‘We’ll go riding later with Luke when he comes home,’ she tells him. She saw Kimberley’s car pulling into the driveway and went over to greet her just as she stepped out of the vehicle.

‘Hi,’ Kimberly said, holding up a bag. ‘I brought us some bagels, I thought we could have them with coffee and visit for a while.’

‘I’m glad you’re here, I have some exciting news for you,’ Dorothy said and took the bag from her. ‘Let’s go put the coffee on and then I’ll tell you.’

Kimberly sat, waiting impatiently for Dorothy to spill.

‘Oh my God, will you tell me your news already? I’m dying of curiosity already.’

Setting the two cups on the table and putting the bagels on the plate she sat down. ‘Luke asked me to marry him last night.’

Kimberly frowned. ‘But I thought you were already married.’

Dorothy laughed. ‘We are married. It’s like he pointed out last night that he wasn’t the one to propose and it was a marriage made under distress. So he, and I want to start fresh. It’ll really be just renewing our vows. We’re going to do it in church, have the reception here.’

Squealing she jumped up and went over to hug Dorothy. ‘I’m so happy for you and Luke. So when are you doing it?’

‘In two months. So I was hoping you could help me arrange everything.’

‘I’d love to, and then after you’re married you can help me with my wedding.’ Giving Dorothy another hug she sat back down and they ate the bagels she had brought.

‘Well, you sure look happy today, what’s up?’ Keanan asked Luke as they herded the cattle in the direction they wanted them to go.

‘I am, I asked Dorothy to marry me, again. This time we’re doing it right, I proposed and she said yes. It’s going to be a church wedding, the works. When we got married it was forced and she was cheated out of her special day.’

That’s great Luke, I totally understand where you’re coming from. I bet our women are already planning everything. So when is the big day going to be?’

‘Two months from now. We wanted to do it as soon as possible so as not to interfere with your day.’

Not wanting to be away from Dorothy he went home to check on her and when he got home Kimberly was just getting into her car. ‘Hi Luke, see you later tonight,’ she shouted as she drove off.

Jumping off his horse he goes over, taking a hold of Dorothy, planting a long and passionate kiss on her. ‘I had to come to see you, I missed you so much.’

Giggling she lightly pushed him away. ‘You’re such a girl,’ she said but was happy to see him too. ‘I invited Kimberly and Keanan over tonight, she’s going to help me plan our wedding. Shouldn’t you be getting back to work?’

‘Yeah, but first I need something.’

‘What? She asked and squealed when he picked her up and flung her over his shoulder and headed inside.

That night the guys sat outside drinking beer and the girls were inside going through the wedding books Kimberly had brought with her. They picked out the flowers, figured out the menu and Dorothy also picked out the dress she was going to wear.

Over the next two months, the final details of the wedding were finished. A new roof was put on the house, new carpet throughout and Luke had them build a walk-in closet for Dorothy. He had to do it as she had so many clothes jammed into the closet, and many of this clothes were in boxes. A new Isuzu van was bought, he wanted a simple one but she pointed out the fact that when they started having children they would need one with a back seat, so he gave in, knowing she was right.

The morning of the wedding she went to Kimberly’s place to get ready, and it was next to the church. Luke was at home with Keanan, after getting into his suit he sat down and pulled out the ring box that held both of their wedding bands. He insisted that she throw out the one Silvio gave them and get matching bands. He earned a night of hot sex from her for saying he wanted to wear a band, he had refused to wear one when they married the first time.

Luke’s parents thought it was strange that they were getting married again but were happy and excited about attending. But the night before they were leaving his mother fell and broke her ankle. So they were unable to make the trip.

Kimberly helped Dorothy put her dress on, standing back to take a good look her eyes teared up.

‘My God, you look so beautiful. You’re going to blow Luke’s mind away. So, are you ready to do this? Again.’

‘I am,’ she answered. ‘I’m a little scared though. I hope he’ll like this dress and doesn’t get mad when he finds out how much it cost.’

‘Are you kidding me? Luke wanted you to have the best of everything. Once he gets a look at you there’s no way he’ll be mad. Come now, it’s time.’

Luke was standing at the front of the church, there were around eighty to ninety people in the church to witness the marriage. Some friends, others mere acquaintances. He saw Kimberly entering and walking up the aisle he sat down next to Keanan, blowing him a kiss. He was a nervous wreck, his palms were sweaty, and his heart felt like it was trying to jump out of his chest. And when the music began playing and he saw her walking down the aisle he didn’t care that the guys would tease him about being a puppy later when he wiped the tears that fell from his face. She wore her hair down, that was one of the things he loved about her, her long dark hair. Around her neck, she had on the necklace he had bought her and the dangling earrings she wore sparkled against her dark complexion.

Their eyes locked as she made her way towards him. When she reached him he cupped her face in his hands. ‘I Love You.’

‘I Love You Too,’ she said, tears filing her eyes. He looked so handsome in his new dark suit, he even wore dress shoes instead of his cowboy boots. And the way he was looking at her, so much love in his eyes her heart did a flip.

The vows said and once they were pronounced man and wife he crushed her to him, his arms around her waist kissed her, he saw stars and music filled his heart. Instead of them walking down the aisle together he scooped her up in his arms and carried her past the crowd and outside. People clapped as they walked past them.

‘Luke, what are you doing?’ she asked, laughing.

‘Carrying my wife outside, I have a surprise for you.’

‘What surprise?’

She turned her head and gasped when she saw the horse and buggy. ‘You did all this for me,’ she said, her lips trembling. She had told him months ago how she thought going for a horse and buggy ride would be romantic and he actually remembered.

Putting her down he placed his arms around her waist. ‘I’ll do anything for you. Have I told you how beautiful you look? This dress is, wow so beautiful.’

As the guests were piling out of the church two men in suits approached Luke and Dorothy.

‘Mrs Rogers, may we have a quick word with you?’

‘Just who the hell are you?’ Luke barked.

‘I’m Detective John Northey and my partner Richard Long, we’re from Cape Town, It’s about Silvio Martino.’




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